Yeah, but see, Liz picked up a sword and fought with it at the end of the very first Pirates (the scene in the Cortes treasure cave), and was somehow an expert!!! ROAR! So lame and pandering and unconvincing. If the film had at least established that her father had indulged her and allowed her to have fencing lessons or something, then yeah, MAYBE her skill would have been plausible, but it wasn't, and so it isn't.
And Luke had flown around his home planet too, as I recall, and when shown the Death Star target, said "I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters." Not that it made him a natural for the Force, and that applies to Rey too. But it does make his ability to shoot down the Death Star more plausible than what you asserted.
BUT if Lizzy's sudden skills without teaching inspired you, hey, more power to you. But I favor believable heroines over tokens, FWIW.