Travelers in the 20-30 age, w/o kids


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Just curious how many of us are out there? I was looking at Disney planning books at Barnes and Noble today and noticed all the "Adults only-no kids" ones weren't for our generation (or at least didin't fit my style). The suggestions were to play golf etc...and just didin't appeal to me, as a soon to be college grad. There has to be more than just me and my bf out there who are in the mid 20s, looking for a fun time in Disney (and I'm not talking about drunk off my butt-college keggers either). I know there's a lot to do, but was curious what fellow travellers my age (or those who are my age at heart) like to do in Disney.


New Member
I went to WDW last year with friends...
Me - 23
Friends - 23,20,20.

TBH we just did the normal stuff, went to all the parks, spent a lot of time at the Water Parks and Westside....we ventured off property to places like TGI's for most meals.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess I would be early 30's, but I have "a kid" but I am also single and going solo for the first time and am sooo looking forward to it! I am definitely going to do some of the behind the scenes tours.


New Member
I went to WDW last year with friends...
Me - 23
Friends - 23,20,20.

TBH we just did the normal stuff, went to all the parks, spent a lot of time at the Water Parks and Westside....we ventured off property to places like TGI's for most meals.

Just curious as to why you would eat at a place that you can eat at home on your vacation? It couldn't have been that much cheaper.


In the Parks
Just curious how many of us are out there? I was looking at Disney planning books at Barnes and Noble today and noticed all the "Adults only-no kids" ones weren't for our generation (or at least didin't fit my style). The suggestions were to play golf etc...and just didin't appeal to me, as a soon to be college grad. There has to be more than just me and my bf out there who are in the mid 20s, looking for a fun time in Disney (and I'm not talking about drunk off my butt-college keggers either). I know there's a lot to do, but was curious what fellow travellers my age (or those who are my age at heart) like to do in Disney.

Its BEST without Kids IMO (I dont have kids) I went for the first time this past february Im 35 and my friend is 45 both single & no kids!


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Well, I guess I would be early 30's, but I have "a kid" but I am also single and going solo for the first time and am sooo looking forward to it! I am definitely going to do some of the behind the scenes tours.

Of course you're still welcome. Not bringing the kids along is equivalent. Similar generation. I just know when my parents go down in november, they are certainly not doing what I'll be doing.

Which tours? I think I'm going to do the Aqua Seas one.


Active Member
Im 21 and have friends in the early 20's range who go with me, we like to go to the parks from like opening until like 4 or 5 pm and then we go back to our resort and swim. Then later on in the evenings we shower and go eat someplace that has a more adult feel to it, we did do the Castle one year and with the screaming kids and such decided it wasn't our deal. We like to eat at places like Coral Reef and Cali Grill. We haven't in the last couple of years done the DTD thing b/c of gang issues but we have fun going to the parks and eating at places that we wouldn't if we were at home....


New Member
Somethings that my friends & I do when we go to WDW are:
*Enjoy the dining. There is much to be desired if you like great food. Disney has some of the best. Look for restaurants that are not buffets or character meals if you are looking for less children.
*Look at going on a behind the scenes tour, they are always fun!!
*EPCOT, in my opinion, is the least fun park of all, however there is a ton on information that is really nice to learn there. So we go there to relax and really "browse" the countries.
*Try to fit in a little bit of time for Downtown Disney. There is more there than the "College Keggers". Sure you can pick up a drink but there are dance clubs too.
*Take a lot of pictures. We take a ton of them with a variety of hats from all of the shops. We never buy them, but we have tons of fun posing in them and snapping a picture. They are some of our best pictures too!
*Enjoy the rides, that is a given.

I sure hope this helps and I sure that you will have a wonderful time while you are there, I mean how can't you??


New Member
My girlfriend and I went in the end of August, I'm 22 and she's 21. We had a great time! I got that same book, the without kids one... it was eh.

We pretty much did the parks and enjoyed most everything, let the inner kid free a little. We originally thought we'd do the EMH in the mornings, but we slept in too much or got too slow a start usually to do that. If you're staying at the resorts, I suggest to do the evening EMH though, parents are shuffling the kids out and you can actually ride the 2 min rides in Fantasyland that normally have hour long waits and relive your childhood.

I was suprised how many people there were not with kids. Maybe its just the times we went or whatnot, but we stayed at POP and in the mornings only about half the people in line and on the bus had kids.

We usually park hopped in the afternoon around 3/4ish cuz thats when kids are cranky and its the hottest out. We'd go back to the hotel and change, swim, eat, etc... It was nice to swim really late at night when no kids were out either. I found out later that this might be past some of the hotel's swimming times but there were other people there and noone was stopping us.

Sorry if this is digressing into a breakdown of my vacation...

I'd suggest fastpassing things. If you're a couple going there, grab the passes and enjoy looking around, I think I appreciated it much more than when I was a kid. Its fun to shop too, enjoying looking at everything.

