Tipping with Dining Plan

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My family and I are headed to Disney World on Sunday and we will be on the dining plan.:sohappy:

I understand that tips are included on the dining plan, but I am curious as to how much tip is included. Also, is it customary to tip beyond what the dining plan provides for good service?:veryconfu



Well-Known Member
It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
There was a GREAT thread on this exact topic about 2 weeks ago. A simple search will give you all the information you are looking for. :wave: :D
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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
We use the Dinning Plan. The higher the cost of you bill the higher the tip. So our bill runs around $60 - $100. That's a at least a $10 tip. I think that is a good one table tip. Plus we don't ask for much.
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It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D

wow...you're cheap...have a nice day and don't go out to eat anymore if you want to be so rude.
:hurl: that makes me SICK
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Well-Known Member
18% is usually a reasonable tip. Do what you think is right, but know that what most people consider a generous tip has already been added.

As someone who has worked as a waiter, tipping $2 no matter how much you spent is unbelievably rude. I can't even believe any respectable person would consider that. Please don't take that advice!
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It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D

I used to tip like that too....but I was about 15 and didn't know any better. I thought $2-3 was a standard tip for anything (of course I was also eating at places like Dennys).....BUT now that I know better I think that is just down right nasty!:hammer:
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Le Meh
Premium Member
It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D

I hope you dont have any photos of yourself in the albums on this site.....cause if I were a CM at WDW, I would print it out and give it to every CM wait person I knew....with a copy of what you posted....
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Well-Known Member
It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D

I'm glad I've never had to wait on you. You're the kind of person my boyfriend complains about on a daily basis. Let's see you try to pay your bills on $3 an hour when people don't tip properly. Servers make their living off their tips.
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Well-Known Member
It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D

I hate to beat a dead horse but as someone who has worked in many restaurants, I hope that you never go out to eat again. :wave:
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Active Member
It's an 18% tip, I believe. As to whether or not it's customary to tip beyond that, I don't know, and I really don't care. I usually only tip $2 anyway, regardless of how much it is, so I figure an 18% tip is more than I would usually give anyway, so they'd better be happy with that, 'cause I ain't given them no more. :D
:fork: i have to agree with everyone else that is just hateful,and im not in the service business.i do agree if the service is bad leave a bad tip but if its good reward your server let them know they did a good job im sure it will brighten thier day somewhat.back to the magic in 26 days.:sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Just to stir the pot, so a person that orders a $25.00 steak should tip 10X the ammount that a person who orders a $2.50 salad should have to tip? Where is the logic in that? They both went to "steak place" and ordered a meal. Both took the waiter the same ammount of time to take the order, place the order, prob not even deliver the food, ask if everything is okay, and deliver the bill. Why should the customer be penalized if they order something more expensive? If each tips $2-3, and the waiter gets $4-6. Not a bad tip for a $27.50 bill. At $4 it's a little less than 15%, but not much. But $6 is a little more than 20%. Not a bad haul on a table. I tip by the dollar too. $1 at places like Souper Salad and Golden Corral, where they basically refill your drinks. $2 at standard eateries, Chili's, Fridays, Don Pablos. If we really splurge and go to Outback, $3 a person. So for the four of us it's $12 bucks on a bill that usually comes to $50. That's not bad. $2 a person isn't bad either. If the person is ordering a sandwich and a drink for a bill of $9, $2 is a great tip. Be nice folks. The $2 tipper is probably somebody that wouldn't pay $50 a plate, just like me. So chill. They are just saying that the server should be greatful for the tip, because they prob wouldn't get anything from them, because they might not eat there to begin with. I know Jiko would never be on our list if it wasn't for the DDP. With the DDP, part of what you are paying for is the tip. Maybe the poster was just saying that MORE PLACES SHOULD INCLUDE THE TIP WHEN YOU ORDER AND NOT SNEEK MORE CHARGES TO THE CONSUMER AND SC*** THEIR OWN STAFF! (sorry for the yelling)
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Well-Known Member
I agree with JimboJones123. Also, why is it that people think you need to tip more than 18%...18% IS more. It used to be that you would tip 15% for good service, and extra for really really good service. Now it is expected to be 18% no matter what.

