Traveling with a baby question


Active Member
Please forgive me, i couldn't really find the answer I was looking for. Ihave been to WDW 5 times and this time my wife and i will be taking our 15 month old daughter with us (her first to the happiest place on earth)... My question is... Is this a good idea? is 15 mos too young? we will be going in November a week or 2 before thanksgiving.



New Member I KNOW I am going to get slammed here.

If you are going for your 15 month old they won't remember it. It's kind of like planning their first birthday is more for the parents than the child.

Your child will not remember this trip and there will be limitations to what you will be able to do, but go ahead and have fun anyway as long as you keep that in mind.

Take it slow and easy and place your child's needs ahead of your wants. Concentrate on taking a ton of pictures rather than riding on all the rides.

And remember, above all, have FUN!
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L Fisher

New Member
I think a lot of people have mixed feelings about infants going to the parks..My whole family 10+ will be going in October..We're taking my 7mos old and 3yr old..My 7mos old won't remember anything but she'll get to ride quite of bit of stuff in each park plus all the music/lights will make her eyes sparkle..We're staying on park property and we plan on going back in the afternoon to take naps and then going back into the park in the evening..I know people that have been to WDW with young children and never had any problems but again it's up to you and you alone..You know whats best for your child..If you go have a fun trip:wave:
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Well-Known Member
This is a very hot issue around here...

I have seen newborns at WDW and every age afterwards. This is your family and when you go is up to you. A 15 month old can enjoy WDW, but you will have to adjust your schedule to meet theirs. Do not expect this to be like every other trip because it won't. As long as you build in breaks and nap time (at the room or in the carriage) you will be fine. You are right that she won't remember much, but she will have fun when she is there and at that age, that is what counts.

We took our youngest when she was about 18 months old and she had a blast. When she sees pictures from that trip she thinks its her sister, but thats ok because just looking at the pics we know she had a great time and loved meeting the characters (some small kids are afraid of them, so beware).
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We went when my young was 20-21 mos. He really had a great time which just mom & dad's trip even more enjoyable. The photos of our trip pop up as our screensaver. He loves to sit & watch them slide by. When you ask him where he receieved certain toys, he will tell you that Goofy gave them to him @ "Dizzy World."

So don't worry about the kid. The big ? is you. You will have to pack a bag for every park excursion, cart around or rent a stroller, change diapers in a public restroom, avoid loud noises, fast rides & overly dark areas. Meals with a 2 yr. old are adventurous, but I am sure that you already know that. Also remember nap time. We had a big challenge every night winding the kids down after Uncle Walt rilled them up. The 2 yr. old never did get used to the idea of not having his own bed.

So you just need to decide if this vacation is for you or the kiddo.
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New Member
We have brought our children to WDW from as young as 2 months old. It is not a problem at all, as long as you go with the flow and plan for every situation. Extra clothes, favorite snacks, small toy, etc. Make sure to keep the baby well hydrated and cool (we purchased a small fan that could be attatched to the stroller and I think it made our kids much more comfortable). Your child won't remember this trip, but will enjoy the trip while it's happening. My kids at that age loved all of the music and lights, although they did not like to get up close and personal with the characters. My kids got over this fear at around age 3. We are going again in Aug. with our 4 children (ages 6yrs, 4yrs, 2yrs and 14 months) It will be a great trip, so don't let anything negative that people might say ruin your trip before you even get there! Have fun:)
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Active Member I KNOW I am going to get slammed here.

If you are going for your 15 month old they won't remember it. It's kind of like planning their first birthday is more for the parents than the child.

Your child will not remember this trip and there will be limitations to what you will be able to do, but go ahead and have fun anyway as long as you keep that in mind.

Take it slow and easy and place your child's needs ahead of your wants. Concentrate on taking a ton of pictures rather than riding on all the rides.

