Soooo we had to reschedule this trip...I am so bummed! Literally 3 days after I booked everything we got an email from school listing all the new student back to school stuff for my new Kindergartener... New student orientation, meet the teacher picnic, back to school night...things I don't want her to miss. She is already very apprehensive about starting school! Of course all these things are occurring during the exact dates of our trip. So we had to pull the plug on it and reschedule.

New dates:
February 28-March 7, 2022
Currently booked at Animal Kingdom Lodge for the whole week, wait listed Beach club for the last 4 nights of that week. Fingers crossed it comes through, we love Beach Club!
Now for the looooooong wait....
I love my Disney Community! You all understand the sheer desire to turn around and head straight back to the bubble the second you leave! Most people do not understand this, but I'm so happy to have folks like you all that do! I'm pretty sure everyone I know will think we are crazy...I'm not even sure I want to share the good news with my inner circle...!
I can hear it now..."You guys are going for a THIRD time in less than a year? You're nuts." ....
And I'll be like
I have been itching to book a summer getaway "home" for some time now. I tried for July, but that didn't work with the hubby's work schedule. We were last at Disney in March and no joke, the need to go back sooner every time gets stronger and stronger every time lol...
We decided to cram in a trip in August, literally getting home the day before the kiddos go back to school! I know August is hot, we don't usually go in August, but the need is just too strong, I'll deal with the heat to be in my happy place! When we were there last October, we were in the midst of a crazy heat wave with multiple days having real feel temps over 100. With masks. The masks were the melted icing on the cake...! I'll be fine in the heat without the masks! Can I get an AMEN for no masks?!?
When? Tuesday, August 17-Monday, August 23
Where? Pop Century Resort (We are DVC, but the point bank is broke lol)
Who? Myself, My Hubby Brad, my daughters Brooklyn and Lacey. Here's a couple pics from our last trip in March.
So, now for the countdown! I am filled with so much joy reading all the trips reports written by you fine folks, and I ALWAYS say I am going to join the trip report ranks, but I never follow through. I am vowing to do it this time! Pictures of food, details on wait times, pics of crowds, ALL OF IT lol...
You have been warned...

Soooo we had to reschedule this trip...I am so bummed! Literally 3 days after I booked everything we got an email from school listing all the new student back to school stuff for my new Kindergartener... New student orientation, meet the teacher picnic, back to school night...things I don't want her to miss. She is already very apprehensive about starting school! Of course all these things are occurring during the exact dates of our trip. So we had to pull the plug on it and reschedule.

New dates:
February 28-March 7, 2022
Currently booked at Animal Kingdom Lodge for the whole week, wait listed Beach club for the last 4 nights of that week. Fingers crossed it comes through, we love Beach Club!
Now for the looooooong wait....
I love my Disney Community! You all understand the sheer desire to turn around and head straight back to the bubble the second you leave! Most people do not understand this, but I'm so happy to have folks like you all that do! I'm pretty sure everyone I know will think we are crazy...I'm not even sure I want to share the good news with my inner circle...!

And I'll be like
I have been itching to book a summer getaway "home" for some time now. I tried for July, but that didn't work with the hubby's work schedule. We were last at Disney in March and no joke, the need to go back sooner every time gets stronger and stronger every time lol...
We decided to cram in a trip in August, literally getting home the day before the kiddos go back to school! I know August is hot, we don't usually go in August, but the need is just too strong, I'll deal with the heat to be in my happy place! When we were there last October, we were in the midst of a crazy heat wave with multiple days having real feel temps over 100. With masks. The masks were the melted icing on the cake...! I'll be fine in the heat without the masks! Can I get an AMEN for no masks?!?

When? Tuesday, August 17-Monday, August 23
Where? Pop Century Resort (We are DVC, but the point bank is broke lol)
Who? Myself, My Hubby Brad, my daughters Brooklyn and Lacey. Here's a couple pics from our last trip in March.
So, now for the countdown! I am filled with so much joy reading all the trips reports written by you fine folks, and I ALWAYS say I am going to join the trip report ranks, but I never follow through. I am vowing to do it this time! Pictures of food, details on wait times, pics of crowds, ALL OF IT lol...
You have been warned...

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