They just don't get it...


Well-Known Member
If they don't get it, oh well. Some folks go to the same beach and stay in the same timeshare (sometimes during the same week/holiday) every year. Year after year.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Doesn't your uncle know you can do world travel in WS?

That was my initial thought! I was trying not to be too much of a smarty-pants ;)

I get it all the time from co-workers. I try to explain that Disney is my hobby much like sports etc are theirs. I have also gotten the grown up/manly man line. I usually ask them their verteran staus and they shut up.

Ain't that the truth! People don't believe me when I claim to have a veteran status! I got called out yesterday in the VA lounge at school while getting coffee. Someone told me I may have been a government secretary but I was not military. I was in the Air Force and did a tour in Afghanistan! :confused: I guess I just don't give off that vibe... /rant

...I discovered WDW and was baptised in pixie dust.:D

I LOVE this and will be stealing it in the near future.

I have many co-workers who think I am nuts. My DW and I have been many times over the last 15 years and we have done other vacations but we always seem to be back to our happiest place on earth. And now that we have 4 GK's and we seem to be going every year we have finally taken the plunge and bought into DVC, of course some of my work friends are ! But we love it and enjoy. Now like I said we go other places we have purchased a camper in the last few years and we go on camping trips along with Disney but are best times is when we are in WDW with the GK's. So cheer up some of them do not know what they are missing. I bet your uncle have never been to WDW so he does not know what he is missing.

You are correct. He has never been on Disney property. His vacations consist of Carnival cruises where he gets wasted and participates in hairy chest contests.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I go to Disney every year and will continue to go until the day I die. I have been to other places and enjoy going to different countries, but I will always go back to Disney. I have been to England, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, along with the east and west coasts of Mexico, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, Grand Turk, St Thomas, St Martin, Princess Cay, Bermuda, all up and down the east coast of the US, and a few places I'm forgetting. I love to travel and I hope I am able to continue to take 2 vacations a year, if not, my one vacation a year will be back to Disney.


Well-Known Member
I also always answer that a place where Salvador Dali, Ray Bradbury and Charles Laughton enjoyed thereselves cannot be the completely wrong location.

The following is a letter written by Bradbury after he had read an anti-Disneyland-article in Nation by some pseudointellectual know-it-all named Julian Halevy.

"Dear sirs: I think it goes without saying that I am as critical as you people are of many facets of American life. Lord knows I've raised my voice often enough. But when someone like Julian Halevy equates Disneyland and Las Vegas (The Nation, June 7), I begin to doubt his or my sanity.

Not that I haven't met his type before. The world is full of people who, for intellectual reasons, steadfastly refuse to let go and enjoy themselves. Mr. Halevy damns himself immediately when he states he is glad he didn't take a child with him to Disneyland. I did better than take a child; my first visit, I accompanied one of the great theatrical and creative minds of our time, Charles Laughton. I've never had such a day of zest and good humor. Mr Laughton is no easy mark; he has a gimlet eye and a searching mind. Yet he saw, and I found, in Disneyland, vast reserves of imagination before untapped in our country.

I admit I approach Disneyland with many intellectual reservations, myself, but these have been banished in my seven visits. Disney makes mistakes; what artist doesn't? But when he flies, he really flies. I shall be indebted to himf or a lifetime for his ability to let me fly over midnight London looking down on that fabulous city, in his Peter Pan ride. The Jungle Boat ride, too, is an experience of true delight and wonder. I could go on, but why bother?

I have a sneaking suspicion, after all is said and done, that Mr. Halevy truly loved Disneyland but is not man enough, or child enough, to admit it. I feel sorry for him. He will never travel in space, he will never touch the stars.

-Ray Bradbury
From Letters to the Editor, NATION, June 28, 1958."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I also always answer that a place where Salvador Dali, Ray Bradbury and Charles Laughton enjoyed thereselves cannot be the completely wrong location.

The following is a letter written by Bradbury after he had read an anti-Disneyland-article in Nation by some pseudointellectual know-it-all named Julian Halevy.

"Dear sirs: I think it goes without saying that I am as critical as you people are of many facets of American life. Lord knows I've raised my voice often enough. But when someone like Julian Halevy equates Disneyland and Las Vegas (The Nation, June 7), I begin to doubt his or my sanity.

Not that I haven't met his type before. The world is full of people who, for intellectual reasons, steadfastly refuse to let go and enjoy themselves. Mr. Halevy damns himself immediately when he states he is glad he didn't take a child with him to Disneyland. I did better than take a child; my first visit, I accompanied one of the great theatrical and creative minds of our time, Charles Laughton. I've never had such a day of zest and good humor. Mr Laughton is no easy mark; he has a gimlet eye and a searching mind. Yet he saw, and I found, in Disneyland, vast reserves of imagination before untapped in our country.

I admit I approach Disneyland with many intellectual reservations, myself, but these have been banished in my seven visits. Disney makes mistakes; what artist doesn't? But when he flies, he really flies. I shall be indebted to himf or a lifetime for his ability to let me fly over midnight London looking down on that fabulous city, in his Peter Pan ride. The Jungle Boat ride, too, is an experience of true delight and wonder. I could go on, but why bother?

I have a sneaking suspicion, after all is said and done, that Mr. Halevy truly loved Disneyland but is not man enough, or child enough, to admit it. I feel sorry for him. He will never travel in space, he will never touch the stars.

-Ray Bradbury
From Letters to the Editor, NATION, June 28, 1958."

