This is terrible! (Thread orginally posted 9/11/2001)


Active Member
To me, there are still no words to describe it, 2 huge buildings and 4 planes completly destroyed within hours, much more damage and lives. I was actually at Disney the day it happened, and I hardly ever get to go, I had no idea how huge this was till I got home a couple hours later. It was a strange day, every channel on TV had coverage, all airports shut down.


Well-Known Member
I had just arrived at work when everyone was saying that something dreadful had happened in New York and it wasn't until I got home I saw the news footage and sat there in a state of shock. My heart went out to America, those of us in the UK know what its like to live with terrorism and the pain and sadness it brings.

We are thinking of you still

PS I went to NYC this March and adored it, can't wait to go back!


Active Member
Yeh i can still remember were i was when it happened sitting in colegge and not hearing it untill ab 3:30. But its been 2 whole years and a lot has happened from it some for the best and some for the worse depending on ur opion on certain acts. And to c it on tv again this morning it seemed like it happened a live time ago.


Active Member
It's truly amazing to me to think it's been two years since the horrible terrorist attack in the US.

I'm also so very gratified how the world came together immediately afterward and, even though there has been some tension, never lost sight of the freedoms that we share, the lives that were lost and the sacrifices that were so freely given.

Like everyone, my thoughts are of those that lost family and friends that day.

May we find peace in our lifetime and may justice be served.


Well-Known Member


New Member
When I clicked on this thread, I couldn't help but read the entire thing! For a while, it really seemed like it was Tuesday, September 11, 2001 again. It was the strangest feeling. I felt exactly the way I did that day. I was a senior in high school and had senior release first hour, so the radio station I was listening to was interupted for the news report. At first I didn't understand what had happened, then i got to school and strated tlaking about it with one other girl who heard it to on her way in, and soon my whole choir knew about it, and then I was instructed by the teacher to not be talking about it until our principle gets on the intercom and tells everyone. It was a life changing day. As the day progressed I realized more and more what was going on and how truly horrible it was. We didn't have classes all day, we all just discussed it in our classes and watched it on TV. I lived in Wisconsin at the time,...even our mall was closed and a few other things. I can remember everything from that day, All the way down to what I was wearing. I think it is amazing how everyone came together. I will NEVER forget...espeically our heroes who risked their lives for us, and our heroes who died for us!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!! We will NEVER forget. Thank you to everyone for being there for each other. This thread is truly touching.


Well-Known Member

Let Peace live in our hearts, so that we may be a shining example for all the world to see!


This thread is a piece of History. Thanks for keeping it alive!



Well-Known Member
Remeber this date not to hate those who did it, but to remember those who died. Because it's not the date that's important, it's the lives that were lost. They didn't have planes, ships, or bombs, they had paper, computers, and pens. They stood for the US, these innocent civilians, and helped us to get to where we are now. I hope that after this date people will no longer look at our differences, but look at how we are the same.

America, spread your golden wings, sail on freedome's wings, across the sky

Great bird, with your golden wings, flying high, flying high, AMERICA!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blm07
To me, there are still no words to describe it, 2 huge buildings and 4 planes completly destroyed within hours, much more damage and lives. I was actually at Disney the day it happened, and I hardly ever get to go, I had no idea how huge this was till I got home a couple hours later. It was a strange day, every channel on TV had coverage, all airports shut down.

May I ask where at Disney you were, and you heard? My understanding on that day was that the MK and all other parks simply closed without notice. Did they tell you why they were closing?

As for me, I was home from work that morning with The Today Show (NBC) on while some workmen worked on my sink. One of the workmen walked by the TV and said, "Hey, the Sears Tower is on fire."

Of course it turned out to be the World Trade Center and not the Sears tower, but I started watching; and I was watching when the second plane hit. At that point Matt Lauer said something like, "Was that another plane? Oh, my God; that was another plane." He turned to Katie and said something like, "Well, I guess there is no question now, that this is a terrorist."

I will never forget it. I had a blank videotape, and put it in at that point, and taped most of the day. I watched it recently, and what is most striking is the actual anchors' comments, filled with emotion, uncertainty, and the rawness of the time, just like this thread.

The network feeds at the time were able to get out of New York, but my understanding was that many New Yorkers could not see initial coverage because of the station broadcast towers and other transmitters being located on top of the WTC. But I do know that the anchors could not always see what we were watching, and on ABC the first building fell in front of our viewer's eyes while Peter Jennings still tried to get a report from the street as to what was happening. After a street reporter told him that the "whole building" was gone and that it had collapsed, you heard him ghasp as he realized what he called "massive casualties." There were long pauses as he tried to remain composed. It was moving, but also telling of our electronic age that sometimes edits the editors themselves. Very moving.

Still a moment to remember.

Whatever happens with the wars and combat, we must let freedom ring, let everyone see what simple freedom really means.....


New Member
We read this today in my 10th grade english class.

The Names written by Billy Collins

Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night.
A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze,
And when I saw the silver glaze on the windows,
I started with A, with Ackerman, as it happened,
Then Baxter and Calabro,
Davis and Eberling, names falling into place
As droplets fell through the dark.

Names printed on the ceiling of the night.
Names slipping around a watery bend.
Twenty-six willows on the banks of a stream.

In the morning, I walked out barefoot
Among thousands of flowers
Heavy with dew like the eyes of tears,
And each had a name --
Fiori inscribed on a yellow petal
Then Gonzalez and Han, Ishikawa and Jenkins.

Names written in the air
And stitched into the cloth of the day.
A name under a photograph taped to a mailbox.
Monogram on a torn shirt,
I see you spelled out on storefront windows
And on the bright unfurled awnings of this city.
I say the syllables as I turn a corner --
Kelly and Lee,
Medina, Nardella, and O'Connor.

When I peer into the woods,
I see a thick tangle where letters are hidden
As in a puzzle concocted for children.
Parker and Quigley in the twigs of an ash,
Rizzo, Schubert, Torres, and Upton,
Secrets in the boughs of an ancient maple.

Names written in the pale sky.
Names rising in the updraft amid buildings.
Names silent in stone
Or cried out behind a door.
Names blown over the earth and out to sea.

In the evening -- weakening light, the last swallows.
A boy on a lake lifts his oars.
A woman by a window puts a match to a candle,
And the names are outlined on the rose clouds --
Vanacore and Wallace,
(let X stand, if it can, for the ones unfound)
Then Young and Ziminsky, the final jolt of Z.

Names etched on the head of a pin.
One name spanning a bridge, another undergoing a tunnel.
A blue name needled into the skin.
Names of citizens, workers, mothers and fathers,
The bright-eyed daughter, the quick son.
Alphabet of names in a green field.
Names in the small tracks of birds.
Names lifted from a hat
Or balanced on the tip of the tongue.
Names wheeled into the dim warehouse of memory.
So many names, there is barely room on the walls of the heart.


RunDisney Addict
Griz started a new silent thread....I'm going to bring the thread forward one more time that showed what happened on these boards. Friends that are still here and since departed joined together on that fateful day as a family. I'll never forget it. For some reason I came here.....maybe it's the same reason I stick around.

Never Forget.


Well-Known Member
We will always remember...



Well-Known Member
My friends here are as much a part of my memory that day as the news footage. I was just lying in bed remembering the sound of the fighter jets overhead, the continual roar of the takeoffs.


Well-Known Member
Very moving to read this thread on the 3rd anniversary....especially the earliest reports... hard to believe that it has only been 3 years....

God bless everyone effected by those attacks and what has transpired since...

Mark, you are missed by many....


Wow I can't believe it's been 3 years already. It's still very sad. I remember I was in my 7th grade (1st period) math class when I found out and didn't see footage until 6th period health. Does anyone know if the nation is supposed to observe a moment of silence? And at what time? I'm thinking noon but I couldn't find anything for sure.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
There was going to be a candlelight vigil back home, but since I'm at college 3 1/2 hrs away, I couldn't be a part of it. I can still remember the events of that day. It happened while I was in 4th period gym, I heard about it in 5th period Geometry, and I watched President Bush's "Freedom itself has been attacked today" speech during 7th period aiding for a teacher. The school administrators happened to be walking by the room I was in, and we all watched it together. I have a cousin in Shanksville, PA who heard that plane go down. I've been to both the Shanksville and Pentagon sites. Both were incredible experiences. Has it already been 3 years?


Well-Known Member
As long as I live, I will never forget how I experienced that day with all of you on this board. A day in which we all came together and found out that our fellow members are not just Screen names and Avatars, but other human beings who were just as scared as us. I thank you all who were there that day for helping myself through such a horrible day, and I will never forget that.

On a side note, I ask that as you think of the victim and the families, please do not forget the heroes of 9/11, the Firefighters, Police, and EMS who made the ultimate sacrifice and saved over 25,000 people from those buildings. I also ask that you remember the heroes of today, all of those in the armed services who continue to fight for our great nation so that we may all enjoy our freedom.

God Bless the Victims, God Bless us all, and God Bless America


New Member
Wow... it´s been three years already... I remember it like if it was yesterday when I saw the second plane crash live on tv. Like if it was a horror movie, but it was for real... I think the world was crushed when seeing those scenes of innocent people jumping and running in fear and we all felt so useless...
Last night I went to see Farenheit 9/11 and the fury I felt then came back to me. Now I wonder how those kids who went to war are feeling now, how their lives were changed because of it and the effects this all will have on human kind. Hopefully, we will be able to bring our kids a better place to live... something I see going farther from happenning when the days pass by... we can only hope. :(


Active Member
It is my first time to read this thread and it feels like everything just happend yesterday I will Never Forget what happend on 911. God be with us all all around the world.!!!

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