Things you don't get


New Member
1) people using buggies as battering rams on my ankles in a crowd

2) why the streets of america area in mgm has no real rides and everything is crowded on the other side of the park

3)why people insist on wearing socks with sandels - i'm affraid to say this but it is often fellow Brits who do this

4)why such a rubbish theme / story for chester and hester in AK

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Mickeyman819 said:

Alright besides that. I noticed yesterday in philharmagic. Correct me if im wrong but Donald Duck is a duck, but yet he cant fly and needs pixie dust to help him?? Odd?? I think yes. Ducks can fly, trust me ive had plenty of ducks fly straight at my head in frontierland.
Don't forget the other Donald Duck mystery....He doesn't wear pants but when he comes out of the shower he has a towel wrapped around him.

And the number one Disney mystery...Mickey is a mouse, Pluto is a dog so what the heck is Goofy?


Well-Known Member
I don't get Stitch at all - what is so great about him (it?) that warrants all the attention to him in the parks?

I don't get the whole pin trading thing either, but to each his own I guess.

I don't get why they put that awful carnival-tacky midway thing in the middle of WDW's possibly most beautiful park?!!!! .. do the animals use it at night or something? :lol:


Well-Known Member
coastermaster83 said:
Its a old song that old peopel would get and its humorious. I find country bear awesome and I dont understand everybody wanting all the fun oldtime rides gone and replaced with crap thats 30 seconds and your done.

I'm with you on this one. I love CBJ - I always visit when I'm in MK. Maybe because the show was on one of my records (yea, vinyl) when I was growing up.

I love Stitch, but to me his Great Escape is a complete waste of time and something I won't bother with in the future.


New Member
I don't get Stitch either. I've really tried to watch some of the shows and the movie with my son, and I just don't find it humorous or interesting in the least.

CBJ is so boring. I can tolerate it about once every 5 yrs.

Love the AC though.

Also, while there are some good restaurants at WDW, some aren't all that, but people still rave about them. For instance, the San Angel Inn to me isn't even as good as Don Pablos, but some people think it's great. Maybe they just don't get out much.


New Member
Reading other people's responses, it's clear that the best explanation for not "getting" it, is strictly different tastes. I for one love the Halll of Presidents and find the CBJ quite charming and nostalgic. Not to mention, I dig the poaching storyline of Kilamanjaro.

That said, here's my short list:

-The character of Stitch. (How he became popular is beyond me)

-Kali River Rapids (or any raft ride for that matter). This ride format baffles me. And, it must be really popular because you see it at every Amusment park from here to Timbaktu. I could get the same effect by dowsing myself with a hose for 30 seconds.

-Spiderman (at universal) It's a fun ride, but I don't think it is worthy of all the praise. The 3D effects never seem to work well for me and I don't find it very thrilling.


Well-Known Member
^:lol:^ I hope your joking!

Goofy is a dog, FYI. He premiered as Dippy Dog and the name was changed to goofy. This was pre-pluto.

I don't get Narnia, SGE, and the Indy Speedway.


It's funny, I noticed as this went on and on, people were saying they didn't "get" things that I find unbelievable (like IllumiNations, for instance.) To each his own, though, and I think that really is what makes WDW so special. Ten other people could be as big of a WDW fanatic as you but for complete different reasons!

-I love fact, I just watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time a few days ago and my daughter (a 10 month old) already had 3 Stitch stuffed animals. So after I saw it, I had to go get them out and start shouting "Blahakfhsfjasjlfkjakfjaj"
-The Tiki Room has always been a favorite for my family
-Bring back 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
-It's A Small World is children and I cry every time I'm in there. IMO, it's about world peace. (You are joking, right? :D)

Anyway, I've never gotten Country Bears, but I am really happy to see this post because I was thinking to myself, "maybe I'll be old enough to get it and it was inside jokes before or something?"

I still might think that but at least I know I'm not the only one now. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
I don't get the Castle. Why is there a castle in the middle of a major walkway to Fantasyland? You have to walk around some stage, then uphill, then though a castle.

I don't get the Monorail. If it's so expensive to expand it, run it, and maintain it, why have it at all ? Maybe they should tear it down, just have regular train tracks. Maybe Disney and Universal could agree to build transportation between the parks, and have some sort of special 6 park, two company pass.

I don't get the Tree of Life. It isn't real, yet it's a tree in the middle of a large zoo, that has real animals, real trees, real plants, etc.

I don't get the Big Golfball. Is Disney going to create some huge Jolly Green Giant with a 5 iron or 3 wood to hit the thing? Why can't Disney put a roller coaster inside?

I don't get the Hat. It's only a place to sell pins, so you have to detour around it if you want to get to the backlot area.

I don't get Expedition Everest. I didn't know there was a roller coaster on Mount Everest. Plus the whole Yeti thing he real, or isn't he real? Disney should have paid some explorers to go to Mount Everest to find and capture the real Yeti, if there is one. That way, Disney would know what he really looks like.

I don't get It's A Small World. Are people of the rest of the world that small? Or are they using dwarfs ? Maybe some of the parents from some of those countries sold their children to Disney so they could have a better life.

