Tipping the room cleaning staff?


New Member
Staying at the WL and wife wanted to know if customery to tip the room cleaning staff. I say yes for exceptional sevice. Had one at the Animal Kingdom Lodge that made different animals out of the towels and leave them on the beds with the other stuffed animals (like they were reading a book etc). If so how much do others tip.


Well-Known Member
Staying at the WL and wife wanted to know if customery to tip the room cleaning staff. I say yes for exceptional sevice. Had one at the Animal Kingdom Lodge that made different animals out of the towels and leave them on the beds with the other stuffed animals (like they were reading a book etc). If so how much do others tip.

Hi there!
Yes, definitely tip them.
Last trip, we did 9 days at the Poly and tipped $10 in an envelope labeled "Thank you" (Of course to thank them, and also so they don't toss it and know it's for them) on the night stand or dresser.
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Well-Known Member
A little off topic here, but can you request the animal design towels??? Always wanted them to do that but never had the luck...

Excuse me while I go get a life now....lol

But seriously can you?

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Well-Known Member
We will sometimes leave the Do Not Disturb hanger in the door as we don't need the room cleaned every day, but the days they clean we leave $1/person in the room. That way we know the people who cleaned the room got the tip, rather than just whoever did the last day.
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Well-Known Member
We always tip mousekeeping (as well as housekeeping in other hotels).
We usually leave $5 per day or so as there are 4 of us. Since my kids are now older they don't leave much of a mess, but they do have a lot of "stuff". :rolleyes:
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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
PLEASE DO... we have been doing so twice per year, for five years :) AT the WL.

Some advice... get an envelope from the Concierge, but DON'T tell them it's for a tip for room staff. When young and foolish, I made that mistake, and had to FIGHT with WL management that did not WANT me to do this.

Every trip, we try to get into the "area" of our favorite housekeeper (around 6004). We're likely on the high end, but believe in about $5.00 per day.
You can also consider making your own decorated envelopes at home before your trip! This will help 'catch the Disney fever' and is also a way to make the Mousekeeper feel special. Perhaps even leading to more towel animals! :D
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Active Member

PLEASE DO... we have been doing so twice per year, for five years :) AT the WL.

Some advice... get an envelope from the Concierge, but DON'T tell them it's for a tip for room staff. When young and foolish, I made that mistake, and had to FIGHT with WL management that did not WANT me to do this.

Every trip, we try to get into the "area" of our favorite housekeeper (around 6004). We're likely on the high end, but believe in about $5.00 per day.

Tips DO make a difference for many of these workers :) & they are glad you care Duckberg :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
There are a couple places online that have templates for printing out envelopes "for Mousekeeping". We did that.

I was told $1/day per person, we had five, so that's what we did.

We didn't get towel animals, but as my kids did get some stuffed
creatures when we were there, when we got to the room they
were always arranged in little piles, facing the door, as if to welcome
us. It was pretty fun, the kids loved it.
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely, I generally tip mousekeeping daily being that I am never sure if the same maid is there each day of our trip. I think that $1 to $2 a person per day is reasonable.
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PLEASE DO... we have been doing so twice per year, for five years :) AT the WL.

Some advice... get an envelope from the Concierge, but DON'T tell them it's for a tip for room staff. When young and foolish, I made that mistake, and had to FIGHT with WL management that did not WANT me to do this.

Every trip, we try to get into the "area" of our favorite housekeeper (around 6004). We're likely on the high end, but believe in about $5.00 per day.

Why management didnt want you to tip mousekeeping? :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Never heard of tipping housekeeping.
I thinking the idea of tipping has been completely missed.

If someone does something extra, yes by all means tip.
If someone does the job they were hired to do, then no of course not.
If you want to tip everyone then that's your business but dont make it sound like your suppose to. Your not. That is why management frowns on it.
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Active Member
We tip usually $1/day per person in the room. I miss the days of the kids bringing a stuffed animal with them on vacation. The "kids" are now 22, 21 and 18. The mousekeeping staff would always arrange them in some cute way: rabbit tucked into the bed with remote control in his hands; Disney beany babies sitting in Venetian blinds looking out the window, etc.
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Well-Known Member
We always tip Mousekeeping $3 per night during our stay. We leave it on the dresser before leaving in the am for the parks. When we come back in the afternoon, our room is always spotless, and last year the staff at POFQ made us towel animals 3 times during our stay.

It is very much appreciated when you tip mousekeeping.
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Well-Known Member
Never heard of tipping housekeeping.
I thinking the idea of tipping has been completely missed.

If someone does something extra, yes by all means tip.
If someone does the job they were hired to do, then no of course not.
If you want to tip everyone then that's your business but dont make it sound like your suppose to. Your not. That is why management frowns on it.

I agree. I work in a hotel and I can tell you that the house keepers make plenty of money an hour to do their job. They spend 30-45 minutes in each room and work 6 hours a day at a higher pay rate than one of our managers and also the front desk workers who hear all the complaints and take the brunt of the yelling, screaming, and complaining, while being a computer repairman, coffee maker, restaurant finder, movie critic, and babysitter.

I may be cynical, but I will NOT tip a housekeeper or a mousekeeper unless they go above and beyond.
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Well-Known Member
Does everyone tip the same regardless if you are in value, mod, or deluxe? Or do you tip according to a price point? Like with dining? Just curious.

We usually tip $1 per person, per night. But I must admit I am very obsessive about the room myself...I pack a Bongo Bag (sort of like a collaspable clothes hamper), & extra hangers. The first thing I do is unpack, get everything where I like it, & put the suitcases away. I don't leave anything out...toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc., it's all put away before I walk out the door every morning.

But I do love coming back to a clean, fresh room with little Disney touches.
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Active Member
We always tip $5.00 a day for a family of 4 (2 adults 2 kids). Please be sure to leave the tip everyday so that the mousekeeper that cleaned your room that day gets the tip. If you wait until the end of your stay your mousekeeper on that last day may not have been the one that cleaned your room during the other days. We also just leave a note that says "For Mousekeeping, Thank You for all your hard work."
We usually stay in a value resort, Pop is our favorite.
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