Walt Disney World uses special twinkle lights that seem to blink independently of eachother in various parts of the park. The trees that used to be in the hub at MK and the trees in the American Adv. at Epcot are two locations that have had the special twinkle lighting.
Where can these lights be bought. Any special web addresses, or phone numbers, or places within the park?
Someone mentioned they were sold (as I remember) at Disneyland in Adventureland, but there was not given a way to get in touch with the 'distributer.' I did searches on here but could not come up with a phone number or anything, though members have said (as I remember) that you can purchase them.
Anybody know a phone number I can use or a website I can access? Please.
Thanks for your help, I'd really like to get some of these lights.
Have a happy day. Survivor tonight on this beautiful Mother's Day!!