Now that I’ve had my morning Starbucks xanex mocha…
…it’s like madlibs…I love it!
PR…and you know that. Giving the perception of investment to promote sales while not intending to foot the bill. Something that has increased in occurrence…like a lot
Actually I probably think too much.
So if we have a pattern of announcements with no intent to complete - sorry “cancellations” - what exactly do you call it? It’s not the money…and it’s surely not the lack of need…
So I call it a lie. You can call it “strategic disinenginuity” if that sounds more artificulate?
We got a nice stack of these piling up in recent years. And it’s gone further. Instead of announce and cancel…now they have geekcons where they just say they’re THINKING about it
What a world, huh?
Or…you can just say the management is incompetent and pooches this. I can accept that and retract my “lie” label.