Tom Cruise at the Magic Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I actually think people magazine made a mistake. If you look in the background of that pic it looks like Typhoon Lagoon not Blizzard. I think people mag is mis-reporting this one...
:oops: Never been to either so I have to take your word for it. LOL! DS6 only just recently lost his fear of water and before he was born "human soup" just wasn't on the agenda. LOL!!

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
Well without custody of her anymore.. it does kinda come off as Going over the top a bit to make an impression..

While my ex and I have joint custody, I am not the primary custodian (and only have them on the weekends) and I take my kids to WDW every two yrs (and would take them all the time if I could). I do it because I love my children and for no other reason. I'm sure Mr Cruise loves his daughter and it treating her with a vacation to WDW like we all do. You're reaching with that statement.


Premium Member
While my ex and I have joint custody, I am not the primary custodian (and only have them on the weekends) and I take my kids to WDW every two yrs (and would take them all the time if I could). I do it because I love my children and for no other reason. I'm sure Mr Cruise loves his daughter and it treating her with a vacation to WDW like we all do. You're reaching with that statement.

Part of the sauce of this story is this is his first trip with Suri since the divorce... a significant angle completely overlooked in your comparison.

When you and your ex got divorced, did you immediately take your child on a distant long vacation the first opportunity you got?

We are talking a divorce whirl wind here..


Well-Known Member
Part of the sauce of this story is this is his first trip with Suri since the divorce... a significant angle completely overlooked in your comparison.

When you and your ex got divorced, did you immediately take your child on a distant long vacation the first opportunity you got?

We are talking a divorce whirl wind here..
Are you a parent flynnibus?


Well-Known Member
Yes, of three children thank you very much
No need for the "thank you very much," I was asking an honest question just to understand your perspective. No harm or offense intended.

As a parent you can probably understand that if you had your 3 children taken away from you or hadn't seen them for 6 months (which I believe is the amount of time he was away filming his latest project if I remember correctly), the first chance you got to be with them you'd want to shower them with kisses and do everything within your power to give them the best moments of their life. In his case, he's got unlimited funds so his version of showering Suri with kisses is a trip to WDW. I know that personally since my son was born I want to go to WDW even more than before, simply to see the joy it brings to him. :)


Active Member
Whether you would mob the person or not is not the problem...the problem is that celebrities are mobbed in places like theme parks. It becomes a safety issue for them and for others around them, as people have been crushed by mobs before in the past. I remember in the 80s many people being injured at various Michael Jackson appearances when he was the height of his fame.

You bring a lot of personal emotion into this when you say things like "the celeb is no better than I am". No one has said any celeb is "better than you" -- that's something you are reading into things that's not really there and is an issue only you can address with yourself.

A celebrity does, however, draw more attention than you when in a line. A celebrity will attract more people who want things from him/her than you do and this will cause disruptions in a line that you being in a line does not cause.

There are people who would no doubt complain that Disney was "irresponsible" if a big mob thronged around a celebrity when in a line and people were injured in the crush of bodies that followed as someone stampeded someone like Tom Cruise and would not leave him and his little daughter alone.

Maybe put aside the resentment you feel towards celebrities for a moment and think about the security aspects of Disney doing nothing and allowing people to be mobbed in tight spaces where bystanders could be hurt by a sudden rush of pushing and shoving.

In terms of your "Fair is fair!!!" remark...would it be fair for my family if I had my little niece and nephew with me and they were hurt because a few people behind us Beyonce or Tom Cruise or some other big star was in line and suddenly there was pushing and shoving from people who wanted to talk to that person, get photos, etc.?

Would "fair is fair!!!" apply if it was YOUR daughter or son who was hurt because Disney allowed a mob to form around a famous person in front of or behind you and your family was crushed in the ensuing chaos?
I always get mobbed. But, then again, I am a talking dog! :D:p


Active Member
Or that Zurg on Spaceranger Spin was really Xenu. There's really no telling from the picture. He could have been explaining government corn subsidies and the impact they have had on the price of tacos in the Magic
Kingdom. Or maybe he was demonstrating that in 5 years time she would likely be taller than him. It could be anything.
The height issue is why she gets carried around so much. He doesn't want her to be taller than him!


New Member
By the pics I've seen, they look like they are having a great time. He looks real sweet with his daughter. I'm glad they can enjoy themselves. Does anyone know which resort they chose to stay at? I bet they have the nicest that is limitless money to spend at Disney...what an awesome fanatasy vaca for a kid!

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
Part of the sauce of this story is this is his first trip with Suri since the divorce... a significant angle completely overlooked in your comparison.

When you and your ex got divorced, did you immediately take your child on a distant long vacation the first opportunity you got?

We are talking a divorce whirl wind here..

You are speculating about a "divorce whirl wind". It's pretty obvious you dislike him so I think you lack objectivity.

And to answer your question, when we first got divorced/separated I had many things to figure out monetarily but if I didn't have to, you bet ur I would have taken them somewhere like WDW. He obviously doesn't have to concern himself with money. When it first happened, all I wanted to was to have them around 24/7 which is probably his feelings.


Well-Known Member
Just rode Tea Cups with Suri and Tom onlooking. He looks really happy. I have a pic, but don't know how to upload it--plus my battery is dying.
We rode the carousel with them at 1:15 am. Tom and Suri were taking advantage of EMH! Tom was very pleasant to the few fans that approached him and didn't seem to mind the rest of us gawking from a distance. And Suri walked (because she wasn't surrounded by paparazzi.)

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