News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress


Well-Known Member
He’s been sharing info with me for about a year and it’s all come to pass.
It sounds like the May opening claim didn't end up happening at least, which was something I was given reason to suspect was incorrect especially recently (it sounds like Drew also heard something similar to contradict a May opening, and others here also suspected it was too aspirational).

I posted the tweet because I don't believe he's lying about having a source and there's always the possibility of him being correct. The renders he posted clearly seem to be real Disney creations. My issue of contention is that I strongly suspect that his renders are very old and represent a still very incomplete portrayal of the quantity of figures. And I believe his claims (or possibly whoever gave him the renders) are based specifically on the number that these renders appear to contain. He initially stated that the finale would only have 6 AA's, which is the amount shown in the renders. He later amended this number to 9 when I pointed out three other confirmed characters who weren't yet present in his renders. And as I pointed out, there is a ton of empty spaces that seem specifically designed to house a lot of other characters. Spaces that also weren't present in the movie's variant of the Tiana's Palace facade.

My own source stated confidently that claims of the AA population being low are false. I asked specifically about this and pointed out Archive's claims and renders. My concerns with the finale were again singled out and the scene was specifically described to me as having "easily as many as Splash's did". The source claims that they have personally seen final full scene mock-ups of the entire ride, not just claims that came up in conversation with imagineers. This source has also gotten a ton of other things correct about this ride and others, including some of the Epic Universe details even before Alicia Stella.

At the moment, i'm erring on Splash Archive's claims regarding the quantity being incorrect/outdated. If it turns out i'm wrong though, i'll admit that and apologize. It's going to be a massive failure if they don't properly fill out the scenes, regardless of how high quality the new figures are. I am sick to death of seeing rides gutted of their densely populated scenes and replacing them with far emptier rooms. There will be hell to pay if Disney does this with Tiana and you'll not see me defend the ride, I can assure you of that.
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Premium Member
Original Poster
If you're referring to the first day of summer, that's June 20. But whatever. It's as good a date as any.
Disney's unofficial start of the summer season is Memorial Day weekend. They have ran many summer campaigns in the past starting that weekend. Not sayings it happening then, but Memorial Day weekend is very much "Summer" for WDW.
Who knows if at this point by July 18 when I arrive at the parks I will find it open. Perhaps... Hopefully... I'll stay until the 26th because on the 27th I'll move to Universal... What do you say?


Well-Known Member
Disney's unofficial start of the summer season is Memorial Day weekend. They have ran many summer campaigns in the past starting that weekend. Not sayings it happening then, but Memorial Day weekend is very much "Summer" for WDW.
I suspect it won't be open in May, that always sounded way too aspirational to me even without taking into account any potential delays. If they were at all confident it would be ready by then, i'd think they would have gone ahead and given a more specific day or at least month. Though that is based on my own assertions, not inside information.

I was never given an exact opening date, but I did know that they pushed the opening date up significantly from its original "late 2024" opening window (my source told me this a long while ago before I saw anyone else post it). But given that Disney didn't share a definitive day or even month in this announcement, it makes me suspect that they're giving themselves ample wiggle room in the possible event of a delay. Which could still happen if resources are allocated away from WDW to try and expedite DL's construction.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Summer…you don’t say?

That AA looks really impressive. Maybe they’ll update the Frozen AAs during a future refurbishment.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!


Well-Known Member
Your location may have failed but they still have plenty open across the country.

The last time I went to the one near me (admittedly, it's been years) it was in pretty rough condition, though.
The 2 that I know in NJ along with one in central PA closed…it’s a shame because I liked their decor and business model and their food was decent.

ETA: As of 2021, their corporate website listed 41 locations, but at least 2 on there are closed.
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President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
What does “summer” mean in a Disney calendar?
The entertainment industry uses Memorial Day (last Monday of May) to Labor Day (first Monday of September) as the "Summer Season."

Mostly because that's when they can get college students to work Summer jobs.

Which means it follows the school schedule of when most students are off on their Summer break.

But it can also mean the solar calendar following the Summer Solstice of June, July, and August, and ends the Fall Equinox of late Sep.

Or, it can mean just when it's seasonally hot, which for FL is Apr to Oct.
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Well-Known Member
Could it be that late May starts previews for CM, DVC, APers, etc..., and then opens to the public in Jun or Jul?
I don't know, I feel like they would have been a bit more specific if they knew roughly when it was going to open. Like narrow it down to the month at least, or heck even "early summer".

The vagueness of it makes me think they're giving themselves some wiggle room in the events of a possible internal delay. Like I said in a previous post, my source stated that a new inexperienced project manager out at DL was pushing to re-allocate resources away from WDW in order to speed up construction on DL's version to get it open earlier. If approved, it would cause construction at WDW to slow down and cause a delay. That's a big if however because I wasn't given a followup as to whether this was approved. It wouldn't surprise me if it did though. That said, again I think May was probably too aspirational regardless. But that's just an assumption on my part, we'll see.

Coaster Lover

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Before County Bears Opens? After Country Bears opens? Or about the same time? Usually, I'd think they'd want to keep the opening of two attractions in the same park as far apart as possible, but given how long of lines Frog Mountain may likely get, I feel like it would be smart to open the two right around the same time so the relatively high capacity Country Bears can absorb some of the excess crowds...

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