I almost always give 15% (no matter where I go), but sometimes I don't feel it is deserved.

My last visit to Disney, I do feel that all of the waitresses at each of the restaurants did definitely deserve the 18% tip they got. But most places you go to (Chili's, Outback, Olive Garden), the waitstaff, in my opinion, doesn't earn the tip they receive.

It is so unprofessional at those types of places at times. Waitresses/waiters shouldn't say things like, "How is that food tastin' for ya?" or, "Are ya still workin' on that?", etc. It should be, "Is everything ok?" and, "May I take your plate?"
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parker kim

New Member
Hi I some of the same problems with my husband and tipping. He thinks 2 or 3 dollars is fine. And that the place you are eating at should pay better. He says that they should be happy people are eating there. But when you don't have tons of money to through around you just leave what you can. but I also see the others side of the worker too. So I guess thats were the dinning plan would be great you would not have to worry about the tipping. And getting embarance.
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Just to stir the pot, so a person that orders a $25.00 steak should tip 10X the ammount that a person who orders a $2.50 salad should have to tip? Where is the logic in that? They both went to "steak place" and ordered a meal. Both took the waiter the same ammount of time to take the order, place the order, prob not even deliver the food, ask if everything is okay, and deliver the bill. Why should the customer be penalized if they order something more expensive? If each tips $2-3, and the waiter gets $4-6. Not a bad tip for a $27.50 bill. At $4 it's a little less than 15%, but not much. But $6 is a little more than 20%. Not a bad haul on a table. I tip by the dollar too. $1 at places like Souper Salad and Golden Corral, where they basically refill your drinks. $2 at standard eateries, Chili's, Fridays, Don Pablos. If we really splurge and go to Outback, $3 a person. So for the four of us it's $12 bucks on a bill that usually comes to $50. That's not bad. $2 a person isn't bad either. If the person is ordering a sandwich and a drink for a bill of $9, $2 is a great tip. Be nice folks. The $2 tipper is probably somebody that wouldn't pay $50 a plate, just like me. So chill. They are just saying that the server should be greatful for the tip, because they prob wouldn't get anything from them, because they might not eat there to begin with. I know Jiko would never be on our list if it wasn't for the DDP. With the DDP, part of what you are paying for is the tip. Maybe the poster was just saying that MORE PLACES SHOULD INCLUDE THE TIP WHEN YOU ORDER AND NOT SNEEK MORE CHARGES TO THE CONSUMER AND SC*** THEIR OWN STAFF! (sorry for the yelling)

Uh, where did the poster say that his party leaves 2-3$ per person? He said he only leaves 2$ no matter what the bill is...that could mean for his family of 4 or 5 who perhaps eats 27.50 worth of steak each the server only gets 2$. I think you are giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who might not deserve it. Plus...why should you penalized for ordering steak??? Because if you want nice things you pay for them.
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Well-Known Member
Wow, I got to emotional for trying to stir the pot. BTW, the poster never said anything about family either. He said "he" tips $2. And the Steak penalty. Did you not read the post?
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I agree with JimboJones123. Also, why is it that people think you need to tip more than 18%...18% IS more. It used to be that you would tip 15% for good service, and extra for really really good service. Now it is expected to be 18% no matter what.

I almost always give 15% (no matter where I go), but sometimes I don't feel it is deserved.

My last visit to Disney, I do feel that all of the waitresses at each of the restaurants did definitely deserve the 18% tip they got. But most places you go to (Chili's, Outback, Olive Garden), the waitstaff, in my opinion, doesn't earn the tip they receive.

