The Worst Thing to Happen to Walt Disney World


Le Meh
Premium Member
Enderikari said:
Amongst all the glitz and glitter of the Happiest Celebration on Earth, in the wake of all the successful attractions that Walt Disney World has opened in the past 15 years, in spite of the parks being as visited as ever, making Walt Disney World one of the most visited vacation destinations in the world; there is still one glaring thing that is working against. One glaring omission, a blind spot, something that fights against the magic that WDW stands for, but which the Walt Disney Company is unable to control.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that black spot is the Internet.

People used to wonder about how things at Walt Disney World worked, marvel at the the attractions, and be amazed that WDW could do it all over again. A person riding Haunted Mansion would feel that creative spark and start creating their story for how that attraction came to be. People would laugh at the jokes in the Jungle Cruise because they had never heard them before. When Disney was building a new attraction, it was the mystic quality of word-of-mouth that got people excited about seeing the attraction.

But... not anymore. The magic of Disney is a lot like faith, it is something that is never supposed to be completely understood. A quick jaunt to the internet reveals all the secrets of Disney, simply so one webmaster can show how much he loves the attraction and feel superior to everyone else.

There are no surprises at Walt Disney World anymore. The magic of turning a corner and seeing something new is being stolen away. Whenever Disney starts a new project, internet junkies descend like vultures pecking away at any little bits of information they can find, real or imaginary. Internet armchair Imagineers criticize projects that they couldn't possibly fathom anything but the most cursory bits of the process. Disney can't build an attraction without thousands of people critiquing and second-guessing the project every step of the way. The dissemination of information has been a bane on Walt Disney World...

It's not the World that is changing, it's the guests. No longer do they stay up nights anticipating that one magical vacation. Having Walt Disney World constantly on the minds of guests you would think would be positive, but I argue that it is detrimental, because Walt Disney World is becoming "familiar." The more one reads about Walt Disney World, the more familiar they become with it, the more "real world" it seems. The familiarity chips away at the magical experience, and its a familiarity that hasn't been earned, the way an Imagineer has earned it. In short, its familiarity without comprehension, without an understanding of the underlying currents which cause that aspect of WDW to exist.

Its human nature to build up something only for interests of tearing it down. Look at the way society treats its actors or other celebrities, they turn them into stars, then tear away at them to make them human. Unfortunately, Disney seems to suffer the same fate. WDW is held to an impossibly high standard, and a certain group of people seem to delight in pointing out the fallibilities instead of enjoying the magic (D-Troops, MiceAge, Jim Hill). Through pure demagoguery, these useless folks define their existence on having people read what they write, they are addicted to it. They are addicted to the rush of having people agree with them, no matter what they say. And its sad to say that they have those people agree with their ludicrous statements on a frightening level. But, what do they do when the real information runs out? They only have two choices... The first choice is easy, start writing about their own opinions, trying to shape the impressionable minds of their readers, getting the rush of power that comes from making somebody think they way they do. The second option is just as prevalent, and more than a little scarier, they make stuff up.

A paint chip will be repainted by the decorators of WDW as soon as it is discovered and called in, in many cases this will be overnight. However, there are people who will take a picture of that paint chip, or that broken bulb, and put it out on the internet where it will live forever... No understanding, no comprehension, just supposed familiarity. These people are the ones I don't understand, because they hate Walt Disney World... They hate going there, they only get angry being there, and want everyone else to be as angry... They want to tear Disney down. They talk about the people running the place with such hatred that I can only see coming from unabashed jealousy. They hate the park because they don't run the park. Just like those Monday Night Football armchair quarterbacks, they are really good at making decisions that they physically aren't able to follow through with. They understand how the game works, but they really don't comprehend the overall gameplan of the team.

I like WDWMagic, Steve is good at keeping people excited about the things that are coming, at looking at Walt Disney World in a positive light. And I am all for the discussion of Walt Disney World, I love reading trip reports and seeing how much fun people are having. I love seeing people ask simple questions and watch forum members jump at the chance to help their vacation plans out. All of my photo trip reports have struck a chord in select members simply because of they can see pictures of someone who still enjoys going to Walt Disney World, who still believes there is one Mickey Mouse, who still loves experiencing a ride for the first time by ACTUALLY RIDING IT.

Find that magic everyone, there is no reason not believe there is only one Mickey Mouse, there is no reason to actively seek out reasons to be disappointed, there is no reason to be dissatisfied because Stitch's Great Escape wasn't made for you.

There is reason for fun, and laughter, and joy.... and Magic

Whats the Ciff Notes version of this?


New Member
I think you have to ignore the bad and focus on the positive.

I love that I can sign on to the internet and look at WDW and dream of my next vacation. Show my kids pictures of where we are gonna stay. You have to ignore the negative stuff.

Opinions are like ... well you know how it goes everyone has one. I guess including me ......



Well-Known Member
I disagree with this opening post for several reasons.

1. The majority of the guests who visit Walt Disney World are not like us. They do not scour the internet every day for bits of useless information just to get their Disney Fix. They visit the parks, have a great time and then go home to their normal lives. The magic of Disney lives on in their minds, but they let it stay there so that when they come again it is magical again. The ratio of Disney guests to those who are addicts like us scouring the internet for every gleam of information is very small.

2. For those of us who love the parks, knowing how something works does not spoil the surprise for us. It makes it greater. Knowing all the secrets, I enjoyed the park in a slightly different way this last time, but I still had a magical time.

3. "It's not the World that is changing, it's the guests. No longer do they stay up nights anticipating that one magical vacation."

This is simply not true. I had not visited Disney since I was around 11 years old. I just had not had the finances or the time to do so. I had mentioned to my wife several times how much I had loved the place and it held some of the greatest memories of my young life. She surprised me with the trip. For weeks in advance I would get all giddy about going. I'd just jump up and down for no reason in anticipation. I stayed awake at night being excited. I dreamed about it. For all intents and purposes I was that little kid in the commercial who says "I'm too excited to sleep."


Active Member
billybluenose said:
If you don't like the song on the radio, turn it off.

Maybe you should retitle this thread "the Worst Thing to Happen to ME in Regards to Walt Disney World."


I have got to say this is one of the strangest thread topics I have read in a while. I agree with the person who requested Cliff Notes.:hammer:


Active Member
disney magic

:wave: And I'm the Grandma thats too excited to sleep!!!:lol: If you dont want to know whats going on.....turn off the Net. I need all this stuff to keep the magic alive for me when I cant be there. It sure doesnt ruin anything for me at all and never will. The more I know, the more I love. :sohappy:


Active Member
Doesn't ruin the magic for me. But magic is relative. It can have different meanings and variations to different people.

I think my magic is based on visuals. This site alerts me of many things to look at which I may have missed on my own.


New Member
I think that most of the people who download videos and audios are people who already visited the parks
Everybody should learn a little bit about the park before visiting
But only the minority is writing in such forums and downloading tons of gbs of disney stuff
If someone want to know exactly what's happen in each attraction, there's nothing wrong with it

I don't know about everyone, but I have no idea about what's going on in expedition everest
although I collect tons of stuff, I wouldn't like to ruin the new attractions to me
That's why I would like to say that the magic is still here
and this isn't close to be the worst thing to happen to wdw


Well-Known Member
The only thing I wish I had not done was read all the descriptions about Expedition Everest before I ride it. It would have been nice to be surprised by all the twists and turns, now I'll know what is happening before I ride it. But that will only effect the first ride appeal slightly.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot here are missing the primary point. It's not about planning for a trip, looking at pictures or being excited about a trip.

It's about those few that complain about everything, think they can do a better job and post negative issues for the world to see while trying to gain popularity. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP concerning this issue. The few who always want to write the negatives always do so where many will see it and push it further with the sensational "they destroy the magic" type headlines. It's a shame that someone always has to go in and say "it's a small detail among the millions of details property-wide and will be fixed as soon as possible" or "give them time to finish before bashing the new attraction." But, we'll continue to do so. :D

By the way, Enderikari, I love the "internet armchair imagineer" title and hope you'll allow me to use it in the future!


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I think some of the examples listed are a product of the jaded society that we are, and have to some extent, become. They hide behind the internet to voice their views, knowing that they never have to have a face-to-face confrontation about their postings. If they did, I often doubt they could win an argument because they can't think on their feet, because they can carefully choose their words, or check facts, before posting.

For me, it's still magical. In 2003, when we were walking down Main Street at park open, I had this goofy grin on my face and was nearly crying looking at the Castle, knowing all the memories this place holds for me (proposed to my wife in front of the Castle, for starters). I love riding Splash Mountain, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Tower of Terror.... I love experiencing rides with my kids for the first time, or the 20th time. I notice things that don't seem right, or where quality isn't what it used to be; I admit that. But those things are usually forgotten and I go back to enjoying the Magic - riding the TTA on a warm afternoon, or seeing a parade, or listening to the excitement in the voices of those that pass by as I sit on a bench and take it all in. As long as that Magic is still there, I'll be ok. If it ever stops being Magical, then I've lost my reason for going.


Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
The only thing I wish I had not done was read all the descriptions about Expedition Everest before I ride it. It would have been nice to be surprised by all the twists and turns, now I'll know what is happening before I ride it. But that will only effect the first ride appeal slightly.

It's a good thing'll know what to expect and won't create rediculously high expectations. I think you'll enjoy Everest more as a result of informing yourself. :D

As for some of the other stuff in this thread...

I don't know what anyone else thinks, but for me, the change vs. no change debates are getting old. Maybe everyone should agree to disagree and move's pointless, no one is going to change their views....


Well-Known Member
Shaman said:
It's a good thing'll know what to expect and won't create rediculously high expectations. I think you'll enjoy Everest more as a result of informing yourself. :D

As for some of the other stuff in this thread...

I don't know what anyone else thinks, but for me, the change vs. no change debates are getting old. Maybe everyone should agree to disagree and move's pointless, no one is going to change their views....

The easiest way to resolve this is to just everyone stop looking at Disney sites and you will never know any better.


Well-Known Member
bgraham34 said:
The easiest way to resolve this is to just everyone stop looking at Disney sites and you will never know any better.

I don't think it has to reach that point. :wave:


Premium Member
I do understand what you are saying, Enderikari, however, at the same time without the plethora of internet information available there are so many amazing things in WDW that I would have probably overlooked my entire life. Because of things I've learned online in the past couple years, I feel like I have experienced the wonder of Disney to the highest possible extent.

The "blind" magical trips of my childhood were special in their own way. But I wouldn't trade the knowlege I have now for anything. Most of my favorite things about WDW are things that I only knew existed because of the internet.

The internet in relation to WDW has it's pros and cons. And though sometimes members of websites such as this can get carried away on ridiculous things, personally I've found that informational Disney websites and this forum have only enhanced my experiences in the World. But then again, I am not one to be digging through Jim Hill's website because I prefer to ignore the "darker" side of Disney that supposedly exists. I'd rather be naive and see WDW as a perfect and magical place.


New Member
I can understand how this thread got started, but for me if I haven't experienced a new attraction yet, I simply don't watch the "on board" videos posted and try to stay away from so-called "spoilers".

I THOROUGHLY enjoy this site tho' and especially the forums area. I SO enjoy reading other peoples experiences and trip reports. I ESPECIALLY like those who just took their VERY FIRST WDW trip and are talking about it here...those are the most fun to read!!!

But, I suppose you must take the good with the bad, and there are some (not going to mention any member names) who seem to want to always see the negative side of things....such as degrading new rides or attractions...or degrading CM's, or complaining about this or that.....and then of course there are those who could always do it better than those brilliant Disney Imagineers (I guess they are SO much smarter than those Imagineers)....anyways, I guess what I'm getting at is this....the internet has brought a lot of folks together who share the same this case a shared interest in Walt Disney World and the Disney Company in general....and I just don't see how that can be viewed as a BAD thing??? Heck, I've even heard of folks in these forums planning their trips at the same time so they can meet and have fun together??? I've read so many posts from some members that I feel like their friends of mine!!!?? And that's (I guess) is what I'm saying...I feel the majority of the folks in here ARE my friends, because we share so much!!

Okay....getting off my soapbox now.....NOW can we all hold hands and sing -BA-YA!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
wannab@dis said:
I think a lot here are missing the primary point. It's not about planning for a trip, looking at pictures or being excited about a trip.

It's about those few that complain about everything, think they can do a better job and post negative issues for the world to see while trying to gain popularity. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP concerning this issue. The few who always want to write the negatives always do so where many will see it and push it further with the sensational "they destroy the magic" type headlines. It's a shame that someone always has to go in and say "it's a small detail among the millions of details property-wide and will be fixed as soon as possible" or "give them time to finish before bashing the new attraction." But, we'll continue to do so. :D

For the folks looking for the cliff's notes version of it, its right there, thanks for the summation...


Well-Known Member
The Disney magic for me increased 5 fold after I discovered this site. Learning about the engineering and history behind attractions and shows is a huge plus for me. I love how they make it all work - it's just incredible.

I'm of the opinion that you make your own magic and decide your own demeanor.

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances" - Martha Washington


You must remember that there are those who love Disney vacations very much but who cannot afford to visit as often as they like. I think those people really appreciate being able to log on to a web site and "visit". Not everyone is as lucky as you may be..

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