Tired of Disney


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Original Poster
I was just wondering, don't some of you get tired and sick of WDW? For those of you who live in Florida and go every weekend, doesn't it get kind of boring and less appealing?

I live in Indiana and my family typically goes every 2 or 3 years and that's plenty for all of us. Going every three years keeps you excited about going to WDW and you still feel like it is special.

If I went every weekend or even once a year, I would be thinking, "Meh, we're back at Disneyworld." I can understand going there if they get a new ride, but a new ride is not added every year. And I don't mean the stupid Cinderellabration or a new fireworks show, or a restaurant getting new paint. It just seems like some of you are too obsessed with WDW.

Just my thoughts, what do you guys think?


New Member
we go every year. and soon we'll be moving down to Florida within close proximity of disney world. why? disney just has this...pull. it has this feel good...feeling for us. no matter what we always feel like we're at home at Disney. being 21, i hurts to think about when we leave disneyw orld cause it just makes me feel good. it has good memories, a place of nostalgia, etc.


New Member
Nope, never get tired of it.....Altho the rides and attractions aren't new....we have gotten to know the cast members and we love seeng them all the time. I always think that nothing more magical can happen to us and every weekend we are proven wrong. We also get to meet board members and frequently hook up iwht a vacationing family and show them some of the lesser known aspects of WDW that you don't have time for if you are focused only on rides, etc. You'd be amazed at the detail there is to find, we find something new every week.


New Member
bbll24 said:
I was just wondering, don't some of you get tired and sick of WDW? For those of you who live in Florida and go every weekend, doesn't it get kind of boring and less appealing?

I live in Indiana and my family typically goes every 2 or 3 years and that's plenty for all of us. Going every three years keeps you excited about going to WDW and you still feel like it is special.

If I went every weekend or even once a year, I would be thinking, "Meh, we're back at Disneyworld." I can understand going there if they get a new ride, but a new ride is not added every year. And I don't mean the stupid Cinderellabration or a new fireworks show, or a restaurant getting new paint. It just seems like some of you are too obsessed with WDW.

Just my thoughts, what do you guys think?

IMO, part of me wishes I could go as much as some of these folks do and the other part likes going every other year like I do now. But, I do like "living" thru those people who go all of the time by reading what they've got to say. I think that's neat to find out little qwirky things about what's going on in the parks at that very moment.

You do know you're going to start a war with starting this thread, don't you?


Active Member
I'd say I'm obsessed with WDW, that's part of the reason I like to come here a post with my people. :D I go to WDW every two years on average and no it's not enough. I'd go twice a year if I could. Everytime its like the first time because I just let go and let myself become a kid. I arrive in normal clothes and leave looking like a walking Disney ad. I have friends and family who get sick of it, DL isn't that far from me and they can't believe I go to DL at least twice a year let alone want to hit WDW but I guess it just takes a certain kind of person....


Well-Known Member
Ah well not I but I was talking with someone the other day about that. They go every year. They usually got the first 2 weeks of August. They have 2 kids between 12-15 I think. But this year they are not going because the kids want more excitement so they are going to the Jersey Shore for the summer.


New Member
It's only been 2 months since I was there and I am trying to fit in another trip. This website helps me get through the Disney Blues until I go "home" again. It's not necessarily about the rides or the shows, it's about the FEELING you have when you are there.


Well-Known Member
A year ago, we had seasonal passes. And we went every couple weekends. (We're over in Tampa, so it's about an hour and a half away.) We never got sick of it. In fact, it's quite liberating to go so often. There's absolutely zero pressure on your time. So if you want to spend an hour shopping, or ride TTA five times, no worry. Because if you don't ride something one day, you can always come back another.

I've never had the one-big-trip, week-long-visit to Disney before. So to me, that seems strange. I can't imagine what it'd be like to plan and think about it and save up the money and then get there and hope everything works out ok or you brought everything or that you need to get x number of things done or... You know? It seems to stressful to me. *chuckles* Whereas, if you go with regularity, there's more freedom to really spend your day how you want.

