Traveling with a baby question


Active Member
Please forgive me, i couldn't really find the answer I was looking for. Ihave been to WDW 5 times and this time my wife and i will be taking our 15 month old daughter with us (her first to the happiest place on earth)... My question is... Is this a good idea? is 15 mos too young? we will be going in November a week or 2 before thanksgiving.



New Member
We took our 7 month old and he was all smiles seeing all the characters, we got up close visits with all the characters and during the AK parade we had a prime spot and as the characters walked by they came and shook his foot or touched his hand. It was priceless to get those pictures.

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A little off subject...

I have a question...

We are taking our 18 month old in December (This thread has been packed with great info and advice), is there a list of rides that she can go on with us?

We are also taking my parents along so they will be able to experience her first trip with us, and I am hoping that this will be a great help in taking care of her.

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Active Member
I have a question...

We are taking our 18 month old in December (This thread has been packed with great info and advice), is there a list of rides that she can go on with us?

We are also taking my parents along so they will be able to experience her first trip with us, and I am hoping that this will be a great help in taking care of her.


I am not sure if there is a list somewhere, but she can go on any ride that does not have height restrictions. You can look on the official WDW website, click on parks, and then click on a specific park, and then click on attractions. It will list the rides by of the categories is "Fun For Little Ones". None of these rides have height restrictions. Most (if not all) of the rides in the "Other Attractions" category also do not have height restrictions. There are also a few rides under the "Wild But Mild" catagory that she can go on (an exampe is POTC). Just click on an attraction and it will tell you if it has a height restriction. Here is a link to the page for the MK...
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New Member
We took DS on any ride we were going on, I am not a thrill ride person so DH got to hit Space Mountain, Test Track, Mission Space, Soarin', Everest and several others without me or our son, I was fine with it. I still had a good time, although was tired from caring for a 7 month old and being 1 month pregnant with twins.

We took him on Kilamanjaro Safari which he liked seeing the animals. This trip we hit many things we never got a chance to see before.
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I am not sure if there is a list somewhere, but she can go on any ride that does not have height restrictions. You can look on the official WDW website, click on parks, and then click on a specific park, and then click on attractions. It will list the rides by of the categories is "Fun For Little Ones". None of these rides have height restrictions. Most (if not all) of the rides in the "Other Attractions" category also do not have height restrictions. There are also a few rides under the "Wild But Mild" catagory that she can go on (an exampe is POTC). Just click on an attraction and it will tell you if it has a height restriction. Here is a link to the page for the MK...

Thank you sooo much!!! :wave:
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New Member
I have a question...

We are taking our 18 month old in December (This thread has been packed with great info and advice), is there a list of rides that she can go on with us?

We are also taking my parents along so they will be able to experience her first trip with us, and I am hoping that this will be a great help in taking care of her.


Babies can go on anything that does not have a height restrictions, so there are tons of things that she can do. Have a great time!
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I didn't see it posted yet, but when my son was 8 months we took him to Disney (had a WONDERFUL time by the way) but we also took my grandfather (who lives in Florida) with us. That made for an outstanding situation. When my son would need a bottle or fell asleep , my grandfather found a shady spot, fed him and let him fall alseep in the stroller :snore: (which we brought to make him comfortable). Then my grandfather got to sit, relax and people watch, and my husband and I got to do all the MOUNTAINS!! It was a win win situation for all of us :animwink: .

So if you have anyone you can take with you, that might be an option as well. Whatever you decide, have a MAGICAL time.

By the way, my son is now 17 and my daughter is 12 and they're both HOOKED on Disney just like me :sohappy: . I've been going almost every year since I was eight. And my kids love telling their friends that they have been to Disney 12 and 17 times while some/most of their friends have only been once or haven't been at all.

OOps, I'm going off subject a bit...........sorry :eek: ! Have a wonderful time.
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New Member
We're taking our son!!!!!

My DH and I will be taking our DS who is going to be six months in Sept. We thought about it for awhile (2 seconds really), and decided to go even though he won't remember anything. We go every year, even last year when I was 5 months pregnant. The rides that he can't go on are the same rides I couldn't do on our last trip. It didn't bother me that trip, so it won't bother me this one either, and we can always swap anyways. I'm most worried about the heat, and keeping him hydrated, and the plane ride w/an infant. He is used to going ever where with us, so disney will be no exception.:)
Have fun with your son!!!
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Well-Known Member
My DH and I will be taking our DS who is going to be six months in Sept. We thought about it for awhile (2 seconds really), and decided to go even though he won't remember anything. We go every year, even last year when I was 5 months pregnant. The rides that he can't go on are the same rides I couldn't do on our last trip. It didn't bother me that trip, so it won't bother me this one either, and we can always swap anyways. I'm most worried about the heat, and keeping him hydrated, and the plane ride w/an infant. He is used to going ever where with us, so disney will be no exception.:)
Have fun with your son!!!

I found that our plane ride with our 9 month old went really smoothly. She had a nuk and slept most of the time. It was when she was almost 2 and almost 3 that we had a tough time with her. Seems that she didn't understand why she had to sit still in her seat for so long! :lol:
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New Member
Go for it!!! We took our son when he was an early 2 year old and he loved it. He still remembered parts of the trip when we returned the next year. We have been with our son 3 times and are planning to go again next spring. It is so much fun to see their reactions to the "magic" of WDW. You know your child best and remember that it will be different from any other trip you have ever taken to WDW. Take frequent breaks, don't push your child too far and try to keep to your normal schedule.

You'll have a blast!!
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New Member
Go...We left our son when he was 3 months old behind with grandparents. We cried everyday. We took him when he was just turning 3...he makes me play Disney Park DVD's all the time and watches the videos of his trip constantly. At 15 months, your child will just be fascinated, may not remember much, but will still have eyes that sparkle when they see it. Just go with your baby's flow. I do believe there are places that rent out baby gear if you do need it. Have fun!
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