Toll free wdwdine number


Active Member
mousermerf said:
What stupid survey?

If you're refering to any questions you're asked - Disney gives out ADR's (a term people on the internet made up, it doesn't exist within Disney) and can choose what it requires for them. In short, you can't just decide you want a ressie - Disney gets what it wants or no ressie for you.

Disney owns the parks and resorts - they can do what they want with them.

The pre-recorded one that asks you how many times you've been to WDW and how many times in the past, etc. before you actually get to talk to a live person for ADR or PS, whatever you want to call them it is really unimportant they are both the same thing and that survey is on MY dime.

I am perfectly aware that once you get a live person they need to ask certain questions to facilitate making at PS.

Just because they own the parks and resorts, don't make the sweeping statement that they can do what they want, because that's just silly. They can do what they want within reason of what the paying public will tolerate, after all they are in the business to make money, not run a dictatorship establishment. They know perfectly well I have a choice in what I will do with my vacation money, so they need to be sensitive to that fact otherwise they could very well stand to lose that money.


Account Suspended
That survey is important - how any Disney person talks to you is based on that survey. Who you talk to for that matter.

It also makes the computer find out who you are - which cuts down on your time on the phone. Yes, you do have to repeat and confirm information, but if you've done it before the CM is just double-checking than retyping.

Different CMs are trained differently. Not everyone can do everything. The computer system sends you to the CM trained to handle "you."

Sounds funny, but works.

The "Next 7 days.." question routes you between in-market and out-of-market dine agents. In-market are trained on knowing less-popular venues and finding space, out of market is more broad and generally trained.

Numbers of vists puts you into a category based on the number. Guests are likely to require certain services based on their experience level. A first-time Guest will likely not be an AP holder checking for AP rates, as much as a AP holder doesn't need to be reminded that buying tickets in advance saves them money.

Don't presume you know more than Disney and they're just trying to swindle or inconvience you. Again, as i said before, there's so much more going on then you realize or even imagine.


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
Just because they own the parks and resorts, don't make the sweeping statement that they can do what they want, because that's just silly. They can do what they want within reason of what the paying public will tolerate, after all they are in the business to make money, not run a dictatorship establishment. They know perfectly well I have a choice in what I will do with my vacation money, so they need to be sensitive to that fact otherwise they could very well stand to lose that money.

Well said.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
That survey is important - how any Disney person talks to you is based on that survey. Who you talk to for that matter.

It also makes the computer find out who you are - which cuts down on your time on the phone. Yes, you do have to repeat and confirm information, but if you've done it before the CM is just double-checking than retyping.

Different CMs are trained differently. Not everyone can do everything. The computer system sends you to the CM trained to handle "you."

Sounds funny, but works.

The "Next 7 days.." question routes you between in-market and out-of-market dine agents. In-market are trained on knowing less-popular venues and finding space, out of market is more broad and generally trained.

Numbers of vists puts you into a category based on the number. Guests are likely to require certain services based on their experience level. A first-time Guest will likely not be an AP holder checking for AP rates, as much as a AP holder doesn't need to be reminded that buying tickets in advance saves them money.

Don't presume you know more than Disney and they're just trying to swindle or inconvience you. Again, as i said before, there's so much more going on then you realize or even imagine.

Once again, helpful information, and then end it with snotty higher then mighty I know more then you response. The post really didn't need that last part, put it just to let others know that "you know more then them". If you actually are knowalagable it will show with out that comment. (like JP von drake.)

Oh and even the best records are wrong. Last time I called CR the CM said the computer had me listed as visting WDW over 100 times. :veryconfu Now I admit we go often, but not that much. :lol: Maybe it was talking about indivdual days added up. :lookaroun


Account Suspended
DisneyPhD said:
Once again, helpful information, and then end it with snotty higher then mighty I know more then you response. The post really didn't need that last part, put it just to let others know that "you know more then them". If you actually are knowalagable it will show with out that comment. (like JP von drake.)

Oh and even the best records are wrong. Last time I called CR the CM said the computer had me listed as visting WDW over 100 times. :veryconfu Now I admit we go often, but not that much. :lol: Maybe it was talking about indivdual days added up. :lookaroun

I'm not saying i know more - heck, i could just keep typing to prove that.

I'm trying to say: Stop thinking you know more about running Disney than Disney does.

People get a mentality that Disney-must-be-wrong and its annoying.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
I'm not saying i know more - heck, i could just keep typing to prove that.

I'm trying to say: Stop thinking you know more about running Disney than Disney does.

People get a mentality that Disney-must-be-wrong and its annoying.

There must be something to be said about communication.

