Originally posted by MKCustodial
Exactly. There's nobody putting the US down. Someone asked for other countries opinions, and we're giving them. I'm sorry if the Brazilian opinion annoys you, or if you don't agree with it, but we happen to be suffering with all this. Now that the war against Iraq is becoming a war for oil, we're seeing dolar rates going throught the roof ang gas prices going up. Sure, the US did help with the war, and is the biggest world power out there and all that, but if you guys can't accept other countries opinions and analize your own situation with a critical eye, I guess we should just drop this discussion.
And one other thing. I think it's funny how acellis says we'd all be speaking German if it wasn't for the US (like you guys fought alone), but you don't seem to remember that the US itself funded and trained the Afghans on the war with the Russinas; or how you decide to "interfere" on some trouble going on in Vietnam (and we all know how that ended); or how about the problem in Colombia?
So all I'm saying is you should look at both sides of the matter. Sure, "chest-thumping" is good, and everybody should be proud of their countries, but I THINK putting other people down is just wrong...