The AA that is broken is a main figure in an AA show, it’s a big deal.Im aware that the budgeted money is allocated in different areas. I'm just saying Disneys attention isnt going to be focused on a minor issue like one malfunctioned AA out of many in one attraction. And I know theres been a lack of maintenance in the parks from reduction of staffing and money allocated to parks...which is a shame. But I dont fret over minor issues that arent ruining my experience. The majority of guests dont spot that one AA that isnt working and let it ruin their time at Disney so that will affect Disneys need to see a rush to fix an issue. Yes IO think all these things should still get fixed but for some time now Disney has been slow on getting minor things fixed. JUst saying that therse plenty of other major things I find important that I think Disney should attend to than minor AA issues that in the entirety dont affect my enjoyment.