The Worst Thing to Happen to Walt Disney World


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
No.....but it will come close.
I don't know... I was talking about "MY" favorite attraction. The special on the Travel Channel has really peaked my interest. The details are amazing and the lengths they went to for research in mind-bogling!


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:

It seems that we're the polar opposites for the parks... yet we live within 15 minutes of each other and 10 hours from the parks. Also, we can debate without anyone getting upset. Scary.

Not really polar opposites. I'd say I'm more in the middle. I can associate with every point of view.

Probably closer to 10 minutes apart :)

Not even close to upset.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
as in "gay", or "dead"?

:brick: :brick: :brick:

You've used that one before haven't you?


Dead as a doornail. Hell will freeze over before another attraction like AE comes to the MK.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Not really polar opposites. I'd say I'm more in the middle. I can associate with every point of view.

Probably closer to 10 minutes apart :)

Not even close to upset.
You must drive like a maniac on these little two lane roads to get over this way in 10 minutes. Even with a shortcut I know, it's close to 15 minutes to Erwin. (Are you on this side?)


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I don't know... I was talking about "MY" favorite attraction. The special on the Travel Channel has really peaked my interest. The details are amazing and the lengths they went to for research in mind-bogling!

I know.....:lol:

The detailing that they used in the queue is amazing, as it is throughout DAK. I have often thought to myself "what if they cut some of the details and added a few more attractions to the park?"....but that "IMO" would be bad. The park has a great foundation on which to build, and although building is a slow process (DL was not built in a day, or a decade), it will happen....they are building the park "the right way".

The sad thing is to see teens and trashy adults screwing with the decor, or killing the plants......


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
You must drive like a maniac on these little two lane roads to get over this way in 10 minutes. Even with a shortcut I know, it's close to 15 minutes to Erwin. (Are you on this side?)

It took us about 10 to get to Erwin from a Crockett game a month or two ago. We didn't go too fast :lookaroun

I'd say about 15 to get to our house though. We're inbetween Erwin and Unicoi


Well-Known Member
Same here.

I pity those that will read this thread tomorrow. It's been a three headed troll for a few pages, eh?


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I know.....:lol:

The detailing that they used in the queue is amazing, as it is throughout DAK. I have often thought to myself "what if they cut some of the details and added a few more attractions to the park?"....but that "IMO" would be bad. The park has a great foundation on which to build, and although building is a slow process (DL was not built in a day, or a decade), it will happen....they are building the park "the right way".

The sad thing is to see teens and trashy adults screwing with the decor, or killing the plants......
Rude guests just irritate me to no end. I can't stand to see some of these jokers that have defaced the park. Gotta say... the one thing that really got me in December was a guy that berated a CM about not getting a straw. The "me" viewpoint that some have is quite annoying.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Troll :eek:

:lol: It has been a good run.


It's time to go back, back, over the falls. And looking at the classes I have tomorrow, I wish 2 of them lasted about as long as Maelstrom :eek:


dxwwf3 said:
And he also made some fantastic points too.

This one liner post has a lot to say. I have to ask who has the right to police the magic. Who has the right to say what the magic is in fact. I would argue none of us. The op of this thread has a good point there is negativity out there in the world and there is nothing magical about it but lets ignore it. I dont think any of us have the right to police the magic. It is something individual to all of us. I don't mind some spoliers when I know I wont be down to the world it gives me the taste of magic I need to hold me over. I also enjoy the disccussions even the heated ones as when so many people are passionate about the world it is the magic for me as well. Endekari while I think you have your heart in the right place I would argue it isnt your place to police and defend the magic, the magic IMHO does that all on its own.


Well-Known Member
This is one heck of a forum. Okay, so while I agree on the point that some old rides are still good and hold up their own, other's do tend to be here because of current trends. And these are just as good too, they attract new people to the parks. And I like that.

