Tigger Was Provoked...here's how:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
It wasn't closed, it was removed for review by the administration. It had deteriorated to the point where it wasn't a discussion about the tigger situation anymore anyway. Also, do we really need two tigger threads? This thread seemed a more viable option to continue the conversation in a mature and respectful manner. If anyone would like to prove me wrong on that point I'd be happy to close this thread. So play nice!

Oh. I wanted to catch up on that thread too. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
I searched and din't see this footage yet. Its a bit more clear and close up. You can see CLEARLY that when tiggers head turns the neck of his suit is untucked. It is my belief more than ever that the kid was trying to pull his suit.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Remember, I said I heard from someone who heard from someone, etc. Some friend of a character said it is rare to remember a family but he/she remembered this family as being mean to a character at the Crystal Palace. Therefore, no more characters would visit their table for the rest of the meal.

Sorry, that is all I know.

And for those wondering where the character attendant was, sometimes the attendants are at the front of the line, but sometimes they are at the back of the line as well.

And I wonder if this is why yesterday Pooh and Tigger were not out.

Were they out to seek revenge on Tigger then? LOL

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I am going to outline what I think happened....

1. Family is online waiting to greet Tigger. When their time comes, they send the two little boys first.

2. Fast pass photographer offers or is asked to do a family picture so Daddy tried to get into the picture. He is being aggressive to Tigger, as evidenced in the YouTube video where he says something about getting Tigger's head. (I assume he grabbed Tigger tightly or hit him in the head, can't tell cause you can't see, all you see is the ground.) Tigger had to make a motion to him that he was being rough cause the guy says sorry, but with some sort of sinister laugh.

3. Daddy gets out of the picture and makes his I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS CHILD STUFF son get into the picture. The kid grabs Tigger's costume, trying to be all tough guy like, and the CM feels his air cut off.

4. CM signals to attendant who is turned around or just not paying attention. He signals cause he was always roughed up by daddy, now he is getting roughed up by SONNY. Tigger was looking for the attendant to settle the family as he knows he cannot act.

5. In a self defense move, just as his head is pulled back, and the mask almost ripped off, the CM locks the boy's left arm, to gain balance, and he turns around to get free. Since he was always roughed up by daddy and now the son, and the attendant was not coming to his rescue, this was his only logical move. Free himself.

6. CM lifts his left arm up so he can grab the kids arm and help free himself, and he accidentally brushes the kids face. The kid then acts out in his teenage rage and slugs Tigger in the face. (Apples don't fall far from he tree. Daddy and son have temper problems, bully issues, and other issues I shall not get into.)

7. Family leaves the area and watches the video. They proceed to ride RNRC, TOT and STAR TOURS. Daddy starts thinking TIGGER SLAPPED MY SON!!! YES I AM GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!

8. He tells a CM or Guest Services who alert management. Of course, Daddy only shows Tigger slapping his son, not what they did first.

9. Managers apologize. Family happy, they enjoy Fantasmic and leave for the night.

10. Next morning they enjoy another day at the parks, riding other rides.

11. Son complains of neck pain the next night. Daddy sees $$$ and takes the kid to the hospital. Of course, the neck pain didn't come from riding any of the wild rides, or maybe sleeping wrong. The pain is cause by TIGGER slapping him.

12. Sunday rolls around. Daddy trying to get his story straight so he can get MONEY!!!!! Calls the sheriff's department and makes a formal complaint. Red spot on sons suddenly appears since it wasn't there when the NEWS MEDIA interviewed them.

13. New media contact them for an interview cause they can now BASH DISNEY!!!!! Funny, no red mark on the kid's face. They claim they only want an apology, for TIGGER to be a man and apologize. The media plays the part of the tape the family and media WANT YOU TO SEE. What happened to the part where the father roughed up Tigger??? Maybe hanging out with the Kennedy magic bullet????

14. After continuing to state they ONLY want an apology, the family quickly hires a lawyer and appear on morning shows on MONDAY.

The incident happened Friday. BY Monday they had a lawyer and appeared on morning shows. Funny...... they moved pretty quickly for only an apology... NOPE!!! now they want money.. Now they say they are suing.. Wow... Sunday and Monday they only wanted an apology... TUESDAY they want money.... HMMMMMM


Active Member
Tigger's friend has been a CM for a while, nicest guy, etc. His wife is a trainer.

I really appreciate you (and everyone else who has done the same thing) telling us about Tigger's friend. I'm glad to see people holding on to the show as much as possible in this situation. Thanks! :)


New Member
I saw the video on YouTube. Tigger just rub his face with his hand (paw) and now the son is complaining that his neck is sore. :veryconfu Give me a break! Even my 4yr old can hit harder than that. :lol: This is what the father is :fork:. Greedy for money.


