The War Is Over.. Congrats Roy Disney

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Rayray said:
Maybe I am taking your post too heavily (and please inform me if I am), but I think you may attack the posters more than you attack their arguement. Bring out facts to credit your ideas and discredit the other side's ideas. Judgement of another debator (in this topic of discussion, at least) is not necessary.

Rayray.. that is all he can do is attack... Reminds me of Bush supports back during the election... All they could do is attack Kerry because not one was able to give anything positive about Bush's first 4 years as President. 3Circles must be getting ready for a political career....

Anyways, facts were presented about Eisner wanting to close animation, and so what if it came from Disneywar?? The facts were presented by the author who had inside access to Eisner.... And, others agree... The boards decision not to grant Roy an exception to the bylaws and let him stay on the board was in fact forcing him out....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Got this email today from not as others may want you to believe:

A Message from Roy E. Disney...
To all the faithful visitors to our site here at SaveDisney:

July 14, 2005 - First of all, please accept my most sincere thanks for your faith and trust in us, and for sticking with us through thick and thin during this campaign. You have been our biggest help in the tough times, and the good times... and there is no way to say "thank-you" any more sincerely than I do now.

It's been a while since last I wrote to you about how much nicer Disneyland has been looking lately, and as you probably know, a lot has happened in that time... maybe the single most important thing being that we here at SaveDisney have come to an agreement with the new management at the Walt Disney Company regarding our mutual relationship.

Accordingly, on August 7th, we will permanently close down this website... with regrets, of course, but also with the satisfaction that it has served its purpose... to inform and educate all of you about the future of the Disney legacy.

One result, which pleases me personally, and my family (which has endured these months alongside me), and of course Stanley Gold and many others here at Shamrock, is that I have been asked to rejoin the Company, as a Consultant, and as Director Emeritus, and to take part in whatever way I can help as a part of the Company, its art and its business. It is my intent to fully be a part of the Company again, to the best of my ability, and I can never fully describe what a joy it is that I will soon be re-connecting with so many friends - - from my past, from my present, and from my future.

There is so much more that can not be addressed here, but there are plenty of encouraging signs toward the future vision of the Walt Disney Company, visions that we share and have shared through these difficult times.

So for the moment, let me thank each of you and all of you for sharing your emotions and your ideas and your passion for what my Father and Uncle Walt created. Join with us as we enter into this new era, and its promise for a "great big, beautiful tomorrow."

On a purely personal note, I only hope than I can come close to living up to all your hopes and dreams, and maybe even play a part in creating some new dreams!
I don't think I've attacked anyone on this thread. If anything, I've responded in the same manner that others have responded to me.

You might want to read back through the thread and pay special attention to Lebeau's comments about how I'm a "Roy-basher". :lol:

Politics? Never! But I would agree with your description of W's supporters.
dxer07002 said:
Anyways, facts were presented about Eisner wanting to close animation, and so what if it came from Disneywar?? The facts were presented by the author who had inside access to Eisner.... And, others agree... The boards decision not to grant Roy an exception to the bylaws and let him stay on the board was in fact forcing him out....

Oh my... Here we go again with the "fact dodging!" :rolleyes:

Roy *resigned* from TWDC by his own decision. He was not forced out. He ***resigned***!



Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
So for the moment, let me thank each of you and all of you for sharing your emotions and your ideas and your passion for what my Father and Uncle Walt created. Join with us as we enter into this new era, and its promise for a "great big, beautiful tomorrow."

That part makes me sick. If you are so happy about us helping you "save" the comapny, go celebrate it.
Here's a quote direct from Roy's resignation letter to Eisner:

Roy of said:
It is with deep sadness and regret that I send you this letter of resignation from the Walt Disney Company, both as Chairman of the Feature Animation Division and as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Hmmm... Resignation...

*Runs for dictionary* ;)


1) Isn't it interesting that in the days and weeks before the agreement, Roy was attacking the board and the company and yet now that he has his job back, suddenly the company is going upwards now.

2) Finally, there will be no more SD after August 7th.

3) Retired or forced it really a big deal. Okay, had he waited longer, there was a 99% chance he would have been forced out. However, he chose to resign.



Well-Known Member
Right, :cool: .

Never-the-less, the Company is back on track. I think we shouldn't dwell on the past, especially the negative past. The future looks positive, I think we should be discussing that.


As much as I'd like to move on, there are some members here who keep asking for information to back things up. Here is a little information for those who need sources and evidence and facts.
All quotes taken directly from's letter "Do the Right Thing!" from Roy & Stan to the Board.

"Your actions since then have seriously eroded whatever faith we may have had in the way you are conducting the search. "
Hmmm, all of a sudden he has so much confidence in the company.

"In our view, Michael Eisner is incapable of honest self-evaluation without seeking to blame or vilify others."
Blatent attack on Mr. Eisner

"His choice of Bob Iger is nothing more than a ploy to hang onto power in some capacity and preserve his legacy. "
Not much confidence in Iger, hmmm.