And remember, above all, have FUN!
I agree 100%!
I have taken my kids every year since they were 6 months old(DD is 10, DS is 6). I have never had a problem taking the kids even when they were babies, just remember that the characters are HUGE to them so don't get upset when your little one doesn't want Tigger to come near them. Also, character meals are definately a bad idea at this age(I have seen way too many babies/toddlers screaming their heads off at the character meals because mom or dad thinks it would be cute to have a photo taken with Mickey etc.) You'll have a great time , just relax and don't rush the magic!:D
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MY 20-21 mo. old thought that the character meals were the second best thing after Pooh's playground. I think that the best advice is just to plan around your own unique child
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We just took our 18 mo and 3yr olds. They loved it. My 3 yr old can't stop talking about it. I am sure my 18 mo does not remember it but I reminder how much fun he had and we have great pictures. He could go on many rides and others we did the baby swap that worked great. My son actually fell asleep on HM. So when ever he got cranky we would joke that we had to go back to HM. Take him if you want. We had a great time and are also going back in November when he is 23 mo.
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Well-Known Member
We have taken our girls since they were about 15mths old, first to DL and then started at WDW at 18mths old. Have you taken your daughter other places..i.e. the zoo, restaurants (buffets or sitdowns) etc. How did she do? Is she a flexible baby or does she get fussy if there are sudden changes? Our girls have older cousins, so they were used to going to the zoo, the art museum, botanical gardens etc from an early age.
Personally, I"d go for it, but I'd also plan for it. Be prepared that if she crys at restaurants one of the adults will need to step out with her, same thing with shows. Don't rush through things, allow for breaks, naps and plenty of drinks and snacks. Don't force her to see the characters and plan the first day to be sort of an introduction into the wonderful world of Disney.
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
I've brought my youngest child to WDW since she was 18months. She had an absolute BLAST! We have video of her dancing with Pooh bear....wonderful!

One thing that you should really do before going with any young child is show them the Disney videos like Sing along Songs that show the characters in costume. Tell them repeatedly that Mickey/Pooh is big like Mommy and Goofy/Tigger is big like Daddy. This does help so that the child does not freak when this larger than life character comes up to them.

Have a wonderful time!

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Well-Known Member
It really depends on you and your child. If you think they'll like it then I'm sure they will and don't worry about what others think, it's your vacation afterall.

We have taken our son 3 times. 1st at 8 months, then 22 months and last time he was 2 1/2. We had fun during all the trips and have many different memories from each trip. We have lots of pictures from each trip which DS looks at all the time. He doesn't remember the 1st trip (but I sure do) but he does the last 2. Next year will be my youngest's first trip and he'll be 17 months at the time
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Well-Known Member
For our first trip w/kids in Sept. '06, our son was 13 months and our daughter had just turned 3. Was it a totally different trip with them vs. just the 2 of us? You bet. Would we do it again? Absolutely. (we've been 2 more times since then!) You will not be alone as there are babies and toddlers everywhere, and the Disney CM's are certainly used to dealing with very young kids. As long as you realize that you will have quite a different vacation w/your child vs. without, and you are ok with that, you'll have a great time. We did attractions with them that we used to just walk on by: Peter Pan, Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, all of Toontown, etc. And the look on our 13 month old's face when he saw the characters up close was priceless!

Kids your child's age will find many things to enjoy and you will, too! My only "advice" would be to bring your own stroller as the rental ones might be too big and uncomfortable. If you have a smaller umbrella-style one that would be alot easier to tote around the Disney transport system than a full size one.
Have fun!:)
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Well-Known Member
It's your family and your trip, so it's ultimately up to you and your wife, of course. However, if your asking what our OPINION is, here is mine: leave her at home.

Myself, If it came down to either taking the kid or staying home, I would choose to take the kid. However, if it was a choice between going with or without the kid, I would choose to go without him and leave him with grandma and grandpa.

As others have said, having a 15 month old (or any child anywhere close to that age) changes things drastically. Many people here are fine with that and are happy to adjust their plans to accomodate an infant. I'm not. I'm not fine with having to get back to the hotel early just to put a child to bed when I would rather spend the evening at the park. I'm not fine with having to skip rides, or do the parent/child switch thing all the time because the child is too small to ride. I'm not fine with having to take a million differnent breaks for naps, feedings, diaper changes, etc. And I'm not fine with the prospect of my child being one of those dreadful brats that makes a huge scene on the bus or in line. So, for myself and my wife, we feel like having a child along is just bad for the child (because he can't do much anyway) and the parents who can't do as much with a child along. So we prefer to leave our son at home until he's 4 or 5, and then take him.

Like I said, it's your choice and I don't fault any parents who choose differently from us. But it's simply my opinion that bringing a child of that age along will not make the trip better for anyone.