It is so unprofessional at those types of places at times. Waitresses/waiters shouldn't say things like, "How is that food tastin' for ya?" or, "Are ya still workin' on that?", etc. It should be, "Is everything ok?" and, "May I take your plate?"

Let me preface by saying that I own a restaurant.

I have to tell you....This kind of nonsense logic always P*sses me off!!!!
this usally comes from people who obviously have never worked in the service industry and secondly have no idea how trying it is to work with the general public, because if you haven't before.....gotta tell you a large percentage of them are jerks.

Also next time you decide to get all high and mighty about the service "YOU DESERVE"......try to think to your own job.
Maybe to be fair, everytime you have a bad day, we'll take some of your salary away...and everytime you make a comment that maybe someone else might not like, we'll take some of your salary away.
And maybe whatever it is that you do, I don't think is worthy....so i will reach in your pocket and take some money from you....because I mean its just a couple of dollars right...no big deal!!!!!!!!

People that look down on service people....and by not tipping is looking down on btw.....are dispicable and elitist.....and I have no room to share in my magic with you.... So please don't ruin everything for the rest of us with your salty attitudes.....leave wdw to us...there is plenty of room at the local cafeteria for you....where you won't have to give anyone anything!!!
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Well-Known Member
Also next time you decide to get all high and mighty about the service "YOU DESERVE"......try to think to your own job.
Maybe to be fair, everytime you have a bad day, we'll take some of your salary away...and everytime you make a comment that maybe someone else might not like, we'll take some of your salary away.
And maybe whatever it is that you do, I don't think is worthy....so i will reach in your pocket and take some money from you....because I mean its just a couple of dollars right...no big deal!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is that I didn't choose a job where I work directly with the public. Waiters and waitresses choose that job because they know they can make more with tips. But they have to earn it. And they have to realize that there are two sides to that. They should expect a proper tip if they give good service, but thay can't possibly expect a good tip if they don't give good service.

Part of the choice of working in the service industry is that sometimes you might not get what you think you should get, that is life. You can't complain about not getting steady tips if you chose that job, you knew what was involved going in.

And yes, I have worked in the service industry with the general public. I know people can be awful at times. But that is how it goes, you learn to live with it and move on. Just because you deal with real jerks doesn't mean you are entitled to extra pay.
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New Member
I have never had the patience required to work in a job as a server... It's a difficult job, very demanding, with few rewards save for good tips. It's too bad that this job is paid in the manner that it is (relying on tips) and that servers don't get base pay that is reasonable... but it is what it is... I always consider the difficulty of the person's job when I am tipping... I generally leave between 15 and 20%... I do leave less if the service is HORRIBLE... once I actually left nothing... but I spoke to the manager about the service (this was at breakfast at a Friendly's restaurant in CT) becaue it took us over 2 hours to get our food...and nobody in my party got the right order the first two times... we were in a hurry...and had just met some friends for a quick breaqfast while we were passing through CT on a way to a wedding in RI...and the get together was completely ruined by the servers' ineptidtude... But that was an extreme case...

If I have great service...I will leave more than 18%... If I have not so good service...I'll leave between 10 and 15%... usually I still leave 15%...

An we fully recognize the difference between a server who is trying very hard to do their job well...yet the kitchen staff is backed up...or the food is sub par...

We had REALLY bad service at another Friendly's just yesterday, as it turned out... it was bad form start to finish--from being told the wrong wait time for a table... to there being tons of confusion... to them bringing the wrong food... and to there being no communication from the wait staff for 30 minutes at a time... which stinks when you've been brought the wrong food! And the kicker? The BLT I waited an hour for had ONE piece of bacon in the entire sandwich.... A half a piece for each half of the sandwich! I guess it was the Weight Watcher's version. lol... I had them take that off the bill... I wasn't paying $6 for a limp piece of bacon, two pieces of toast....some shredded lettuce and 3 small slices of tomato... The server still got a tip, though... even though her service was not so great--I could see that this location on this day was being poorly managed over-all... it was chaos in that place!
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