Oh my goodness! I love this! Thanks for sharing! :D My uncle is no intellectual. He lives in a trailer on a farm, hunting or killing chickens for dinner and cutting down trees for a living. Not that there's anything wrong with his lifestyle choices, just that it makes me giggle when he tries to tell me how uncultured Disney World is as opposed to the hairy chest contest. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Ain't that the truth! People don't believe me when I claim to have a veteran status! I got called out yesterday in the VA lounge at school while getting coffee. Someone told me I may have been a government secretary but I was not military. I was in the Air Force and did a tour in Afghanistan! :confused: I guess I just don't give off that vibe... /rant

I guess I don't either, until people see my purple heart license plate.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I agree that travel should not be limited to Disney trips, but people like your uncle will never understand your Disney love affair. We like to travel the world - African Safari, Canadian Rockies, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Bavarian Alps, Caribbean, etc., but we return to Disney approximately every other year for our "fix". Our next fix is in 3 weeks - hooray! And our family trip for next year will be to the Grand Canyon and other National Parks. Mix it up!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree w/ "Mickey". People go to the beach each year for a vacation. Our choice is WDW. We used to go to Myrtle Beach each year, but WDW is the place for us.;) I won't stop until I've eaten @ every restaurant and stayed @ every resort!:D

I'm with you! EAT ALL THE FOOD!!! :p I actually have another aunt and uncle who moved to a beach in NC about 5 years ago where they had been living in the summers for as long as I can remember. The ONLY vacation they take is to Myrtle Beach. I live 5 miles from the beach and I've been twice in the past year and a half... Oh well, maybe I don't get the beach like they don't get Disney? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My mum is terribly condescending about my WDW trips, she tells me to "grow up" all the time. I would actually say she doesn't take me seriously as an adult because of it! Not kidding!

Wow! That's terrible! My mom thinks I should travel to other places, but she's actually jealous of my WDW trips! I do get that "oh, honey" look when I talk about my pixie dust addiction... ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow! That's terrible! My mom thinks I should travel to other places, but she's actually jealous of my WDW trips! I do get that "oh, honey" look when I talk about my pixie dust addiction... ;)
My mums the opposite, she can't stand the thought of WDW even though she knows nothing about it! She says " you should visit places here in England, there are some lovely gardens!" :eek:


Well-Known Member
Of course! Who hasn't? I've vacationed in Tennessee, Washington state, DC, Canada, New York, Virginia, several towns in Alaska, Chicago, Texas, Afghanistan (maybe that didn't count), Myrtle Beach, and several places in NC. I haven't been overseas yet because I haven't had the time or money yet, but we do have a trip to Paris in the works (yes, DL Paris is on the list of to do's) and I'm going on a Bahamas cruise in September of next year.

My uncle, however takes one of two vacations each year: carnival cruise or Virginia.

I think if his idea of a vacation is carnival cruises then I wouldn't bother listening to anything he said... Then again you might suggest that he try a Disney Cruise just for a little variety.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Oh what Aegean islands did you visit? I got married on one.Also have good friends in Turkey,did you enjoy it.;) Merhaba Arkada!
I went to Rhodes. A fine place to visit. As everywhere else in Greece, they let more history fall into ruin than most other places have ever build.
I'm afraid that is the extent of my exploration of Greek islands. Seen Athens too, which is a bit disapointing for such a large city.
I have learned that Turkey is not my thing.

The north cape. Yep, we travelled all the way up through Sweden, saw the sun never setting, saw the northern lights, then travelled down along the Norwegian coast. Wow. Amazing sights, truly extraordinary. Norway looks just like the real thing in WS!

Where did you get married?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My mums the opposite, she can't stand the thought of WDW even though she knows nothing about it! She says " you should visit places here in England, there are some lovely gardens!" :eek:

Because a garden sounds like an amazing vacation spot! :rolleyes: Don't they have some of those in WS? :p

I think if his idea of a vacation is carnival cruises then I wouldn't bother listening to anything he said... Then again you might suggest that he try a Disney Cruise just for a little variety.

I actually told him I was going on a Disney Cruise next September and he couldn't understand why I would pay more than $400 for a cruise (the going rate for Carnival)! He seemed to be pretty offended when I told him that I didn't mind paying the extra to go on a Disney Cruise vs Carnival...

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
I went to Rhodes. A fine place to visit. As everywhere else in Greece, they let more history fall into ruin than most other places have ever build.
I'm afraid that is the extent of my exploration of Greek islands. Seen Athens too, which is a bit disapointing for such a large city.
I have learned that Turkey is not my thing.

The north cape. Yep, we travelled all the way up through Sweden, saw the sun never setting, saw the northern lights, then travelled down along the Norwegian coast. Wow. Amazing sights, truly extraordinary. Norway looks just like the real thing in WS!

Where did you get married?
. We got married in Kreta ( Crete ) we have a very good friend there, who got the town mayor to do the ceremony and got married at 6.00pm and lasted till 3.00am,then started again at 8.00am with a champagne breakfast and I can't remember the rest.;)


Well-Known Member
Wow! That's terrible! My mom thinks I should travel to other places, but she's actually jealous of my WDW trips! I do get that "oh, honey" look when I talk about my pixie dust addiction... ;)

My mum is different, she normally totally understands my addiction to WDW, although her last trip was in 1991. Only our three trips in 12 months were a little overkill in her opinion, she now says I should visit different parts of the US and I will do.
Next is DL. :)

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