News TRON Lightcycle Run Standby Line and Lighting Lane status


Premium Member
1pm drop closed at 3:44pm, lasting for 9814.900 secs, or ~2 hours 44 mins.
Saturday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 58m -> 1hr 59m (+1m)

Up to BG 48 called at 1pm, 20 less than yesterday.


Premium Member
Final Day 530 Stats (8/31):
7am: 108.5 secs
1pm: 9814.9 secs, or ~2 hours 44 mins

BG 160 (+45) is the last BG called for the day at 9pm.

Notable stoppages:
10:34 - 10:51am
12:15 - 1:11pm

Average pace: 5mins/BG

VQ Drop Mean/Average:
7am: 2m -> 2m (+0)
1pm: 1hr 58m -> 1hr 59m (+1m)

That does it for Day 530 of TRON Lightcycle / Run!


Premium Member
7am drop lasted for 103.222 secs.
Sunday 7am Drop Average: 3m -> 3m (+0)

BG's 1-12 called at 8:45am as part of the initial wave.


Premium Member
1pm drop closed at 2:34pm, lasting for 5622.105 secs, or ~1 hour 34 mins.
Sunday 1pm Drop Average: 2hr 3m -> 2hr 2m (-1m)

Up to BG 60 called at 1pm, 12 less than yesterday.


Premium Member
Final Day 531 Stats (9/1):
7am: 103.2 secs
1pm: 5622.1 secs, or ~1 hour 34 mins (got BG 76!)

BG 160 (+0) is the last BG called for the day at 8:59pm.

Notable stoppages: None

Average pace: 5mins/BG

VQ Drop Mean/Average:
7am: 3m -> 3m (+0)
1pm: 2hr 3m -> 2hr 2m (-1m)

That does it for Day 531 of TRON Lightcycle / Run!


Premium Member
7am drop closed at 9:20am, lasting for 8421.648 secs, or ~2 hours 20 mins.
Monday 7am Drop Average: 2m -> 4m (+2m)

BG's 1-10 called at 8:44am as part of the initial wave e.


Premium Member
1pm drop closed at 3:23pm, lasting for 8551.710 secs, or ~2 hours 23 mins.
Monday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 36m -> 1hr 37m (+1m)

Up to BG 65 called at 1pm, 5 more than yesterday.


Premium Member
Final Day 532 Stats (9/2):
7am: 8421.7 secs, or ~2 hours 20 mins
1pm: 8551.7 secs, or ~2 hours 23 mins

BG 115 (-45) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MNSSHP tonight 🎃).

Notable stoppages:
3:24 - 4:08pm

Average pace: 5mins/BG

VQ Drop Mean/Average:
7am: 2m -> 4m (+2m)
1pm: 1hr 36m -> 1hr 37m (+1m)

That does it for Day 532 of TRON Lightcycle / Run!


Well-Known Member
Is this really still needed? I get it at Tiana's with all the downtime, but aren't TRON and Cosmic Rewind decent enough from a reliability standpoint?

I had seen some speculation online that the standby queues aren't large enough to accommodate a traditional standby line but I have no idea if that's valid.


Premium Member
I had seen some speculation online that the standby queues aren't large enough to accommodate a traditional standby line but I have no idea if that's valid.
The outdoor VQ queue (aka the future standby) before the touchpoints only holds like 15-20 mins worth of guests.

Anything beyond that is outside the canopy structure and under the elements. When we were in line for the VQ on Saturday 8/31, it started pouring. All the un-canopy switchbacks were drenched with rain, including my party and I. At least we had ponchos, couldn't say the same for everyone around us.

The Tron CMs went and closed the umbrellas covering this portion of the queue since it has to for weather.

But all-in-all, the actual outdoor portion of the queue could probably hold 45-60 mins of guests. The indoor queue after the reveal room and before the lockers is like another 15-20 mins wait.


Premium Member
7am drop closed at 7:04am, lasting for 246.133 secs, or ~4 mins.
Tuesday 7am Drop Average: 9m -> 9m (+0)

BG's 1-12 called at 8:45am as part of the initial wave.


Premium Member
1pm drop closed at 5:28pm, lasting for 16057.274 secs, or ~4 hours 28 mins.
Tuesday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 12m -> 1hr 14m (+2m)

Up to BG 54 called at 1pm, 11 less than yesterday.


Premium Member
Final Day 533 Stats (9/3):
7am: 246.1 secs, or ~4 mins
1pm: 16057.3 secs, or ~4 hours 28 mins

BG 170 (+55) is the last BG called for the day at 9pm.

Notable stoppages:
10:34 - 10:53am
12:19 - 12:37pm

Average pace: 5mins/BG

VQ Drop Mean/Average:
7am: 9m -> 9m (+0)
1pm: 1hr 12m -> 1hr 14m (+2m)

That does it for Day 533 of TRON Lightcycle / Run!


Premium Member
7am drop closed at 7:18am, lasting for 1064.041 secs, or ~18 mins.
Wednesday 1pm Drop Average: 3m -> 3m (+0)

BG's 1-12 called at 8:45am as part of the initial wave.
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