TTA Rehab


Well-Known Member
Is the TTA getting a new Sponsor? Honda maybe? They are a huge DL sponsor now.

Anyway, someone mentioned this TTA quote earlier in the thread and here it is:

"Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow. Your party from Saturn has just arrived. Please give them a ring!"


Well-Known Member
jmuboy said:
Is the TTA getting a new Sponsor? Honda maybe? They are a huge DL sponsor now.

Anyway, someone mentioned this TTA quote earlier in the thread and here it is:

"Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow. Your party from Saturn has just arrived. Please give them a ring!"

I believe it is Alamo (or whatever rental car company)


Park History nut
Premium Member
How wheelchair freindly are the speedramps upto the loading level? Would they fail the ADA? If they are not too steep, surely having several cars with wider doors would comply fully with a little ramp provided for load.
I can definately say that the speed ramp up to TTA looks no different then the long up and down ramp on the exit of SM.. And when ever I ask a CM at TTA why it isnt accessible, all im ever told is its policy! I cant ever seem to find out why its policy? Really Urks me.


Well-Known Member
ogryn said:
Maybe it is to do more with the safe evacuation of the ride, as opposed to physically accessing it?

Great point....the track is so long and spread out, if someone that had to be wheelchair bound (no ability to walk whatsoever) and the car had to be evacuated while on the course, how do they get out? They could be carried, but that could cause an unsafe situation for the person holding them, or for people walking below.


Active Member
the speedramp is steeper than SM. It mostly has to do with the fact that we cant slow or stop TTA...the more we stop the TTA the more likely it is we have to evacuate.


New Member
jmuboy said:
Is the TTA getting a new Sponsor? Honda maybe? They are a huge DL sponsor now.

At Disneyland, yes. But GM is a big sponsor at Disneyworld.

Unless GM decides not to reup their sponsorship deal, but that won't be until 2009. Honda's Test Track probably wouldn't be any different, but I bet their post show display would be more interesting.


New Member
Budke said:
At Disneyland, yes. But GM is a big sponsor at Disneyworld.

Unless GM decides not to reup their sponsorship deal, but that won't be until 2009. Honda's Test Track probably wouldn't be any different, but I bet their post show display would be more interesting.

Gotta dissagree, I think GM cars are much more appealing to younger people actually everyone considering they have HUMMER, Cadillac, Pontiac, and some cool Concept cars. Honda sounds kind of boring.


Well-Known Member
DarkMeasures said:
AS reported on this site. The TTA may be getting a rehab soon due to recent technical issues. Is the the TTA's first rehab or not? I don't know what happened in the transition between tommorowlands but it is still something to note.

Now personally, I hope the imagineers plus this ride instead of just repair some of the systems. I would really like to see the addition of a speed tunnel. That would be awsome. I would also maybe like some added track but that is very far-fetched.

Also, when thinking about it. The TTA's technology is 30 years old. I wonder if with the technology of today, could this peoplemover be made even more efficient and useful?

is a speed tunnel the same thing in the buzz ride... with video projections making you feel like you are 'speeding?'... IF SO.. that would be AWESOME!

ADD SOME ANIMATRONICS TO THAT RIDE TOO! those alien statues need to be moving!


Just returned from WDW 6/5-6/13... we were in the Castle Hub one evening and all of a sudden, we heard a loud booming voice say something like "This attraction is stopping momentarily. Please remain seated. Remain seated please." I had no idea which attraction was talking to me, and I was certain it wasn't the castle. Later in the park (several hours), I noticed that the TTA cars were not moving. Sure enough, at that time, in Tomorrowland, I heard the same booming voice (I tell you, so loud and omnipresent that it sounded like God talking or something) announce that "This attraction will resume movement immediately." Etc. About 30 seconds later, sure enough, the TTA began creeping up to speed. A few days later, the Stitch CM at the entrace had to stop his spiel because the TTA breakdown announcement went again.

We got to ride TTA twice while we were there, thankfully, and without problem, but it seemed to be having lots of technical problems when we weren't on it. A technical fix seems necessary, and I can't really see Disney spending too much money on this attraction, other than to keep it operational.

I wonder how similar the load mechanics are between TTA and Spaceship Earth, for example... both have automatic sliding doors and load around a circular moving platform. Spaceship Earth can slow down loading to accomodate wheelchairs, but I assume that this is because of the continuous train of vehicles, instead of the separate vehicles of TTA. I assume that they would have to make some tricky adjustments to TTA to make it more accessible, beyond the speedramp problem. Tricky!

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