Downtown disney likewise was fun shopping. My girlfriend and I have gone to clubs and stuff, but wasn't really impressed with Pleasure Island. We were in the middle of brazillian tourist season and there's something a little weird about club hopping when the stroller patrol is out an about. I'm kinda tall and was a little afraid of punting ankle biters while tipsy, so didn't really do that for too long. That and we went to the Saturday evening mass at the Catholic shrine and there's something weird about clubbing after church...

I'd suggest making a few dinner reservations for places, some nice, and try to go in off times. We went to the Sci-fi drive in at 7:30 on a thursday and it was mostly child proof and then on Sunday we did Coral Reef at 2:00 and that was nice, got a nice meal with a nice view, splurged and got some champagne...

So MK, stay away from fantasy land if you can, except philharmagic which didn't seem too bad. MGM, fastpass stuff. AK, grab fastpasses for Safari, Kali (maybe everest, but wait wasn't bad) and do the 2 animal walks and planet watch, they seemed to be nice and fun, not swarming with people. Epcot is great, snag the fastpasses for the front half of the park, but walk around and enjoy the showcase. We ate and drank around the world, listening to the shows, just relaxing.

You'll find that the inner kid will come out, too, so there's not much difference from the last time you went! Have fun!


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Samtastic: I did the Aqua Seas Tour just in April. You'll love it! It actually inspired me to get my open water certification, so I can do DiveQuest this coming trip!


New Member
My husband and I have been enjoying our trips these past few years being young and without kids. It's our opportunity to act like kids ourselves!!!

Mr. E. Shopper

New Member
My wife and I are a little over 30 now, and planning for next trip in 2008. We do not have any kids and we have made several trips as a couple in our 20's. While there are lots of attractions and shows aimed specifically at the kids, the majority of them are aimed at everyone. I personally enjoy the freedom associated with not having children while we are there. It gives us the flexibility to do what we want, not have to go back to the hotel for naps, eat wherever and whenever we want without worrying about the kid's behavior or keeping them on their schedule so they do not get cranky, and have the ability to stay out much later to take advantage of the later hours at some of the parks and places like PI.

I feel so bad for the kids whose parents are having to wake them up to go on a ride, or to see a show. It really bothers me when I see a parent yelling at their child in a restaurant to eat their $15 cheeseburger because it costs so much. While I understand that the joys of parenthood may outweigh the minor inconveniences, it is examples like that, and many others that make me glad I do not have kids to take with me. I think it allows me to enjoy the vacation more myself and be with my wife to really relax and absorb the experiences.


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We really enjoyed our trip last January. I want to do the super behind the scenes tour but it's kinda expensive even with the disney visa discount.

So far we made reservations at Coral Reef and Le Cellier. We're definately going to do Boma and 50's again. And he wants a character meal so I figured Crystal Palace has the best food. And we may do Norway princess, because the food looks interesting, and hey I heart Snow White.

Rocketscientist: Yea I'm not a big club hopper either. But we found the Adventurer's Club, and we loved it. Totally our humor, and they even had Samantha's Passion Potion- so of course I had to try it!

H20babie: That's awesome. We both want certification but just don't have the money right now. I know we will (my bf is a marine science major so he's basically need one) I'm so excited!!

PS thanks to everyone for the info and letting me know there are many of us out there!


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In the Parks
I'm 28 and I'll be going in 27 days!! :wave:

I like to go to Cirque and Pleasure Island. Also, depending on who's playing at House of Blues.


My fiance (26) and myself (28) are going for the first time this Sept. Glad someone asked this question, I'm curious about what extra fun stuff is out there for us!


Well-Known Member
I went to WDW with my husband in May (I'm 25 and he's 26). We had a blast! We were at the parks from opening until closing and we had dinner in great restaurants (Hollywood Brown Derby, Cinderella's Royal Table, les Chefs de France, ...). We also spent a romantic evening at the Boardwalk, we really enjoyed it!


Well-Known Member
Gabby and I are going yet again this fall. By the end of the trip, I will be no longer be in my 30's. :cry:

We have gone to WDW together 5 times since 2001. We love to ride the rides. We are not into the shows that much. We love Wishes! We are shopaholics. We like to stop and watch Streetmosphere shows and are rather fond of Mulch, Sweat, and Shears. Maggie
i am 29, married, and have 2 kids, but we have gone 3 times w/o kids.
LeCellier is a nice place to eat, mini golf is pretty fun too. I have never been to mini golf when it is crowded or too many kids. Fantasia Gardens I think generally has less kids around, if that is the kind of atmosphere you are looking for.
The keys to the kingdom tour is awesome. I highly recommend it. I don't know if they offer it anymore, but there used to be an Animation tour, too at the Studios. It was pretty cool. We got to make and keep our own Mickey cel. Another cool tour was the backstage tour at Animal Kingdom, again, I don't know if they still have it. We actually got to touch a white rhino.

Apparently I am a tour geek, so I really recommend them:lol:.

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