Plus, there's something awfully interesting to be said for seeing the small changes. The progress of an update or the minor rehabs, changes and such that slowly and generally very subtlely occur.

I miss it. I can't wait to get a new car so we can get passes again. (Right now, ours is in terrible shape and can't make the drive anymore so we haven't been going hardly at all. Last time was NYE.) I love going regularly. I think it gives you an entirely different perspective on the 'World.


Well...I suppose I'm not quite as enthusiastic about it as I used to be. Probably because I keep watching my home movies of WDW over & over. But there are some things that I haven't taped that I am not sick of yet. I am far from sick of WDW.


New Member
Yes, I get tired of it somewhat now and then. I can usually only be there three or four days until I am ready to come home. I got an AP last year and went four times and kinda overdid it. Visiting a different park (for me, it was Disneyland last month) made it a bit more exciting, but right now I have no plans of returning to a Disney park. Something may come up where I take a quick weekend trip, but as of right now, I have no plans and am not feeling that itch to go.

I guess I'm a bad Disney fan. Oh well.


New Member
I go every weekend (being a Cast Member has its perks) and I still havn't tired of it. As someone said earlier, when you go a lot, you don't feel as rushed to complete everything. I can take my time and do what I want because I know that I can just come back and do it another day.


Except for during the summer when it is hot and the lines are long, me and my crew go several times a month. It never fails, everytime I am there I find something that I never noticed before and I always have a good time.



Well-Known Member
I think it depends on your perspective.

The magic I felt as a kid is gone. Being a CM did that in because I got a chance to really see how things worked. Therefore, I lost the excitement of going and doing/seeing everything in a big whirlwind. However, that has been replaced by two things. First, I now feel the need to visit for a longer period so it is more relaxed like I am used to. Second, I DEARLY miss seeing what Disney does for people. That is something I will never tire of. Seeing kids having fun, figuring things out (especially at Epcot) is just great. Also, I was down there for 7 months, going 6 days a week, and there are still PLENTY of things I haven't seen or experienced. So, I guess I doubt I will ever get sick of it. Instead, I am just changing how I see it.

P.S.- If you ever want to REALLY miss it, work there for a brief period and then leave. It is very strange thinking about the access, pride, and even power you feel as a CM to have it snatched away literally in a day. Bittersweet, I guess.


New Member
Nope. Not tired at all, and I go to Orlando every year. I plan on living in the area in the future because it feels like home every time I get there. Sure, you don't get that crazy super-excited feeling if you go often, but it's the same with wherever you feel at home. You feel comfortable, relaxed, and refreshed. And it's nice to notice all the little changes. If one lives in the area, they don't have to budget their time, which is another big bonus. I have a season pass for Busch Gardens, which is only one park, and still haven't gotten tired of going.

But I'm a huge Disney freak in general, the kind that can take forever in the Disney Store or reading books on Walt; the kind that wants to be a Disney artist, so I might be biased. :)


Even for people who have been there more than 364 times a year find something new there to explore. My family goes atleast 2 times every year, and we always find something and we go "I didn't see that last time, i wonder how long its been here"


Well-Known Member
Dinsey has always had that same magic every time I go. I usually go once a year, and it feels great. I always try to do something different or new to do, there always is. I don't plan on ever getting tired of Disney.


New Member
NEVER EVER AM I EVER SICK OF DISNEY:mad: . I live in Florida and visit 2x a month and have been doing so as long as I can remember. I cant see how anyone that posts on this site is sick of DISNEY....some of us post everyday. To me, DISNEY represents a fantasy world. A place where I can leave my troubles behind me and just have fun. Who cares that the rides are the same...everytime I visit I am amazed. I love watching a family/child experiance DISNEY for the first time...the awe and amazment. I love the smells and sights and beauty. 2x a month isnt enough fantasy for me and my family.

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