Keep talking enough and we at least both find common ground. (or can agree on some things. :p ) I guess we just have different ways of going about it. :)


Account Suspended
DisneyPhD said:
Oh and even the best records are wrong. Last time I called CR the CM said the computer had me listed as visting WDW over 100 times. :veryconfu Now I admit we go often, but not that much. :lol: Maybe it was talking about indivdual days added up. :lookaroun

It's a required field that only goes up to 99 - anyone who reponds to "How many times have you been to WDW?" saying "Oh, i don't know.. a lot.." gets the 99+ rather than the CM spending 45mins having you recount every single trip in detail while they make little marks on their trusty pad of paper until a real number is discovered.

Other fun REQUIRED fields:

Email addy (atleast has to be asked for or confirmed)
Title (Mr. Mrs. etc and Miss. Mstr. [for kids])
Date-o-last visit (if there was one)

If they don't bug ya, the computer wont give them anything - or worse (as often happens with "Title") it'll give you everything then crash the ressie during payment.


Well-Known Member
shoppingnut said:
Just because they own the parks and resorts, don't make the sweeping statement that they can do what they want, because that's just silly. They can do what they want within reason of what the paying public will tolerate, after all they are in the business to make money, not run a dictatorship establishment. They know perfectly well I have a choice in what I will do with my vacation money, so they need to be sensitive to that fact otherwise they could very well stand to lose that money.

The statement still stands that they can and will do what they want. But, you are right, it doesn't take into account a backlash that may occur, nor was it meant to.

Nevertheless, I'm sure Disney has found that saving thousands of dollars a day in long distance charges far outweighs the possible loss of a couple of reservations because they don't have a public 800 number. If someone is upset about spending a few bucks (at most) on their reservation, they can use a cell phone at night, get a better LD plan, call a travel agent or not go.


Account Suspended
wannab@dis said:
The statement still stands that they can and will do what they want. But, you are right, it doesn't take into account a backlash that may occur, nor was it meant to.

Nevertheless, I'm sure Disney has found that saving thousands of dollars a day in long distance charges far outweighs the possible loss of a couple of reservations because they don't have a public 800 number. If someone is upset about spending a few bucks (at most) on their reservation, they can use a cell phone at night, get a better LD plan, call a travel agent or not go.

It's not the long distance.

First off: Phone Numbers

CMs at WDW are responsible for guests at WDW. CM's at DRC and other call centers are responsible for Guests not at WDW.

Yes, the two do sometimes have to help Guests for the other and such, but the general rule is sound.

Off-property (those not currently at WDW) Guests are not to interefere with the operation of WDW.

Guest Relations handles onsite problems. Guest Communications handles those who haven't arrived or have already left.

WDW does not want that Guest phone traffic taking up CMs time at resorts, parks, restaurants, Guest Relations, or any other operational location.

Part of DRC's (and other Disney call centers) job is to protect WDW from the outside world.

The front desk at a resort cannot give you availability for a reservation, but people will call them and ask. They cannot note special requests, but people fax them because they read it on an internet site. Golf Pro shops do not have time to be checking tee-time sheets for next Thursday, but people call them. The dive team at the Living Seas should not be telling people they can't bring their own underwater camera - but people call them and ask.

All are wastes of Disney's time though people feel that it was important. The real important stuff Disney does give the numbers out for. As important as you may think it is - please let Disney decide. Don't presume to know how any part of Disney operates.

As for Long Distance:

People call Disney - lots of them. Lots of them think it's cute to put little Betsy on the phone and tell her its Cinderella. That's the first reason. Second, most of the basic questions about WDW can be found online or through any number of sources. Calling Disney to ask general information without any desire to book/reserve/purchase anything is a waste of Disney's time (and yours - how long did you have to wait for someone to answer the phone during peak periods?). People don't call to ask silly questions if its not free. Yes, people do ask silly questions.

The sheer volume of people that call WDW is responsible for it all. If it was jsut a few calls it'd be ok. Nope, it's not. It's billions. No prank calls, no silly calls, no lonely people looking to chat - because its not free.

Any general questions can be answered at - really, most of them can.

So, there's a drop in the ocean amoung other reason. Just play by Disney's rules and everything will work out - going against them is bad and has resulted in more bad-times than i can count.


Active Member
wannab@dis said:
Nevertheless, I'm sure Disney has found that saving thousands of dollars a day in long distance charges far outweighs the possible loss of a couple of reservations because they don't have a public 800 number. If someone is upset about spending a few bucks (at most) on their reservation, they can use a cell phone at night, get a better LD plan, call a travel agent or not go.

I could care less whether they have an 800 number or not, it is clearly obvious that not having one has worked for them and they don't see the need to have one, otherwise they would. I'm just annoyed with those pre-recorded questions before making a dining ressie or change to one. I can understand the one if you are within the 7 days, but the rest aggravate me. As far as I am concerned it just slows me down in getting to talk to a live person and taking care of business. This is just the way I feel about it and nothing anyone says is going to change it, it's like elevator music, it's annoying.


