Turnstile trauma.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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Now normally I’m a real positive, glass half full, don’t complain about much kind of guy, but I need to get this off my chest.
What is up with these morons that can’t figure out how get through the turnstiles at the parks? First of all how hard is it to put your ticket through the little slot, wait for it to pop out the other side walk through the turnstile? The Disney imaginers even went to the trouble of designing the ticket reader to read the ticket no matter which way you stick it in. But alas this is still too much for some people to comprehend. On Saturday morning I went to MGM. The family in front of me tried to get in using their room key even though the just purchased paper tickets five minuets earlier at the ticket window. Their excuse was “Well that’s what the people in front of us did”. :hammer: Then they tried to shove a stroller through a turnstile and managed to wedge it under it. (With the baby still in it I might add). Later on that night we went to MK and got behind another family of rocket scientists. Apparently some of them left their tickets back at their hotel. They of course didn’t notice this until they got to the turnstile. So did they do the intelligent thing and go back to their hotel and retrieve their tickets…of course not. They proceed to have a shouting match at each other over whose fault it was all the wile not moving out of the way of the thousand or so of us that remembered to bring our tickets and were trying to enter the park.
I don’t know how you guys and gals that work the entrance put up with these mental midgets day after day and still remain cheerful. You must be a special kind of person to do that job.

OK rant over……..

Would anyone else like to share their turnstile stories so I don’t feel so alone?


Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard?! Those security guards that check your bags also steal peoples' brains! Having worked in the parks, I'd definitely be one to believe this was true! The people using their room key to get into the parks probably saw the people in front of them using tickets purchased at their resort. :lol: Simple mistake. But arguing in front of the turnstyle, that's just in bad taste. A friend of mine that worked at the Contemporary (;)) told me that a lot of guests check in thinking their park admission is included with the price of the hotel, so I'm sure a lot of people get to the parks and use their room keys trying to get in.

I dont have many really good turnstyle stories, but I have enough stupid guest stories to last a week! There was the one that asked me if Test Track was Canada. But that's a whole other thread in itself! :rolleyes: :lol: :brick:


Well-Known Member
Must've been a full moon.

Lately, I realize that I have a set # of hours and nothing is gonna get me down. That helps for the first 2 days...


Well-Known Member
I don't have any particular turnstyle story, what you just described has happened to us too many times to count.

I can assure you though that my DH and I have made it our personal mission to never be one of those guests! As we approach the turnstyles we all get out our passes and line up with pass in hand and quickly and effeciently enter the park.
Then we walk at least fifty feet away from the entry gate so that we can regroup without being in anyones way. So many people stop just after they enter and block everyone else coming in!!:fork:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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MicBat said:
The people using their room key to get into the parks probably saw the people in front of them using tickets purchased at their resort. :lol: Simple mistake.
I knew about the room key thing. Before I was an AP holder I would get length of stay passes with my room. These tater-tot farmers had bought paper tickets at MGM not 5 minuets earlier. (They were leaving the ticket window as I was walking up.)The wife/mom of the party put them safely away in her purse while in line and then pulled out their room keys. :brick:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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Lauriebar said:
I don't have any particular turnstyle story, what you just described has happened to us too many times to count.

I can assure you though that my DH and I have made it our personal mission to never be one of those guests! As we approach the turnstyles we all get out our passes and line up with pass in hand and quickly and effeciently enter the park.
Then we walk at least fifty feet away from the entry gate so that we can regroup without being in anyones way. So many people stop just after they enter and block everyone else coming in!!:fork:
a thousand blessings for you and your family.


New Member
I hate it when a huge family gets in a turnstile line, and the mom lets evveryone in the family go before her. They all pass through the turnstile just fine, and then the mom is up. She inserts her ticket. It doesn't work. She notices the family wandering off, so she moves her attention from the CM trying to explain how to use the ticket reader and screams to her family to wait. She goes back to the ticket reader, only half paying attention because her family, although in sight, have wandered off. She yells again. Getting frustrated, she yells at the CM who is trying to help her go to her family and enter the park. Finally her ticket goes through, and a ticked off crazygirley follows, shaking her head in disgust.

Some people...


Well-Known Member
People are stupid when it comes to the turnstiles, I mean come on after you stick the ticket in you walk through its not that hard...or is it??? :lol:


New Member
I held up the queue a few times on the last trip when the finger reader did not appear to agree with my annual pass. They reset it every time it happened, but it kept giving gyp. Not a lot I could do about that.

I think though the mindless ticket people are the same ones you find in the supermarket, who when it comes time to pay seem a little surprised and then slowly go into the routine to get their money/card which involves slowly opening every pocket on their bag until they find their wallet/purse/pocketbook (making sure that each pocket is diligently re-closed before moving on to the next).

Having found the wallet/purse/pocketbook the same ceremony is repeated when they carefully go through each of its eighty-three compartments. This I guess gives them thinking time to decide whether they want to pay with cash or card.

The true professional will first consolidate all the paper money that they spread through the various compartments. They will then sort them in numerical value and count them twice. At this point they decide that they will pay with a card.

The search ceremony continues through each of the eighty-three compartments where they round up all the bits of plastic they can find. Now they have to remove all the club cards / store cards and other pointless bits of plastic to get the pile down to legitimate Visa and MasterCard Products.

Now, which card to use, which one is maxed out, which one has the furthest payment date, which one has expired……

So they change their mind and decide to write a cheque… the search starts again to find the cheque book…………AAAAGGGHHHH



Well-Known Member
my only turnstile complaint is that lines mass up around one turnstile... ie: There is a line that is 20 deep and you figure its because they branch off to the next machine right as you are about to stick your ticket in..But no, instead of moving over one foot, they wait and got through the same one the person in front of them did..So we(my family) go directly to the other machine, next to the line of morons and get right in......To my knowledge, at all parks there are two turnstiles, a turnstile next to a stroller/wheel chair gate, and so on...so three chances to get in, but as I said it doesnt happen..They must be getting something special for going thru one line....


I think it's funny that they have lots of turnstiles open, and everyone goes to the same one, like a big herd of cows. Everyone lines up at one, while the others sit there empty with no one going through them. While we were having our bags checked before going into Epcot, the security guard told the others in line about other checkpoints open with no one in line, and not one person got out of line. :brick:


Well-Known Member
What about a "Fast Pass" lane at the turnstyles for those that have trouble grasping the basics of life - these people can stand in one line and struggle to put their tickets into the card readers (if they even remeber to bring the tickets) while everyone else can stroll through without encountering the idiots and have a stress free start to the day :king:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
at first glance at the title of the thread.................... i was reminded of that tramatic day when i was walking through a turnstile and my hands were full (some men have this fear of getting "bonked") so i didnt get to use my hand to push the turnstile , and what do you know.................... a regrouping session had to take place about 20 feet away once things "kicked" in....... :eek: yep! that was my face.

thanks for the memories.... lol

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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winterparkbaby said:
I remember a long time ago as a passholder we had a seperate line to go in to the park.
Sounds familiar to me too. Disney probably tried it for a while but had too many problems with the same idiots who can’t figure out how to use the turnstiles trying to use it.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
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jmaxwell007 said:
at first glance at the title of the thread.................... i was reminded of that tramatic day when i was walking through a turnstile and my hands were full (some men have this fear of getting "bonked") so i didnt get to use my hand to push the turnstile , and what do you know.................... a regrouping session had to take place about 20 feet away once things "kicked" in....... :eek: yep! that was my face.

thanks for the memories.... lol
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