For my upcoming trip Ive made a preferred room reservation at pop for the week, just looked and for only $89 more we can stay at Caribbean beach. Should be a no brainer right? Nope. My girlfriend has a prosthetic therefore its tough for her to walk long distances, in the florida heat/sun she develops a bad rash thats always very painful and sometimes cracks and bleeds. When i called the only rooms available in pop were preferred which was why i chose it, however I told the cast member the situation and she told me she also put an extra notation on the reservation and that I should always do this in the future. What do you guys think? If i call to change over to CB and ask them to make a note will it help our chances of getting a room closer to Old Port Royale? Again its not us trying to get over on the system i love walking all over, its just because its very painful for her. Id love to stay at cb but I think taking the risk would be selfish of me.