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Expanded retention pond. Look at some of the Scott Keating aerial images and you can see that pond is now bigger. You can kind-of see it in this one http://www.wdwmagic.com/Attractions...struction-site---foundations-being-poured.htm
But, that makes me wonder, what do these retention ponds do and why do they keep expanding and building more?
I am not an expert on this, but I believe the purpose of these ponds is storm water control. Currently the area where the expansion will be is a permeable surface, mainly dirt. A lot of the rain that falls on it can soak into the ground. Once the expansion is complete most of it will be a non-permeable surface (buildings, concrete, etc), so the water needs to go somewhere. The run off can be channeled into these ponds where it can have a chance to soak into the ground and/or evaporate.
Quoting from the Wikipedia article on Retention Basisn:
"Sometimes they [Retention basins] act as a replacement for the natural absorption of a forest or other natural process that was lost when an area is developed.["