Account Suspended
shoppingnut said:
Well in the elevators in my building there is a small tv screen that gives you updated news information.
Hmm, fascinating. Reminds me of the other day in Walmart - which has plasma screens at the check-out lines now. Life in the digital age is a bit bizarre.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
It's a required field that only goes up to 99 - anyone who reponds to "How many times have you been to WDW?" saying "Oh, i don't know.. a lot.." gets the 99+ rather than the CM spending 45mins having you recount every single trip in detail while they make little marks on their trusty pad of paper until a real number is discovered.

Other fun REQUIRED fields:

Email addy (atleast has to be asked for or confirmed)
Title (Mr. Mrs. etc and Miss. Mstr. [for kids])
Date-o-last visit (if there was one)

If they don't bug ya, the computer wont give them anything - or worse (as often happens with "Title") it'll give you everything then crash the ressie during payment.

That is very interesting. I have never said a lot I don't know, I normally know just how many trips (12 I think, but I might be off give or take one :lol: )

That would be a pain about the computer crashing. I remember that happening once when I was the on the phone (even more frustrating when you are actually paying for the call. :p )

As far as consumers knowing what they like and don't like, that is why Disney and others like it pay companys a lot of money to do survays and take consumer feedback. (and make adjustsment as needed.) I always take the time to do it (feedback) with WDW because I really want them to take my ideas into consideration and have my opinon heard. I am not a big complainer, but if no one knows, thing can't be adressed or "fixed".

As far as people calling and having their kid talk to Cinderella, they now have a system you can sign up for and pay a few dollars for and any number of princess will call your little princess. I wonder if that is what gave them the idea. There are some creative people out there, it would of never occured to me to do that! :lol:


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
It's not the long distance.

First off: Phone Numbers

... blah blah blah...

As for Long Distance:
... blah blah blah...

You know... I was staying out of the "why you gotta think you're right" stuff, but now you brought me into it. You're wrong. Routing of calls can be done with or without an 800 number. The only thing that matters is they don't want to pay the dime for all the calls. Routing a call via a single 800 number is just as easy as routing a call from 407WDisney. It all boils down to one single thing... $$$$.

As for the resort numbers, you can call the number and they will get you to the right place. If they didn't want people calling, it would be an unpublished number. I've called for a PS and they routed me directly to the restaurant to check about special needs. So, there are reasons to dial to the specific location.

Have a magical day! :wave:


Account Suspended
Umm, i seperated the two points for a reason...?

And again, it's not up to you to decide when you should call someplace at WDW by using a number you find on the net. Call the regular number and let Disney decide.

Read the blah blah blah and you'll understand.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Umm, i seperated the two points for a reason...?

And again, it's not up to you to decide when you should call someplace at WDW by using a number you find on the net. Call the regular number and let Disney decide.

Read the blah blah blah and you'll understand.
Again, if they didn't want people calling, the number would be unpublished. If they tell me not to call, that's one thing. But so far, you're the only one saying it. I'll lend more credence to the people answering the phones. :wave:

By the way, the number for my resort was listed on my reservations not the net. :eek:


Account Suspended
wannab@dis said:
Again, if they didn't want people calling, the number would be unpublished. If they tell me not to call, that's one thing. But so far, you're the only one saying it. I'll lend more credence to the people answering the phones. :wave:

By the way, the number for my resort was listed on my reservations not the net. :eek:

And on your ressie is says "Do not call prior to arrival."

Funny how that works eh?

The numbers aren't published! Get ye a phonebook and try to find them.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
And on your ressie is says "Do not call prior to arrival."

Funny how that works eh?

The numbers aren't published! Get ye a phonebook and try to find them.
Didn't see that... but saw the number. If they don't want me calling, don't give me the number. It is funny, eh?

Published does not necessarily mean phone book. ;)


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Umm, i seperated the two points for a reason...?

And again, it's not up to you to decide when you should call someplace at WDW by using a number you find on the net. Call the regular number and let Disney decide.

Read the blah blah blah and you'll understand.

As stated before the 1800 numbers (that don't actaully go to FLA, but cm in MO that do ressies by comptuer) are puplished in many guide books (Unoffical for one.) So if that is who you want to call, by all means go ahead. I have before (when I needed non Member services infomation) and it is just fine. I have had a number of nice chats with very friendly CM who aren't anywhere near FLA! :lol:

wannab@dis, I would have to agree with you about that. However unless Disney gets enough offical complaints or reduced bussness they won't chage. I would guess if you made an offical complaint (say by email) they would offer up the toll free number to you. I too have talked to actaul resturants about special dietary needs.

Mouse, I need to just stop reading the last line of most of your posts and we will get along much better. :lookaroun

As wannab@dis says
Have a magical day! :wave:

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