They just don't get it...


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Original Poster
Conversation I had with my uncle today via the book of faces:

Him: ya'll still doing disney

Me: yep

Him: woo hoo after you get back, you need to start taking grown up vacations, and leave disney to the kids.. like travelin to other countries with us

Me: lol nope! i'm a disney girl and that's just the way it is

Him: if you ever do you'll never go back

Me: disneyland, disney world, disneyland paris, tokyo disneyland, disneyland hong kong, shanghai disneyland, disney cruises... i'm all set for world travel

Him: i use to be a hot dog eating boy but then i tryed steak

Me: facepalm

Who knows people like this? They just don't get it!


Well-Known Member
I think we all know someone like this. My former english teacher hates Disney. Anything that has Disney on it is awful to her (except Pixar, that's not bad, but still not good). Her reasoning? Pocahontas does not follow the real life story. I asked her about the Lion King since it's a made up story. She said people can learn about the circle of life in a book that was about 500 pages. I told her that 6 year olds will not be able to read that. She ignored me. Needless to say, she'll never be taking a trip to WDW. That was the only thing I did not like about her.


Well-Known Member
We do.
The VAST majority of our non-immediate family members (including my mom and pop, who raised us on Disney from the time we were tots!) and friends.
In our immediate family though, my DW, myself, and our 3 DK's (now 18, 20, and 21) never talk about where we're goin' on vacation, other than where we can get back to anything Disney. :)


Well-Known Member
Well have you at least tried other types of vacations? Or been to other places? How can you knock it if you haven't tried it?
Many of my co-workers give me $hit all the time for going to Disney. However, I have gone to France (the real one), Canada (the real one) Vegas, LA, Tennessee and other places to vacation. As much as I love WDW, I did expand my horizons. And at times, I think that WDW can be overdone as well.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well have you at least tried other types of vacations? Or been to other places? How can you knock it if you haven't tried it?

Of course! Who hasn't? I've vacationed in Tennessee, Washington state, DC, Canada, New York, Virginia, several towns in Alaska, Chicago, Texas, Afghanistan (maybe that didn't count), Myrtle Beach, and several places in NC. I haven't been overseas yet because I haven't had the time or money yet, but we do have a trip to Paris in the works (yes, DL Paris is on the list of to do's) and I'm going on a Bahamas cruise in September of next year.

My uncle, however takes one of two vacations each year: carnival cruise or Virginia.


Premium Member
cool - all too often people have only been to where they were conditioned to go and haven't seen the grander horizons. Not that elsewhere is necessarily better - but its hard to make true comparisons with a small set of info :) Americans travel internationally so little compared to other countries because (IMO) we have such diversity in country. Spoils us, but at times also distorts us :)


Well-Known Member
Well have you at least tried other types of vacations? Or been to other places? How can you knock it if you haven't tried it?

Speaking for my family, I've been to various places all over the contiguous US over the years as has DW, but I have never been overseas. DW was overseas (Europe) as an Army/Air Force brat (I know, not quite the same thing as a casual tourist), and oldest DD has been to the Bahamas. It just seems that we tend to gravitate back to WDW for family vacations 'cause we have so many awesome memories of the place over the last decade+, and we can't always afford, lately anyways, to go on a big family vacation every year.
Although, we were just at WDW this past July, and DW and oldest DD were just on the phone continuing to plan an upcoming DCL/WDW trip. :)


Well-Known Member
I asked her about the Lion King since it's a made up story. She said people can learn about the circle of life in a book that was about 500 pages. I told her that 6 year olds will not be able to read that. She ignored me.

Or English Lit, since The Lion King is pretty much Hamlet if Shakespeare had decided to give it a happy ending.

Well...actually...Hamlet did have a happy ending by Jacobean standards...Crown Prince Fortinbras leads his army into Denmark and takes over, declares Hamlet to be a hero and buries him with all military honors, and unites Norway and Denmark into a singular kingdom in hopes of lasting peace and prosperity between them.

Of course, Fortinbras is a stand-in for King James I and Norway and Denmark represent Scotland and England. :p

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Doesn't your uncle know you can do world travel in WS?


Well-Known Member

Tell me again how you can't have adult fun in Disneyworld?

Seriously, though. It's annoying. I face it more than anyone. I work with a bunch of people who think the ultimate vacation is going to Vegas, hitting every strip club possible, drinking as much as you can, and remembering as little as you can. And don't get me wrong, this can be a fun kind of thing to do for me from time to time. But if I'm really going to want to enjoy an extended vacation. Disney is it. It's got everything. And I truly do enjoy the innocence that is absent from the rest of the world. Disney is unlike any place else on the planet. Unlike all the other vacation spots that, once you get drunk, you probably couldn't tell the difference between.

Regardless, it's absolutely pointless to try and explain this to people. Atleast in my scenario. These people are too "macho" to admit to liking Disney. Even if they truly do.


