I'm going to take Grizzlyhall's side here....he isn't saying the ride itself has anything to do with terrorism, he's saying that the float is out of place, and wasn't necessary at a time when we're at a very high terror threat, and only 2 years after 9/11 happened.
And don't jump all over this woman. You aren't in her place, and you don't know how she feels, and what reminds her 9/11.
I am not saying that I would have complained, or I even agree, but I don't agree that you should jump all over her, saying she has a "big mouth". No one is in her place, and 9/11 might not have had the same effect on you that it had on her. Once again, don't jump all over me, because I do not want to change the name or anything like that. But I do think that maybe they could have thought of a different float during this difficult time, and I do think that some people need to give this woman a break...something devastating happened..some don't get over it as easily as you might.
As for the vocal minority's reaction to this float? Buck up. It's been over two years; get over it and move on with your lives, and stop trying to make it worse for the rest of us who have moved on.
Andre85, don't tell anyone to "get over it, and move on with their lives" if they aren't ready to. It's one thing if you are over what happened, but ALOT of people are not. Do you realize how many loved ones were lost? It only happened two years ago, and many people can't forget that easily. It's good that you got over it easily, but not everyone can. Everytime I see the terror threat on the news, which is everyday, I think of 9/11, as do many people.