tips for watching parades "safe" from characters


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Hi All,
Any recommendations for "safe" places to watch the parades? In a restaurant? Behind glass?

My kids like to watch the parades, but are afraid of being "accosted" by characters. They like to watch from a safe distance, but do not want to risk even a chance encounter with a character, live or costumed. For example, we sat in the very last row of Finding Nemo the Musical because my child was afraid the puppeteers would come down the aisle and try to shake hands or something. :veryconfu

I want to see the Block Party Bash, but last time Bullseye decided to hang around and say hi to the crowd. I spent all my time making sure my son didn't disappear (he was hiding behind a bush).

For those who might suggest "then don't go"... We loved our first and only trip to WDW and can't wait for visit number 2. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
How do they feel about being there but just not too close? Usually there are lines four or five deep to watch parades. Could you just stand on the outskirts and maybe have your child on your shoulders?


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I'm afraid one of my kids has a LONG memory. We were actually 3 deep when Bullseye decided to roam around. His first thought is to FLEE if one gets too close. No amount of reasoning will work.


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Yes, EPCOT, it's sad, but it's my reality. I don't mean to make light of it. My son has Aspergers Syndrome (high functioning autism). We'll work around it. I was just hoping folks might have some creative suggestions. Besides the characters, WDW was a magical trip for him.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I would fire off a letter to guest communications ( and inquire about special arrangements. I am sure you are not the first family to have this issue.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
There are several parents on these boards with children with Aspergers. Perhaps they will see this thread. Perhaps you should have put Aspergers in the title, then I'm sure you would get some responses from them.


Well-Known Member
For the MK parades I would suggest a spot on the railroad platform at the front of the park. It's not behind glass, but it is high and away from the action, but depending on when your going you may have to stake it out pretty early.

At AK you can try the outdoor seating near the Tusker House. There will be a few lines of people and a guard rail between you and the parade.

For HS I'd try to find a spot either in one of the shops through a window, or on one the slightly elevate areas closer to the buildings on the Sunset Blvd. side of the street again it is slightly back and you might find a guard rail.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
In addition to any suggestions you might get on viewing spots...any character performer who's on their game should be able to understand a polite rebuff before they get to where you are (i.e., stretching out a palm while saying "No Goofy, this one's a little scared.")


Active Member
The porch area outside of Tony's is great. You are high enough that you can see everything, even if a bunch of people are in front of you. There is a porch railing, so as long as you are right behind it, you will have an unobstructed view.


New Member
Original Poster
These are great suggestions! Exactly what I'm looking for. A physical or elevated barrier. I will also do some searching on the boards for Aspergers to see what other parents have to say. We're also planning Hoop Dee Doo Revue and will be sitting in the balcony. My kids should LOVE that!

Thank you everyone!!! I so appreciate it. :wave:

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