A few points that have not been mentioned on this thread, although maybe they were on the other one (I didn't look).
Sunscreen: Although babies as young as six months old can use sunscreen, and although the bottles may say NON_STINGING, please, please, please
do not believe them!!! Sunscreen always, always, stings baby eyes!!! I'm sorry that was so loud, it's just that I sunscreened my eight month old baby's face and spayed her pretty little bald head with baby spary scalp sunscreen and she cried and cried her little red eyes out. I felt and feel still so guilty about it!!! Please, just put sunscreen on the baby's body and make her wear a hat with a large brim. Much more humane!
Strollers: Thought I'd reiterate. They MUST recline for a baby as young as yours will be. Shade is good too! I have a fabulous MaClaren that I love!!!! Also, Just in case you hadn't thought of it, a baby sling is a great way to carry a young baby around. They are nestled next to you or mom and they feel safe. They can be used to nurse discretely as the baby care stations are all in the front of the parks and not easily accesible once you're past the entry areas. They are clearly marked on the maps, but all are too far to walk once you are well in the parks.
I love my Maya wrap and use it till this day (DD is 2). Many people like a Baby Bjorn, but I hate to see the poor babies suspended in an upright position. CAn't be good for their little spines and it doesn't look too com
fortable either. But, no matter what you choose, some type of baby carrrier is a good idea to bring with you.
As for waiting in line. Everyone can wait in line together. I sometimes wait in line with DH even if I know I am too scared to go on the ride, just to keep him company while he waits. Then I ask for the "chicken" exit at the last minute. TYhe way baby swap works though, you never have to make the line twice. Just all go in together, tell the first CM you see that you will need to baby swap, and they will explain how it works for that particular ride. But it doesn't really slow you down because they never make the second adult (the one watching that baby the first time around) wait in the line again. As soon as you have handed over the baby to the other adult, you get to go on immediately. Also, we have been lucky enough to get to ride two times in a row. For instance, Adult 1 waits with baby, while adult 2 and 3 ride the ride. Then, adult 2 takes care of the baby, and since adult 1 doesn't want to ride alone, adult 3 gets to go right back on the ride with adult 1. Ask a CM about it
Most important piece of advice from a mom of two little annual passholders: take it slow. Since you go alot, shouldn't be a problem for you. Just remember the main difference between your past trips and your future ones is this: you will see a lot less on the future trips than you have been able to in the past. Babies and new moms need to stop all the time for lots of reasons. Good news is this only lasts a few years. By the time baby is four or five, you can pretty much pick up the pace!
Congratulations, and have fun!!!!!!