Totally surprised and delighted with California Adventure and Disneyland


Original Poster
I am here in Cupertino for Apple training and for the weekend, with the help of my roommate and boyfriend, I somehow managed to fly down to Anaheim to visit California Adventure and Disneyland. No one wanted to go with me so I went by myself...(which was great anyway because I managed every single ride I wanted to do in both parks! You dont have to wait for can eat when you can ______ when you was just a non stop marathon!)

I've been to Disney World at least 25 times, and I actually just got my first Disney World but I've never been to Disneyland.

I was totally shocked and surprised at how I loved it! Their space mountain is amazing, the parade was awesome, Matterhorn was....painful...but definitely fun, LOVED the Nightmare haunted mansion overlay (was totally worth the over an hour wait!), and Nemo was fantastic as well! I can't say enough good things! Seems like I will have to come back and devote more than just 1 day for both parks!

Here are some photos:

I would say if you have the opportunity to go....definitely go! :sohappy:


New Member
Great after reading this I am even more depressed. My GF and I scheduled a trip to DL this summer but decided to cancel and wait till after the renovations to CA. The last thing I'd want is to go all the way to California and only due half of CA. Id rather see CA when it's redone. went before they started and I'm glad you had a good time but now I'm even more bumbed out. I'm trying to talk her in to DLP but it doesn't look promising.


Thanks for your post, and the pictures! We're going soon for the first time and are so excited.

My husband and I have done WDW plenty of times, but our daughter is 2 and has yet to see any of the parks, so that makes it even better :D


Well-Known Member
Sounding good. I'll be there for a couple of days in April (near Easter crowds :() and this only gets me more excited! Like you, we're the kind of people who run from one attraction to the next until we just can't walk no more so I'm hoping three days will be enough


Original Poster
Sounding good. I'll be there for a couple of days in April (near Easter crowds :() and this only gets me more excited! Like you, we're the kind of people who run from one attraction to the next until we just can't walk no more so I'm hoping three days will be enough

I got to DCA at around 11 AM...I managed to do every ride in both parks with the parade and fireworks in Disneyland. You should have no problem with 3 days! lol


New Member
I grew up with Disneyland, but have probably been to WDW about as many times (I lost count on both years ago). DL & MK have gone back and forth for me over the years in terms of which one I think is better. At the present moment, DL is in the lead. I'm curious about something though...

With this being your first ever visit to DL, and having been to WDW numerous times, how did you think the guest service compared? In recent years, I have noticed that DL's guest service has seemed to be better than WDW's. But I live in CA (have lived here my entire life) and for the past 2 or 3 years, any time I have a friend or co-worker visit DL, they almost always come back telling me how the level of service has really a very disappointing level. But this is from people who have nothing else to compare DL to other than DL of past years. Since this was your first visit, how do you think the guest service compared? Just curious.


Original Poster
I only have 2 memorable situations. The Gentleman in City Hall was very nice to me. My iPhone died and it was my only source for directions back to the place I was staying, so the guy in City Hall was nice enough to write down directions for me.

What was weird was when I was in the single rider line for Indiana Jones and the CM said to me that he was very excited that his shift was almost over. I never really heard anything like that before in Disney. For a second it kinda threw me out of the "magic", but I understand where he is coming from. Also, I did see CMs clump together and have conversations with each other, some were carrying their lunch and I saw some with jackets as if they were leaving the park. I didn't remember if Disneyland has utilidors like WDW, but It was weird seeing CMs do things like that. lol

Other than that I didn't really notice a difference.


New Member
I just returned from a magical 3 days at Disneyland yesterday. I go to WDW once a year and just begun going to Disneyland last year. I have fallen in love with both Disneyland and DCA and cannot wait to go back. I stayed at the Grand Californian, which is now in my top 3 Disney resorts.


New Member
You are right about Soarin' being weird when your in Cali. Considering I went to Sequoia, Yosemite, and the beaches. Its definitely better in Fla.


In the Parks
I didn't remember if Disneyland has utilidors like WDW, but It was weird seeing CMs do things like that. lol

Other than that I didn't really notice a difference.

I worked at DL for a year while in college. Not all the backstage areas are connected. Unfortunately, CM's have to stroll through the park when going to and from their assigned area. They are NOT supposed to be "out of costume" like taking off name tag, unt__________g shirt, ignore guests, etc. But of course there are always those people who can't keep the magic going. Those people should not work there IMO. I couln't keep it up, so I left and I needed more money :D.
I only have 2 memorable situations. The Gentleman in City Hall was very nice to me. My iPhone died and it was my only source for directions back to the place I was staying, so the guy in City Hall was nice enough to write down directions for me.

What was weird was when I was in the single rider line for Indiana Jones and the CM said to me that he was very excited that his shift was almost over. I never really heard anything like that before in Disney. For a second it kinda threw me out of the "magic", but I understand where he is coming from. Also, I did see CMs clump together and have conversations with each other, some were carrying their lunch and I saw some with jackets as if they were leaving the park. I didn't remember if Disneyland has utilidors like WDW, but It was weird seeing CMs do things like that. lol

Other than that I didn't really notice a difference.

DL was the first park I visited, on my 3rd birthday. It was completely magical and I still have vivid memories. On my most recent visit in 2007, however, it seemed less magical--and not just b/c I'm a grown-up now! I guess I've been spoiled by WDW! The park itself was great, and the rides were fantastic, but I was surprised at the slack attitude of SOME of the CM's (for example, I heard two street-sweepers using the "F" word quite loudly right on Main Street--yuck!). Also, there were a couple of visitors with disgusting/obscene T-shirts, and I kept thinking "this would never be acceptable at WDW". Anyway, it was great, but lacked some of the magic I feel at WDW.

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