OK, let me see if I understand. I've been reading the comments and reviews on several websites. DL replaced the entire flume, put in new boats, enhanced the exterior lighting effects dramatically, cleaned and refreshed the interior, improved the sound, replaced effects that had been long broken, and added stylized Disney Characters to multiple sets. They moved and reduced the rainforest scene, and added an entirely new scene that represented the host country. On multiple reviews people have mentioned how delighted the children in the boats were as they looked for the characters, even if they themselves didn't approve of the changes. Many people have commented that the majority of the additional characters fit in very nicely with the scenes, and then stated that they objected to the very idea of doing it.
And at the end of the day, Its a Small World is receiving tons of publicity about all of this.
I guess that I don't understand why all of this is such a problem. A classic attraction was given some bigtime TLC, and the price was that some classic characters joined the mix in a very minor way. They didn't reduce the show. They added to it.
This is clearly the worst decision that Disney has every made, and indicates how badly creativity has evaporated from the ranks. NOT!