<edit> I guess I should rephrase that last part because many parents here can testify that they think their trip IS better by bringing their little ones along. And that's fine. As long as they have a good time doing it the way they do it, more power to them. What I should say, I guess, is that in my opinion for MY vacation, the presence of an infant/toddler along will put a damper on the trip, for the reasons I gave.

Parenting is a joy, don't get me wrong. And I realize that changing diapers and having to get back early to put the baby to bed, etc, are all parts of parenting, and I don't regret becoming a parent.

But as for me, when I go on vacation, I want to leave ALL responsibilities behind for that week, as long as we are fortunate enough to have someone back home who can watch our child.

I want a week where I don't have to worry about getting up to go to work in the morning; or having to go into work that night, or where I don't have to mess with putting the dog out. And yes, I don't think there's anything wrong or shameful with wanting a vacation from the responsibilities of parenting. A week where the wife and I can go out and do what we want, when we want without wondering how the baby will do, or what time we need to be back to put him to bed. A week where we don't have to mess with changing diapers or lugging around a diaper bag. Basically, a week where the only thing we have to concentrate on is being at our ADR's on time, or getting to the park before it gets too busy, or getting to Splash Mountain in time for our fastpass.

Surely some will strongly disagree with me on this, and that's fine. But I think there is nothing wrong with leaving EVERYTHING behind...including the responsibilities of parenthood.
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Please forgive me, i couldn't really find the answer I was looking for. Ihave been to WDW 5 times and this time my wife and i will be taking our 15 month old daughter with us (her first to the happiest place on earth)... My question is... Is this a good idea? is 15 mos too young? we will be going in November a week or 2 before thanksgiving.


I am a father as well and took my daughter just before she was 2 and the trip was a great memory for us.. DW and I. not for DD. You will have a great time and develop some great memories for you. Then when they are older, you can watch as they make memories for themselves as well.
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Miss Bell

New Member
I think your trip will be different from what you have experienced in the past, because you will have to take more breaks and think things out more. We didn't start going until my daughter was 7, but I think at the age you are talking about there are still tons fun of things to do, and some amazing photo ops. I don't blame you for wanting to start sharing the magic with your baby.

Just swear you'll take her back when she's old enough to remember. I know too many kids whose parents think that the "we took you when you were two and your brother was nine" philosophy counts as "going to Disney World."
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New Member
We started taking our now almost 5 year old son from when he was about 6 months old, and we also have a 2 year old that has gone since about 4 months old and we have gone every year, sometimes a few times a year. Yes, we did have to do things a little differently, but being able to see Disney through a baby's eyes is just incredible. My boys are a bit timid when it comes to characters, so we didn't do character dining at first, but now they're a must. It's also really something to hear them talk about what they remember as they get older with frequent trips. So I say go for it, take your time, and soak it all in :sohappy:
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Active Member
We initially were going to wait until our youngest was at least four or five year old, but my oldest was already three and a half when our youngest was born, and I really wanted him to experience disney during those magical preschool years, and my husband and I missed Disney so much so we decided to go when our youngest was 12 months old. The trip was so perfect that I booked our next trip the day we got home for 6 months later, and then another one for 6 months after that. All three of our trips with the kids so far have been amazing. We thought we loved Disney before we had kids....we had NO IDEA how much more magical it would be for us to take our children with us. Disney makes it pretty easy to take a baby, especially if you are staying on site. The baby care stations in the parks are wonderful, and babies can go on ALOT of the rides, contrary to what alot of people will tell you. My husband and I are not big on thrill rides anyway, so we really were not affected by this. But if you like the thrill rides, the baby swap solves that problem. I think Soarin was the only ride we did the baby swap thing on, and it was a piece of cake (and my older child got to ride twice in a row which was really cool for him!). And if you are staying on property it is very easy to go back to the resort to take a break. I say if you really want to go, then go. Just plan and have realistic expectations. Here is a link to some FAQ on taking babies. Have fun!:wave:
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Me and my wife started taking are first two children when they were 2 and 4, with my wife expecting, the next year we took the three children, when my dudgter was 10 months, then we skipped a year because my wife was ill with child #4 due any time.So and returned with the 4 in tow with the younges of 5 months. It just takes a lot of patience and handing off. We go for the kids to enjoy themselves and dont want to have the family split by leaving the babies behind. It was nothing but fun every time. It just takes a little more time at the baggage search, and the busses, no can do, we find it easier to bring our own stoller and drive.
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