New Member
It's a scam

This is crazy. The kid doesn't even put his hand to his face following the event. I think it was an accident, but if not, how hard could a padded mit impact? The guy is out for money and attention. It is unfortunate the employee had to be suspended for this.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to chime in until I watched the video; which I just did thanks to youtube.

I agree with everyone else, I believe the kid was up to no good. At first I though Tigger was losing his balance, BUT then I realixed Tigger was grabbing the kids arm in an effort to control him.

I supposed the war in Iraq and soldiers killed on a daily basis are no longer news worthy items - the media must find something else to jump on. Kind of brings a certain song to mind doesn't it? "Dirty Laundry" anyone??


I am going to outline what I think happened....

1. Family is online waiting to greet Tigger. When their time comes, they send the two little boys first.

2. Fast pass photographer offers or is asked to do a family picture so Daddy tried to get into the picture. He is being aggressive to Tigger, as evidenced in the YouTube video where he says something about getting Tigger's head. (I assume he grabbed Tigger tightly or hit him in the head, can't tell cause you can't see, all you see is the ground.) Tigger had to make a motion to him that he was being rough cause the guy says sorry, but with some sort of sinister laugh.

3. Daddy gets out of the picture and makes his I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS CHILD STUFF son get into the picture. The kid grabs Tigger's costume, trying to be all tough guy like, and the CM feels his air cut off.

4. CM signals to attendant who is turned around or just not paying attention. He signals cause he was always roughed up by daddy, now he is getting roughed up by SONNY. Tigger was looking for the attendant to settle the family as he knows he cannot act.

5. In a self defense move, just as his head is pulled back, and the mask almost ripped off, the CM locks the boy's left arm, to gain balance, and he turns around to get free. Since he was always roughed up by daddy and now the son, and the attendant was not coming to his rescue, this was his only logical move. Free himself.

6. CM lifts his left arm up so he can grab the kids arm and help free himself, and he accidentally brushes the kids face. The kid then acts out in his teenage rage and slugs Tigger in the face. (Apples don't fall far from he tree. Daddy and son have temper problems, bully issues, and other issues I shall not get into.)

7. Family leaves the area and watches the video. They proceed to ride RNRC, TOT and STAR TOURS. Daddy starts thinking TIGGER SLAPPED MY SON!!! YES I AM GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!

8. He tells a CM or Guest Services who alert management. Of course, Daddy only shows Tigger slapping his son, not what they did first.

9. Managers apologize. Family happy, they enjoy Fantasmic and leave for the night.

10. Next morning they enjoy another day at the parks, riding other rides.

11. Son complains of neck pain the next night. Daddy sees $$$ and takes the kid to the hospital. Of course, the neck pain didn't come from riding any of the wild rides, or maybe sleeping wrong. The pain is cause by TIGGER slapping him.

12. Sunday rolls around. Daddy trying to get his story straight so he can get MONEY!!!!! Calls the sheriff's department and makes a formal complaint. Red spot on sons suddenly appears since it wasn't there when the NEWS MEDIA interviewed them.

13. New media contact them for an interview cause they can now BASH DISNEY!!!!! Funny, no red mark on the kid's face. They claim they only want an apology, for TIGGER to be a man and apologize. The media plays the part of the tape the family and media WANT YOU TO SEE. What happened to the part where the father roughed up Tigger??? Maybe hanging out with the Kennedy magic bullet????

14. After continuing to state they ONLY want an apology, the family quickly hires a lawyer and appear on morning shows on MONDAY.

The incident happened Friday. BY Monday they had a lawyer and appeared on morning shows. Funny...... they moved pretty quickly for only an apology... NOPE!!! now they want money.. Now they say they are suing.. Wow... Sunday and Monday they only wanted an apology... TUESDAY they want money.... HMMMMMM

I am going to add that #7 on your list happened while they were passing by the "who wants to be a millonaire" set. They might want to take that all down. :D

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I am going to outline what I think happened....

5. In a self defense move, just as his head is pulled back, and the mask almost ripped off, the CM locks the boy's left arm, to gain balance, and he turns around to get free. Since he was always roughed up by daddy and now the son, and the attendant was not coming to his rescue, this was his only logical move. Free himself.
I myself wonder if this was even intended to be arm lock. To me it looked like Tigger was reaching for his own collar to pull it down and restore his air flow and the kids arm just got caught in the way.


New Member
Remember, I said I heard from someone who heard from someone, etc. Some friend of a character said it is rare to remember a family but he/she remembered this family as being mean to a character at the Crystal Palace. Therefore, no more characters would visit their table for the rest of the meal.

Sorry, that is all I know.

And for those wondering where the character attendant was, sometimes the attendants are at the front of the line, but sometimes they are at the back of the line as well.

And I wonder if this is why yesterday Pooh and Tigger were not out.

