Two years ago today


Original Poster
On this day in the year 2003, The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter closed for good.


June 20th, 1995 - October 11th, 2003


Well-Known Member
Why must your torment me? :mad:


That was truely a great innovative attraction, it's a shame they got rid of it and replaced it with the Charlie Foxtrot that is SGE.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
Yep.... I remember now.... My last time was a few days before the closing. I made my mother come over with me from Sarasota so I could get in a few last shows. I loved it, and even though I was looking forward to Stitch because I saw potential, I want my original Skippy, SIR, and the old alien back :-(


New Member
Nah....Good Riddance!

marlaymike said:
I preffered The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter better than Stitch . . .

Thank God it's about no return factor involved.

I went on it the first time...thought it was kinda nice. Went on it again...."ho hum"...

The story stunk.

Stitch is at least funny...and I can take my kids.


Active Member
marlaymike said:
I preffered The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter better than Stitch . . .

Agreed, However, I was never a big fan of the entire concept behind AE. There was just something about it that lacked magic and repeatability. Stich just became a tame version of AE. I wish they would have re-imagineered the whole attraction into something different.
I highly disagree with the whole "no repeatability" with AE. For me, that was a must-do every time I went to WDW. The fact that I got a chill everytime the alien breathed on my neck was enough. No matter what age I was when I went on it, it still managed to scare the crap out of me. Not many rides can do that. And the fact that it was so interactive, that everyone got breathed on, and everyone got spit on made it unique. I will never forget the first time I went on it with my father and sister (my mom wussed out, as many did). We had just sat down, and my sister turned to my father and me and asked "why are the seats wet?" I knew it was going to be good. Tomorrowland is truly empty without that attraction. RIP my good friend AE...

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Ha ha! Awesome photo!!

Notice how the CM behind you is checking you out too!

AE ROCKED!! I miss it too....

Stitch is 'ok".....but AE was unique.


Well-Known Member
I've always loved that pic from 1disneydood. Love the shirt and the look on the face is priceless. I wanted to take a pic of myself done the same way, but I didn't get near SGE on this trip. I couldn't even look over there to be honest. I went over to the MK on July 4th just to see Timekeeper and that was the closest I got to it. Still didn't look the other way :lol:

I'm glad you liked the video imagineer boy. I did that vid a while back, but I'm glad people are still finding it. Couldn't have done it without DigitalDisney and others. Actually I guess I should edit this and point on that on imagineer boy's link, my video is listed as a Martin tribute. Martin's tribute is really a very different video from mine and you guy should definately check his out too. But on the Nease website, my video is the 144 MB one.

October 11, 2003 will always go down as one of the worst days of my life.


New Member
Just curious.. anyone else here (besides me) hate both incarnations of this ride? I didn't like it pre-Stitch or post-stitch. I've been on it once w/ Stitch, and had to endure screams of little kids the entire time..

the only kinda funny part of the old one was that line about his mother in law.. other then that, I may be in the minority here, but i'd wish they'd gut that building and put up an entire new attraction.

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