I already proved it, but your too confrontational to listen. Uber drivers are not employees of Uber. Second, Uber is not a transportation company, they are a technology company. Third, I am describing driver negligence, that results in injury, not a fender bender accident. In these cases, Uber is absolved of any liability, if the driver is found guilty of negligence. As
@flynnibus pointed out, you can pursue the driver in a civil court, but you cannot get blood from a stone. Of course Uber is going to claim they background check drivers, and provide insurance, they might even have a bridge to sell you too. So my point stands, taking Uber presents a risk that other methods of transportation do not have. Period.
I guess I am just not hip, maybe Uber is a super hip, cool, company, and all the cars smell like puppy breath, are in perfect condition, and ride on rainbows. Maybe all the drivers are so nice, good looking, hold clearances, and only charge pennies. And, maybe if your injured, Uber will show up personally to present you with a 1M check for your troubles. Maybe, that is how you think it is.