Tta is open


Original Poster
Just went through it once and I'm currently on my second trip while writting this. Nothing new to report. Same great TTA. Inside Space Mountain is pretty well walled off.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Just went through it once and I'm currently on my second trip while writting this. Nothing new to report. Same great TTA. Inside Space Mountain is pretty well walled off.


No new Nar? Well, that's good, I guess, kinda.:lookaroun:lol:

REALLY curious about SM. What kind of Walls are up?


Well-Known Member
Woohoo!:sohappy:29 days for me! (well, 30 until I'm in MK)
Now I need to activate my special laser x-ray vision to
see through the SM boards! I'd better get working on that . . . .


Well-Known Member
Man i was hoping it was open last weekend but at least you got to ride it. I really just wanted to see the new light scheme.


Well-Known Member
This is VARY good news. I will be ther in 13 days YAY! Good to know one of my favorite rides it going to be open. Guessing then those are blank walls then.


Well-Known Member
Attention please...attention please...these cars about to be activated...motion is about to begin...thank you. "...and now, let's take a ride on the PeopleMover"


Well-Known Member
Eh, at least we got the new light scheme. Still a little disappointing that's all that was accomplished during the downtime.


Paging Mr Morrow, Mr Tom Morrow ... I'm so glad it has opened before next week when we'll be resting our weary feet on it several times.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that it's been closed since June (wasn't it June?) and all they got accomplished was some new lighting!




Well-Known Member
Remember that it probably HAD to be closed for a reason relating
to the refurbishment to Space Mountain. So adding new lighting
is just a bonus, it probably didn't need much in the way of a refurb.

I'm just glad it's open!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
I can't believe that it's been closed since June (wasn't it June?) and all they got accomplished was some new lighting!


Which turned out to be is land encompassing and altering visual kinetic.

What did you want, a loop?:rolleyes:

Ok, I know I am a Doom and Gloomer, but the line is drawn here, for me.:lol: There is ALWAYS the potential for them to do more, but there is also the potential for LESS....which is what we originally thought they would do.



Premium Member
We were saying this right at the start, so we really shouldnt be disappointed. Both the TTA and SM projects are not major makeovers - they are both about doing some touch up and working on ride system issues.

PS. the lighting job was actually quite a big one. You are talking hundreds, if not thousands of lighting fixtures in there.


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect some massive overhaul of TTA. I figured it was down for safety reasons while Space Mountain was being worked on more than planned upgrades or changes.

I'm just happy it's back up. We were missing our PeopleMover something fierce! :lol:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
We were saying this right at the start, so we really shouldnt be disappointed. Both the TTA and SM projects are not major makeovers - they are both about doing some touch up and working on ride system issues.

PS. the lighting job was actually quite a big one. You are talking hundreds, if not thousands of lighting fixtures in there.


And they DO SOMETHING!:lol: All of Tomorrowland changes colors now. That's huge, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Just went through it once and I'm currently on my second trip while writting this. Nothing new to report. Same great TTA.
Inside Space Mountain is pretty well walled off.

Hooray! Great to hear all is well there!

And is the wall themed? With triangles? :lookaroun:lol:


Well-Known Member
Did they re-paint inside the tunnels as well and wash all the glass windows? Those things were filthy with people spitting on them and what-not, cobwebs, etc. Also, what about the spiel? Did they change it to add Monsters Inc or anything?

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