As to the point of the whole behind-the-scenes with the internet. I like this. It increases my personal enjoyment and let's me have a new look at the detail that went into the attraction. Even as a CP and now a CT/CM, I loved learning the little things about the attractions. It's what sparked me in my magic department. This is just for me though. (And I love the fact I've been to the parks a ton of times. The magic just gets stronger. And to show an example, I cry [yes, cry openly in the park] when I see Wishes. It reminds me of the last days I spent with the one I loved before she passed. And this keeps me coming back.)

Now, CM's are responsible for the preservation of the magical guest expirence. This does not mean police it. We as CM are to preserve it in the nature of each guest. IT IS NOT A BURDEN, BUT A RESPONIBILITY. You seek out the guest contact and find what interests them. If it's in the care of the animals or how fast a ride goes. Just as long as you remember it started with a mouse and there's only 1 Mickey and he's here to keep it going. I know alot about preserving the magic. I work in the most critical area of it.

And DL and WDW are not completly different. They are both here for people to enjoy. And even DL changed things. Not everything is the way it was back in 1955. Look at DCA. A step towards change. And it's a trial and error process.

So I know I'm going to get feed back and a lot of negative remarks presented back at me, but I personally feel that the change is nessicary. Not always good, but not always bad. I miss AE. I don't like SGE. These are my thoughts only though. I have a friend who loves SGE and hated AE. I love the CoP and TK. But another friend wants to see them go. So, keep an open mind to change. I'll always remember the old things, but I'll equally love new ones in some manner. (Like SSE, I miss Orson Wells' deep booming voice, but Jermey Irons is great and gives a more majestic feel to watching the world of communcations advance before your eyes.)


Account Suspended
Mr.Pickles finds this post true, sad , and hypocritical all at the same time, allow me to pursue this please.

True- yes indeed the internet spoils things, but not just Disney World, almost everything in entertainment. You can find the answer to almost everything on the internet,(wait until the last Sopranos...oh boy). But if it bothers you dont use the internet, to which you will tell Mr.Pickles to go jump in the lake.

Sad-sad because if all people have to do at Disney World is take photos of chipped paint, think about that for a second, you are at Disney World and your taking photos of chipped paint, you are looking for patches of chipped paint, or some brass or chrome not polished. Mr.Pickles will not delve further into this one.

Hypocritical-this board itself is a springboard for alot of misinformation. There is alot of conjecture and speculation and outright lies spread on WDWMagic, the veterans can spot them right away, but out there a newbie is making plans to ride the Harry Potter ride, or bald moutain, or fire moutain, or going to the Villians 5th gate..etc.

All in all Mr.Pickles found the post well written and from the heart, but importantly a true topic of discussion which this board does not see alot of.
Well done!


Active Member
In defense of the internet:

1. If you don't like it, don't read it.

2. If you are influenced by what some jerk complains about on a discussion forum, you have no one to blame but yourself.

3. In a way, the internet has been beneficial to Disney and those who adore Disney. All forms of entertainment have been affected by the sudden burst of technology in recent years. For example, network television used to stand alone and draw 100% of the audience. Now, with 300 cable channels, internet and 24 theater megaplexes, it is much more difficult to capture the attention of the audience. In turn, network TV is forced to produce higher quality shows and find new and interesting ways to get them to the viewers (ex - ABC shows on iTunes). Disney World has seen a similar situation develop. They have competition with Sea World and Universal which forces Disney to strive for new and better attractions. Add the internet and widespread knowledge of their trade secrets, and suddenly Disney has to work a lot harder to surprise and awe us, which they do constantly (see Lucky the Dinosaur, Soarin' and Turtle Talk). The result is advancements in theme park ride technology and general presentation that may not have been there if Disney was not given a push. We, the public, benefit. So I hope people continue to print behind the scenes info on Disney. I am enjoying the results.


Well-Known Member
I'll side with those who disagree with the original poster. I find that the internet keeps my connected to WDW. Without the online resources that are available to me, I'd probably lose interest during the long wait between trips. If anything, I find that the internet has greatly enhanced the magic.

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