Well-Known Member
I get it all the time from co-workers. I try to explain that Disney is my hobby much like sports etc are theirs. I have also gotten the grown up/manly man line. I usually ask them their verteran staus and they shut up.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Yeh whatever.Thats my answer to relatives who give me the same eyes rolling.Like I've said in another post,I've been traveling our little planet exactly 40 years this year ( first trip was New York 1972 ) and I've swam in the turquoise seas in the med,climbed Ben Nevis in Scotland,gambled my $$$$ in Vegas,got robbed in Tijuana, locked up in Alcatraz ( part of a tour ) had a meal in the highest restaurant in the world ( Dubai ) got lost in Chicago,( you don't want to know ) but my favourite was in 2004 where I discovered WDW and was baptised in pixie dust.:D I rest my case.:p


Well-Known Member
Yeh whatever.Thats my answer to relatives who give me the same eyes rolling.Like I've said in another post,I've been traveling our little planet exactly 40 years this year ( first trip was New York 1972 ) and I've swam in the turquoise seas in the med,climbed Ben Nevis in Scotland,gambled my $$$$ in Vegas,got robbed in Tijuana, locked up in Alcatraz ( part of a tour ) had a meal in the highest restaurant in the world ( Dubai ) got lost in Chicago,( you don't want to know ) but my favourite was in 2004 where I discovered WDW and was baptised in pixie dust.:D I rest my case.:p

Same here brother, 30 years in the military and I have been just about everywhere , including some places I didn't want to. World Disney World is where I want to travel to now.


Active Member
I have many co-workers who think I am nuts. My DW and I have been many times over the last 15 years and we have done other vacations but we always seem to be back to our happiest place on earth. And now that we have 4 GK's and we seem to be going every year we have finally taken the plunge and bought into DVC, of course some of my work friends are ! But we love it and enjoy. Now like I said we go other places we have purchased a camper in the last few years and we go on camping trips along with Disney but are best times is when we are in WDW with the GK's. So cheer up some of them do not know what they are missing. I bet your uncle have never been to WDW so he does not know what he is missing.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Yeh whatever.Thats my answer to relatives who give me the same eyes rolling.Like I've said in another post,I've been traveling our little planet exactly 40 years this year ( first trip was New York 1972 ) and I've swam in the turquoise seas in the med,climbed Ben Nevis in Scotland,gambled my $$$$ in Vegas,got robbed in Tijuana, locked up in Alcatraz ( part of a tour ) had a meal in the highest restaurant in the world ( Dubai ) got lost in Chicago,( you don't want to know ) but my favourite was in 2004 where I discovered WDW and was baptised in pixie dust.:D I rest my case.:p
I have seen Europe from the North Cape to the rock of Gibraltar. Seen the US from the forests of North Carolina to the San Fransisco Bay. Seen Africa from the sands of the Sahara to the Victoria Falls. Seen the islands of the Caribbean and of the Aegean Sea, Turkey and Arabia, the African Savannah and the cold snow of the Carpathian peaks.

One can have seen one's share of the world and still think WDW is where it's at. :)


Well-Known Member
When I studied architecture most of those arrogant pseudo-intellectual assistants and tutors at my university considered "Disneyland" (they don't even get the difference between DL and WDW) the worst possible and said that "Disneyland" has nothing to do with architecture at all and never could be architecture and urban design. They don't get it, they never will and I never liked them. But I don't care about them, especially because they are outdated, modern urban design and architecture has begun to study and analyze theme park architectture for years now and it has become an important topic in urban design science.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
I have seen Europe from the North Cape to the rock of Gibraltar. Seen the US from the forests of North Carolina to the San Fransisco Bay. Seen Africa from the sands of the Sahara to the Victoria Falls. Seen the islands of the Caribbean and of the Aegean Sea, Turkey and Arabia, the African Savannah and the cold snow of the Carpathian peaks.

One can have seen one's share of the world and still think WDW is where it's at. :)
No Problem there! Oh what Aegean islands did you visit? I got married on one.Also have good friends in Turkey,did you enjoy it.;) Merhaba Arkada!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
I have seen Europe from the North Cape to the rock of Gibraltar. Seen the US from the forests of North Carolina to the San Fransisco Bay. Seen Africa from the sands of the Sahara to the Victoria Falls. Seen the islands of the Caribbean and of the Aegean Sea, Turkey and Arabia, the African Savannah and the cold snow of the Carpathian peaks.

One can have seen one's share of the world and still think WDW is where it's at. :)
Hold the phone :eek: North cape of Europe.??? Now if I could wave my magic wand.:)


Well-Known Member
Some people get it, some people don't. I have learned to ignore those people who tell me that Disney is or isn't something when they either have never been there, or have not been since it first opened in the 70's. I enjoy my Disney trips, and look forward to the escape every year.

I have also travelled to different places, and look forward to doing more of that when finances and time constraints improve.

Best advice to someone who simply doesn't get it is to smile and say, "You have your dreams and I have mine. Nothing wrong with either."

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