I just ordered my
"I Survived Hurricane Hilary" tea towel set today.
What a very odd day yesterday, wasn't it? Here in coastal San Diego it just lightly rained all day, which is weird enough on its own for August. But there was no wind, just a light steady rain. Then suddenly at 4pm ish the winds picked up, and things got really windy for a few hours, and with heavy rain. Lights flickered, but didn't go out. A very, very unusual weather day for any time of year in San Diego.
Lots of flooding in the usual spots in San Diego. Mission Valley was a disaster.
This morning, the neighborhood was just really messy. The palms all shed themselves, but we've also got a few old Eucalyptus trees. And when it gets windy, they shed their paper-like bark and it flies all over the place. A few of those Eucalyptus blew over in another part of the village, and landed on a house. Ouch. Tuesday is my yard day thank goodness, so I'm going to go to the cash machine for some Twenties to give to the guys as extra tips tomorrow. They'll earn it, unfortunately.
In Happy Hilary News: The pot roast turned out fabulous, I helped the elderly neighbor bring over two (2) bottles of the most delicious Willamette Valley Pinot Noir plus a fabulous chocolate cake she made, and Scrabble was unexpectedly zesty.