Again not defending anyone here but the average cost of hotels in 2001 was $83 average cost of hotel in 2019 was $131. That is an increase of 57% over 20 years.
The average daily rate of hotels in the United States has mainly seen growth over the past 20 years. Due to inflation ADR peaked significantly in 2022.
Everyone keeps complaining about the crazy cost of things but in the past 20 years the cost of everything has gone up so much so fast.... The price of a full service burger and fries was $5.99 today the cost is 9.99 that is a cost increase of 67%.
Everyone keeps talking about crazy increases but the fact that we have continued to fight for higher labor rates for people and rates going up and up cost are going to go up and up.
You cannot expect any business to just let their bottom lines shrink the cost is always passed on the consumer.
It is crazy how fast cost have gotten out of control but it is not just Disney it is everywhere..... Just think how much property taxes have gone up across the country etc cost are out of control and it is forcing people to raise prices to keep doors open! Small business have to raise prices which means bigger business will follow or undercut pricing to push more people to shut down....
It is a nasty nasty cycle but the cost of everything is just crazy and won't stop until the cost to business stop going up faster then they are raising prices.