Having worked at Tower of Terror, I LOVE the old Hollywood theme and even the inclusion of Twilight Zone. However, I always thought the actual story and how it translates to your experience is a bit clunky. These people "fell" in an elevator after the building was struck by lightning, then rather than dying on impact they went to the Twilight Zone? It doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with. Then, rather than boarding the same elevator that these people rode so many years ago, you're now boarding a totally different elevator - a service elevator - since the other ones are still out of operation. Yet the same thing happens to you on this new elevator, that happened in the guest elevators. It just doesn't make a lot of sense if you think about it too much. Would have made more sense if you were invited to retrace the same very steps those hotel guests took so many years ago, instead of this weird transition to the service elevator. It just wouldn't have been hard to create a slightly better story.
The Tokyo storyline makes much more sense to me, as it's a simpler story.