I was just planning in my head, if I were to go soon (which I might) which rides I should dare to try again and which ones I should steer away from. From my understanding, ToT is a big drop ride which personally isn't my favorite, but as a young kid it used to be the ride I always needed to go on at least 10 times. Now, when I went a few years ago I went on Slash Mountain and my first instinct on a drop for some reason is to buck by head inwards toward my body. I bucked my head in so hard on Splash that I had a shooting pain down my back and I couldn't stand up for a few seconds... It was honestly the freakiest thing ever. The thing is, I don't have any known health issues, so idk why this happened and if it was just some rare thing? Ever since I've been scared of thrill rides with big drops, and I know ToT is ALL drop... So my question is, how extreme is it? Do you think I would be able to handle it or will I be in pain by the time I get off the ride? I used to be able to ride it and absolutely love it, but now I'm unsure wether to ride it and if I'd enjoy it like I used to just because of that one scary experience on Splash. Any answer would be great
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