The Yeti


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When can we expect the new E-ticket ride in Animal Kingdom to appear? I heard it was going to be a coaster with scenes of Yeti's. One source said it was going to kind of look like Journey to the Center of the Earth at Tokyo Disney Seas park but a roller coaster instead. Has anyone else heard this rumor? Has anyone heard anything about the new E-ticket in Animal Kingdom? Can you confirm there is going to be one? Thanks in advance......


Well-Known Member
>>>Can you confirm there is going to be one?<<<




Who the hell knows? ;)

It really depends on the whims of the suits in Burbank, and with that in mind I am leaning on the "no" side of the equation.


There is no doubt that Animal Kingdom needs this ride, but considering Disney is cutting back on most of it's big projects, I don't see this one in the near future, though it should be started withing the next ten years I would assume


Well-Known Member
At one point there was strong rumor that clearing of land may be starting in February.

Notice I use the word rumor.

I'm really starting to wonder if Disney is waiting to commit to any large scale projects in the parks until the TV fall season has started, and they can see how much black ink they will need to steal from the parks to overwrite the TV red ink.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
i've said this before, and I'll say it again-

until I see construction start, I won't believe it


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
i've said this before, and I'll say it again-

until I see construction start, I won't believe it
Does this count?:D


  • dlpconst.jpg
    21.8 KB · Views: 378


New Member
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No2 APprentice, what is that a picture of? Is that being built in Animal Kingdom? Besides the plans where for a mountain. Please explain the picture.


Originally posted by Favrefire4
No2 APprentice, what is that a picture of? Is that being built in Animal Kingdom? Besides the plans where for a mountain. Please explain the picture.

Settle down kids, this is just a pic of RnRC at Disney Studios Paris...I don't think that Disney would stoop so low as to just put another clone of another clone in the Animal least I HOPE they wouldn't.



Well-Known Member
Yes, it's DLP. Mktiggerman's post gave me the idea to post a picture. If it WAS something being built at WDW, there'd be posts about it all over the forums by now.:)

Sorry if I made anyone's heart skip a beat.:drevil:


Well-Known Member
This coaster is supposedly in final planning stages, with it's final scale model about to be presented to the we will know one way or another, within the next couple months, if this project has received the final green light or not--it has received a preliminary green light, which basically means "further plan and show us what you've got"; of course, Beastlie was also given that preliminary green light and nothing happened--however, I am tempted to believe this one might just get built. Don't ask me why...just a feeling, as it were.


New Member
Original Poster
So is there any confirmation that Animal Kingdom will be getting a new e-ticket ride by 2005? I have said the ride might be with Yeti's but are there any other rumors out there about it? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Well, as with every other Disney project, nothing is confirmed until we get an official press release, but theoretically, it could open by mid-late 2005. There is a project: Forbidden Mountain in its final planning stages--may or may not get built.


I'd probably be agreeing with all the skeptics if Paul was still around, but no, I think our new friend Mr. Rasulo knows he has to spend a little and pull off something that turns a few heads, just like Aladdin. Rumors are Jay knows what he's doing and is doing things right. I expect an announcement in the next few months.


Well-Known Member
Two things-

1.) Michael Eisner handpicked Jay Rasulo. That should tell you why he was promoted to this position (remember that Jay Rasulo's reign at EuroDisney SCA brought them Walt Disney Studios Paris and a hand the in the real estate business).

2.) Aladdin was created and greenlighted when Pressler was in charge.

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