This is why I hate college!!!!!

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I have a professor who on the first day of class said that he was a Marxist. Today he gave out a list that he compiled of the 50 worst people in the 20th century and Hitler was # 1. The problem that he put Walt Disney at #2.

I almost ____***T myself when he said this. This started a 35 minute debate between us at the end he told me that he changed his mind Walt was worse than Hitler and called me a captilistic moron and threw me out of his classroom.

How the hell can this guy compare Walt Disney and Hitler? :fork::mad:


Premium Member
Well, first of all the professor is completely wrong! I don't think there is any comparison between someone who was responsible for the slaughter of millions and a man who ran an entertainment company. That is just crazy talk!
Secondly he must be a terrible educator. He or she shouldn't push their political agendas or personal beliefs on their students. They should inform their students of all sides of an issue and let their students make up their own minds.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member


That sucks.

Was the debate passionate or did you give him a reason to throw you out? Either way. YOW.:dazzle::(

Sorry to hear that!


Well-Known Member
I have a professor who on the first day of class said that he was a Marxist. Today he gave out a list that he compiled of the 50 worst people in the 20th century and Hitler was # 1. The problem that he put Walt Disney at #2.

I almost ____***T myself when he said this. This started a 35 minute debate between us at the end he told me that he changed his mind Walt was worse than Hitler and called me a captilistic moron and threw me out of his classroom.

How the hell can this guy compare Walt Disney and Hitler? :fork::mad:

Wow!:eek: That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard!
Just because he doesn't agree and hates places full oh happiness and magical moments he hates it. I think he would probably only say that to get on people's nerves and show his students the way he wants you guys to see him. Probably just one of those things we says fir no reason at all and sticks with just to disagree with people.
Oh well, we can all go and have fun while the party pooper stays at home all by himself.:D

Disneyson 1

New Member
WHAT?!??!??! O.K., everyone calm down. Let's look at this totally un-bialy;

- Tried to exterminate the Jewish Race
- Had major mental problems
- Almost single handedly started a war

- ...Uh... may have had some deep dark secret with his frozen head (IT'S A CONSPRACY!)
- Enjoyed having a thriving business in the entertainment industry (ie. no killing people)?
- Um... created the happiest place on earth...?

I would have no problem if he placed Disney near someone like Andrew Carnegie (people speculate that Disney was money-hungry or something) but putting him next to Hitler... man, that's harsh! The only people that he's killed are, like 4 or 5 villains!


New Member
I have a professor who on the first day of class said that he was a Marxist. Today he gave out a list that he compiled of the 50 worst people in the 20th century and Hitler was # 1. The problem that he put Walt Disney at #2.

I almost ____***T myself when he said this. This started a 35 minute debate between us at the end he told me that he changed his mind Walt was worse than Hitler and called me a captilistic moron and threw me out of his classroom.

How the hell can this guy compare Walt Disney and Hitler? :fork::mad:

I was trying to come up with a clever thought about someone like that, but there are no words.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the world of liberal education. There are professors just like this all over the country.

I won't waste my time posting anything thorough, as I wouldn't be surprised if this thread were deleted for being "too political".


Well-Known Member
With an attitude like his its no wonder that he cannot get a job in the real world. Albeit teaching is a wonderful thing, teachers and prof's need to leave their personal views out. I would have stood up and left before he got the chance to toss me out! lol!! My advice, take it with a grain of salt.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Welcome to the world of liberal education. There are professors just like this all over the country.

I won't waste my time posting anything thorough, as I wouldn't be surprised if this thread were deleted for being "too political".

High school teachers too.:rolleyes:

But how is this political?:shrug:

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
If a professor is calling students names and excusing them for participating in class discussions, that's an issue to take up with a department head or dean.

Beyond that, part of college is being exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking, and seeing how much (if any) of what you're exposed to holds up under critical examination. Being in this guy's class probably won't convince you that Disney was as bad as Hitler, but that might just be an extreme icebreaker to open the door for more scholarly criticisms you might not have considered.

I'll admit I never encountered anything that extreme, but I always enjoyed being exposed to people with views I didn't share in college, to see if there was anything of value there I might not have considered.


It's bound to be a controversial opinion around these parts. I assume he would have many reasons for such an opinion of the man, but between the two (hitler and disney) I'm sure there are very few who would honestly suggest that disney's legacy is worse than that of hitler.
Care to delve into his reasoning - or did he have one at all?

Also if you were kicked out unfairly, then definately put in a complaint, or work something out. If you got a little heated because you're obviously a Disney fan, then maybe not a good idea if you gave him good reason to kick you out. Nether-the-less you need to remember not to take things like that to heart, it's difficult i know, i can be the same, but it will really skew your judgement. Don't be bitter, be 'the bigger man'.


New Member
Original Poster
Yea he is a real piece of work this is why I hate school and glad that I am graduating in May.

Lets compare the worst things the two men did

Hitler: Try to exterminate the Jewish People
Walt: Didnt make DL big enough and went on to make the happiest place on earth WDW

I would like to continue this conversation in the parking lot but i would be expelled and arrested. So Ill complain and I have a million WDW hoodies, that ill be sure to wear to everyone of his classes!!!!!!!!!:)


New Member
In your professors defense, Walt Disney during the late 40's and 50's was one of McCarthy's men. He testified in front of congress turning in numerous people including his own employees with no real evidence. That can rub a lot of people the wrong way. He was also known as being a racist and sexist. Now I didn't know the man so I can't say for sure on those things but the fact that he worked with McCarthy and his witch hunt is a fact. A lot of people remember that side or Walt, not the side that we all see.


New Member
Just wondering, what kind of discussion did he get into with the Hitler fans in the room?? :lol:

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Wow, I know college professors tend to be liberal, but this is just nuts!Marxist?! And ranking Walt Disney next to hitler for worst people? Absolutly absurd.

What were his reasons for selecting Walt?

And just out of curiousity, who were some of the other people on that list?


Well-Known Member
While I've never met a teacher or professor quite that extreme, I did have an American history teacher in high school who pushed his political and religious views on his students. I was one of the three students in his class who had opposing political views, and we often had debates during class. One of the papers in the class was an eight page essay on an influential American of the 20th century. I was told that I wouldn't be able to find enough information for my paper because Walt Disney wasn't an influential American (I went to high school in Orlando...?) I made a deal with the teacher: if I wrote a ten page paper about Walt and convinced him otherwise, I would be exempt from the second paper we had to write.

Before the paper I had a C in the class. After the paper I had an A.:king:


New Member
Original Poster
Wow, I know college professors tend to be liberal, but this is just nuts!Marxist?! And ranking Walt Disney next to hitler for worst people? Absolutly absurd.

What were his reasons for selecting Walt?

And just out of curiousity, who were some of the other people on that list?

He is a marxist by admition and said that he started one of the most evil capitistc corparations ever. He also said he was a racist.

Some of the other people on the list were The current President, (oh he is an antisemite) The nation of Isreal, Ronald Regan, Frank Sinatra

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
BTW, I really think you should report that teacher to the heads of the school. He has absolutly no right to kick you out of the class just because he disagreed with your opinion. Let alone press his political views on you.
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