So evidently this white trash's plan all along was to get into some kind of altercation with a CM so that a lawsuit could be filed. (The new American Dream). Apparently they weren't successful in doing so at the Crystal Palace, and the father's attempt to do so failed as well. (In one version of the video, right before the incident w/the idiot son, the father is apologizing to Tigger for being "on his head" - so he admittedly was being overly aggressive to Tigger just prior). So this was the best they could do:
  • The kid pulls at Tigger's costume and/or zipper from a distance, probably due to fear of retaliation, laughing like a moron the whole time.
  • Tigger reacts in self-defense, attempts to release himself from the kid's death grip, and turns to either regain his balance and/or to face the perpetrator so see where the attack is coming from (peripheral vision no doubt is severely limited in the costume) - in the process his hand brushes against the kid's face inadvertently. The kid said he was just giving Tigger a "side hug" - it's obvious from the video the kid had a handful of costume and wasn't letting go...
  • In a continuing motion, the kid half-heartedly "punches" Tigger in the head, probably in an effort to simulate some sort of "fight" with Tigger to make for better video or to further antagonize the CM. Of course the stupid grin on the kid's face betrays not only his intention, but also a total lack of acting skill (as does the subsequent interview w/the father and son).
You would think they would have planned it out a little more and at least have the kid fall over the railing or something, but based on what I've seen from these two, they have about half-a-brain between them. Jerry Jr.'s heart is clearly not into this scam. It's seems he's half-heartedly going along with it at his father's instigation, as is also evident during the interview Father to son: "How hard did he hit you???"

That's my $.02. I hope whatever these inbreds end up getting out of this, if anything, is worth the shame and embarrassment they've caused their entire family. I personally would sue them if I were Disney or the CM and ban them for life - easy for me to say I guess...


Hey DisneyAlumnus, I noticed you joined on the 8th and have only this one post... you wouldn't happen to go by Mike would you??:lookaroun


I still think DisneyAlumnus "knows tigger REAL well":animwink:
, knows the "inside scoop":animwink:
was "REAL Close" with tigger the day in question:animwink:
Come on man, show your stripes!:animwink:
your not Michael Crawford, take the mask off!

Just playing, I know you are bound by contract to not tell and I am putting myself in jeopardy by outing you.....DISNEYCIA may show up at my door, maybe they'll send tigger to hush me up:lookaroun
Hold on.. somone's bouncin at my front door.


New Member
ive got a video of baloo bearhugging my daughter! How much can i have?

he was actually hugging her, but ive briefed her on what to say when the news station asks her!

"he was squeezing the life out of me"


New Member
Okay - just took a few looks at the video. Wanted to confirm a few things. As Joe Friday would say "Just the facts, ma'am"

Is it just me or is the kid smiling the whole time? Why would he be smiling even when Tigger is 'having a go' (loosely used term).

And the gloves - c'mon. I used to wear those when I was up to no good (in my younger, more impressionable days). And I can't think of a reason why he'd be wearing them at the Studios...

I looked at the arm bar and swat...I have a black stripe in Tae Kwon Do, a brown belt in Hapkido and a green belt in judo. Using that knowledge, the arm bar isn't overly technical. He was just looping his arm around for leverage. If it was applied with skill, Tigger would have gone after the elbow. As for the 'punch', that was more of a swat or a face wash than anything, and used to move the kid back.

And then there's the dad's admission that he thought Jerry Jr. was up to something. And all parents will agree that you know when your kid is up to something. He knew that Jr. was doing something, and even admitted it on the news - but recanted after looking at the tape. That's because he's thinking "I have Tigger hitting my kid".

As for injuries, no doctor of any respect could say Jr. was hurt. There was very little force, padding in the form of fur, and the Jr.'s neck wasn't violently jerked around.

And why would Tigger swat the kid for no reason? I am very sure that this CM knew the implications of even an accusation - and was very well aware that there was a video camera pointed at him (and other CMs). Something unpleasant was happening at the back - cut-off air supply, a pull of the mask, etc - Jr. was up to no good.

It's really unfortunate that smacktards like this exist. Hopefully, this doesn't result in a long-term effect for the CM. I feel for him/her in the short term.


New Member
First off, the kid had to have been doing something because Tigger first locked his arm to try to stop him from doing whatever he was doing, I personally think the kid was trying to cut his air off, or choke him.

He seemed to grabbing something behind Tiggers back, possibly a headpiece.

Tigger's first attempt to stop the kid from choking him had failed, so he pushed his arm towards him to stop choking him. Yet the parents are so convinced that the kid had nothing to do with it and "out of the blue" Tigger clocked him in the face.

What I don't get is why was the kid smiling throughout the whole thing? I mean, come on, he was wearing these weird gloves too!! He just HAD to be up to something!

And at the end, why do they shake hands?? Thats the confusing part.

I think the people just wanted money and attention.

The good thing about it is he is most likely gonna have a bad reputation at school! His dad looks sooooo embarrasing. The dad should go take a home video of all the kids at school making fun of him.Now THAT would be a show!!:sohappy: :D

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