Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Those backstage tours of the MK and Epcot utilidors are fascinating. Great peek into how the operations are really run. I wish they'd offer tours of the Studios utilidors, because those are truly unique. Due to the high water table in the Studios area, the utilidors could not be built under the park as they are at the MK and Epcot. Instead, they're built above the park with a huge simulated sky on their underside to camouflage them from guests. If you look up at certain vantage points from within the Studios, you can see that the "sky" is really just a bunch of inter-connected high-def screens. And the Imagineers really outdid themselves with the simulated storms.
Do they run over the walkways only, or also over the buildings themselves? It seems that the seams of reality and high-def would be obvious, but maybe I just wasn't paying that close of attention.
Interesting none-the-less!