"If the shareholders and cast members of The Walt Disney Company are ever again to have confidence in the Company's leadership, they need to know that their new CEO was chosen in circumstances that were open and candid, and that the Board fully investigated and considered the allegations made against Bob Iger in DisneyWar."
And yet now that he is back in the company everything is all fine and dandy. He is "showing confidence" in the company now, yet nothing else has changed? Interesting.

"Unfortunately, when it comes to selecting a new CEO, high standards don't seem to be on the Board's agenda."
Once again, his confidence in Iger is outstanding. :)



New Member
askmike1 said:
1) Isn't it interesting that in the days and weeks before the agreement, Roy was attacking the board and the company and yet now that he has his job back, suddenly the company is going upwards now.
Also every carrot you eat brings you nearer to death! Proof is that nearly all sick people have eaten carrots and 99% of all those who die from cancer have eaten carrots.

askmike1 said:
...and yet now that he has his job back,...
Roy Disney does not have his job back with TWDC.


Woody13 said:
Roy Disney does not have his job back with TWDC.
Sorry, he has a job back with the WDC. He is Director Emeritus and a Consultant (according to his letter). Here are 3 definitions for the word Job...
1) a piece of work
2) something done for private advantage
3) something that has to be done...a specific duty, role, or function

All 3 seem to fit what Roy's doing.


Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
That part makes me sick. If you are so happy about us helping you "save" the comapny, go celebrate it.

I agree he should be at the celebration.. But, he made a decision.. I am sure you have made decisions in your life that you now regret making... Maybe he will regret racing his yacht instead of going to the celebration.. Hey, just like YOU, he can make decisions as well... But, I do agree with you, he should be there...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
Right, :cool: .

Never-the-less, the Company is back on track. I think we shouldn't dwell on the past, especially the negative past. The future looks positive, I think we should be discussing that.

Again I agree with you


New Member
askmike1 said:
Sorry, he has a job back with the WDC. He is Director Emeritus and a Consultant (according to his letter). Here are 3 definitions for the word Job...
1) a piece of work
2) something done for private advantage
3) something that has to be done...a specific duty, role, or function

All 3 seem to fit what Roy's doing.

It is a very common practice in the corporate world to "promote" dead wood to the role of "Director Emeritus" and "Consultant". The entire idea behind this concept is to get them out of the way so real work can be accomplished. So it is with Roy Disney and so it has been done.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
askmike1 said:
1) Isn't it interesting that in the days and weeks before the agreement, Roy was attacking the board and the company and yet now that he has his job back, suddenly the company is going upwards now.

Ok, let me explain this to you.... TWDC and Roy came to an AGREEMENT... He would pull the lawsuit and stop attacking the company... while he gets some time that really doesn't mean anything... They agree that Roy and Stan would now back the company and push forward with the future... I dont know how much you know about business, but, stuff like this happens all the time... Prime example: Roger Clemens, while pitching for Toronto and hitting Yankees batters, was called a Yankee headhunter on many occasions by Joe Torre.. When Clemens came to pitch for the Yankees and hit Piazza in the head, Torre suddenly changed his tune with Clemens and says OHH CLEMENS IS NOT A HEADHUNTER.. So, what is Clemens? A headhunter or not??

Same thing here.. Roy attacks the board, Eisner, whatever... TWDC and ROy talk, come to an agreement, and POOF.. Roy backs the company... It is called BUSINESS.... That's all...


Well-Known Member
dxer07002 said:
I agree he should be at the celebration.. But, he made a decision.. I am sure you have made decisions in your life that you now regret making... Maybe he will regret racing his yacht instead of going to the celebration.. Hey, just like YOU, he can make decisions as well... But, I do agree with you, he should be there...

Yeah, I have made bad decisions, but he could realize his mistake and go to DL.


New Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
I have to admit, Iger has suprised me.

Going back to Roy not attending DL on the 17th for a bit. It shows me that he has no respect for his father and uncle (half or not). If my uncle and father helped build something that affected America, and it was celebrating it's 50th. I would be there, regardless of who else would be there. There will be 49,999 other people there!!
Roy is going to compete in the 2005 Transpacific Yacht Race in part because he won't have to suffer the full embarrassment of his stunning loss to TWDC. By the time he gets back from his normal racing duties, this entire humiliating episode he created will be old news. Roy talks the talk, but he has never walked the walk. He's one of the richest men in the world. If anyone ever thought that Roy or Stan ever had the best interests of TWDC in their plan, then you are naive and sadly mistaken.


dxer07002 said:
Ok, let me explain this to you.... TWDC and Roy came to an AGREEMENT...
Point is though that if he trully felt those bad things he said (and not just about being associated with the company again), he would not have made that agreement.

Yeah, I have made bad decisions, but he could realize his mistake and go to DL.
Exactly. There are still 3 days left. Regret cannot happen until after the event passed. (After all, where there is a will, there is a way)

By the time he gets back from his normal racing duties, this entire humiliating episode he created will be old news.
Maybe among the media, but not among sites like this.

If anyone ever thought that Roy or Stan ever had the best interests of TWDC in their plan, then you are naive and sadly mistaken.
I agree.

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