I have a little tid bit about ToT and I'm not sure if it's been posted, but I don't feel like searching as I just got back in town (literally 10 minutes ago) from a day trip to MGM with my 8th grade band (I'm the director). We left at 5am...so here's the news.
Our eleveator had no lap bars, only individual seatbelts! They are gradually getting ride of all lap bars and replacing them with seatbelts. The CM said only 1 elevator still has lap bars. This is SO much better.
BTW...the new drop rocks and my b oo ty came off the seat at the end as did all of the other riders around me. The only other time this has happened was when I got stuck in the middle seat that used to be the only one with a seatbelt. Sorry if this is a repeat, but like I said, I'm too lazy to search right now. Good night:snore:
Our eleveator had no lap bars, only individual seatbelts! They are gradually getting ride of all lap bars and replacing them with seatbelts. The CM said only 1 elevator still has lap bars. This is SO much better.
BTW...the new drop rocks and my b oo ty came off the seat at the end as did all of the other riders around me. The only other time this has happened was when I got stuck in the middle seat that used to be the only one with a seatbelt. Sorry if this is a repeat, but like I said, I'm too lazy to search right now. Good night:snore: