Active Member
As one who uses a PWC on a regular basis I find this comment very bigotted. Why should my means of mobility be banned or limited. I work fulltime and deserve to enjoy my vacation just as anyone else and if it means using a PWC so I am not in pain too bad. I'm still going to visit Disney.
Amen to that.
This is common sense. I even watch out for them and I am using a PWC. Some are just bad drivers. It takes time to learn to drive an ECV properly and safely. It also takes people that walk being aware of their surroundings and not short stopping and cutting closely in front of these mobility devices. Use good sense people. None of us are trying to run you over.
How do you determine who doesn't need an ECV or PWC? With HIPPA you cannot ask a person about their diagnosis or reason for use. Doctor's note can't be read. And what about those who own their own equipment like myself. Granted some people are rude. They would be rude on or off an ECV or PWC.
Btw people who use ECVs and PWCs do not view them as a vehicle. We view them as our feet. They get us where we need to go when I feet, knees and hips just won't do it. If we had a choice we would be walking just like you. It is no fun looking at people's rear ends all the time and being blocked at parades and fireworks shows as well as streetmosphere performances. And btw most of the handicapped places for the parades are in the sun (no shade) so we roast.
Also remember some ECV and PWC users may have a hearing loss as well so they aren't aware of you as you come up from behind them. They are unaware until you cut in front of them. Please don't crowd them. Give them a foot on each side and 3-5 feet in front if cutting in front of them. It is for your safety as well as ours.
I completely agree. And of course I never meant to imply that they should check. I am sure more than 75% of the people that use them do in fact need them, and of course I feel for them cause I can only imagine what it's like to be in that position where you can't walk. Now of course also, what I am about to say is not a general statement about EVERYONE who uses them. But just like those who walk, you are always going to get some idiots that don't know what they are doing or downright rude. Now I am also going to say I shouldn't even say idiots who don't know how to drive, but to be frank I do show MUCH respect for elders that are driving those. On the other hand I have seen NUMEROUS people who are just downright rude and obnoxious and clearly use it as a means to plow through people. I hope this post doesn't sound ignorant or rude.