I don't get the WDW Railroad. Why have a train go in a big circle? Shouldn't it go to other places? Maybe it can go to Animal Kingdom, or MGM, or Universal, or maybe even build a spur to Busch Gardens in Tampa.


New Member
PixiePrincess said:
Things I don't get:

1. Turkey Legs, YUCK!
2. Parents who shove their kids ahead of other kids to get a better "view".
3. The Swiss Family Treehouse, (I know I'll probably get some flack for that one.)
4. That stupid show in MGM with Drew Carey.
5. The idiots that are walking in front of you and decide to just "stop" right where they are causing a 7 people pile up behind.

1. Turkey Legs, Best fast food on the run.
2. Parents are myopic and only think of their own kid fun.
3. No flack, it is stupid and a waste of space.
4. Definitely time for something new and different.
5. Sorry, I do this on purpose just to meet people. :lol:
i dont want to say i dont "get" anything becuase people get enjoyment out of things that i may not. we all have our quirks. there are some things that just arent for me though:

1. pin trading- i understand how enjoyable it is to build a collection of things. i collect shot glasses from disney and other places as well... but those pins are like $15! and its just a tiny piece of medal!
2. watching the movies in world showcase.yes they were enjoyable the first time... but they havent changed! i mean does anyone even stay to watch the norway movie anymore? everyone always seems to just walk through the theater.
3. fantasmic- im pretty sure i saw it... but i really dont remember much of it, so it didnt leave much of an impression on me. i woudlnt mind seeing it again, but i would never show up an hour early to see it.
4.TSI- yes i get that its a nice place to relax and explore... but im in WDW, i didnt pay $60 a day to roam around a big playground. i COMPLETELY understand why people do though, its just not for me
5. why people dont like stich. hes pretty much the last really successful hand-drawn character disney has had, which is why they have used him so much. hes appealing to both boys and girls, which is hard to do. hes silly, hes funny, he playfully irreverant, hes unique. hes the bad-boy of the disney world! i guess most people are just annoyed with him being EVERYWHERE

im glad i dont understand everything though cause that means that disney is doing a great job of making itself attraction to all sorts of people and not just one particular kind!


Active Member

I watch the Daily Show, CNN, and am constantly keeping an eye on the national news, when I am in WDW, I want to stay as far away from that stuff as possible.

Though I do hear it is a prefect place to take a sleeping child during the hot is quite, hardly any people, and the A/C is always blasting.....


New Member
Edeyore said:
1. Turkey Legs, Best fast food on the run.
2. Parents are myopic and only think of their own kid fun.
3. No flack, it is stupid and a waste of space.
4. Definitely time for something new and different.
5. Sorry, I do this on purpose just to meet people. :lol:

Lol, it's ok. Maybe I'll have to try one of those Turkey legs! ;)


Well-Known Member
Niether Daffy or Donald could really fly well. It was kind of an ongoing joke is both of their shorts. Daffy was a MUCH better flyer than Donald.. he could actually fly. Donald never could as far as I can remember.


Active Member
One of the few things I have tried hard to get, but have failed, is why everyone loves Illuminations so much. I love the music, and the fireworks parts/inferno barge part are wonderful... It's just that stupid globe that irritates me every single time. It's too far away from just about every vantage point around WS, and while I've got 20/20 vision, I still can't make out what the heck those images on the LCD panels are supposed to be, other than the horse. Often we sit and stare and try to make some sense of it all, but just give up and wait for the fireworks to resume. I dunno... Just my opinion.


New Member
I don't get Country Bears, Tomorrowland Speedway. In my opinion, they seem like a waste of space. CBJ needs a major overhaul-bears aren't working half the time. Speedway just seems like a waste of space.
You know what, the only quote I can think of is, "Different strokes for different folks!" Don't pick everything apart! WDW is HUGE! If you don't like something, move on. There are things I love (ie:Carrousel of Progress) that others may hate. That is the reason so many people love to go there. My 60 year old parents love the CBJ but hate EE, however my 13 year old nephew feels completely opposite. Some things are just part of the Disney tradition and will never go away. Walt Disney loved the idea of the Hall of Presidents. And I think our visitors from other countries need to see it.


Active Member
Well, I love a lot of the stuff others apparently don't (AC, Tiki, CBJ, the World Showcase films, among others).
The one thing I just don't get is Cirque. My wife and I both found it unimpressive (and truly creepy in places), and it's overpriced to boot. Yet I know that most people seem to love it. I just don't know why...


Active Member
Big-Bad-Dave said:
You know what, the only quote I can think of is, "Different strokes for different folks!" Don't pick everything apart! WDW is HUGE! If you don't like something, move on. There are things I love (ie:Carrousel of Progress) that others may hate. That is the reason so many people love to go there. My 60 year old parents love the CBJ but hate EE, however my 13 year old nephew feels completely opposite. Some things are just part of the Disney tradition and will never go away. Walt Disney loved the idea of the Hall of Presidents. And I think our visitors from other countries need to see it.

I agree that one person's favorite attraction, may be another's worst nightmare. One of the best things about Disney is that it has something that appeals to everyone in every generation or tolerance level. The important thing to remember is to keep an open mind, and not take it personally when someone says that they don't enjoy something that you love. :wave:

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