I've kept track of what 'insiders' have said on several sites and have wound up here as the only place that has genuine insiders.
Other sites think front line CMs are adequate sources. Or, they have a few sources whose info is hit and miss. And when it's pointed out they're wrong, they block you.
That's why you'll see some randos showing up here with 'scoops' trying to get the cachet of being on this site with the adulation of being an insider. Many have tried and flamed out.
- Real insiders will distinguish between blue-sky wish lists from those projects that actually got their budget approved and a green light.
- Real insiders' contacts are not a one-time late-night DM, but people they regularly talk to and can let us know if a project is killed and why (rather than keep on promising projects that are long dead).
- Real insiders are people who work at Disney at a managerial level or with vendors who regularly work with Disney (and Universal).
- Real insiders don't create their own threads to laud their insideriness.
- Real insider don't tell a niche audience what they want to hear to goose the numbers on their social media.
- Real insiders don't have to keep pumping out rumors to meet the deadlines of their web sites for their own income, and thus, throw out every spurious rumor they hear.
The sites that are blocked here sometimes do get a scoop, but are wrong enough and often enough, and are intensely defensive when they are wrong, that they're not worth bothering with.
And if you don't like the moderation of this forum or its lack of what you consider good inside information, you'd probably be happier elsewhere.