Trees are removed for all sorts of reasons. Many of them are not valid.
I happen to be an appointed Shade Tree Commissioner (NJ Urban Forestry CORE Certified, all that crapola. That an $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee)
I also happen to be a strong proponent of individual rights.
So while I will tell you that the tree on municipal property in front of your house is NOT comming down, despite how many leaves it drops, and if it comes down I will slap a fine on your rear - I will also not presume to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their personal property. I will offer recommendations, but they are free to throw them in the trash.
So there are definate reason to remove a tree. And there are many reasons to keep them. However, if Disney feels it is necessary to remove trees on their property, I am not going to bemoan their decision. Of course from design purposes it may be a poor choice, but it is their choice to make.
But just because a tree was not naturally seeded, or is 'only' 40 years old is not a criteria to decide if somone should complain about it. As soon as I stick 2" caliper tree in a municipal right of way, it is staying there. ( I also happen to be the planting co-ordinator
