The stupidest thing in all of WDW

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Aaaaaand the grand prize goes to..............

The sensors in Mickey's house. HOw incredibly stupid, they don't fit in with the house at all.

Coming into a close second....

"If you listen really closely you can even hear her singing to John Smith
::pochahantas breaks into song in a painstakingly obvious way::"
THey really oughta put speakers into the woods to play the singing bit, make it kinda faint, ya know? Or maybe redo the Native American scene (It's getting kinda dated) to Pochahontas. heh, wait till I run Disney! :lol: :D :lookaroun

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert
"If you listen really closely you can even hear her singing to John Smith
::pochahantas breaks into song in a painstakingly obvious way::"
THey really oughta put speakers into the woods to play the singing bit, make it kinda faint, ya know? Or maybe redo the Native American scene (It's getting kinda dated) to Pochahontas.

Heh, I don't know about you, but I find that part hilarious!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I think it's halarious too! No one seems to understand that it's a JOKE!!!!!!!! Hellooooooooooooooooo!! Anyone home? Think McFly, think!

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Cindy Rella
What sensors?

The little motion sensors up in the corner of each room so that if you lean too far over the little fence, an alarm goes off. No cast members come in to investigate, so it's really a stupid thing to have, IMHO.


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DisneyExpert
Aaaaaand the grand prize goes to..............

The sensors in Mickey's house. HOw incredibly stupid, they don't fit in with the house at all.

Well they didnt have sensor's in the house but people would jump into mickeys bedroom/livingroom/ect to take pictures. Also people would also go and break/"borrow" things in the rooms. So Mickey was not to happy about that so they had to install the sensors

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: The stupidest thing in all of WDW

Originally posted by hmppan

Well they didnt have sensor's in the house but people would jump into mickeys bedroom/livingroom/ect to take pictures. Also people would also go and break/"borrow" things in the rooms. So Mickey was not to happy about that so they had to install the sensors

But why? All it does is set off an "alarm" that only rings for like 3 seconds, no Cast Members come in to check it out, they serve absolutely no purpose. If tourists can stand the buzzing, they can still take pictures of Mickey's house and/or break stuff.


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
well if someone jumps the scene then the sensor doesnt shut off like it does when you stick your arm into the room. If you go into the room then the sensor just keeps on beeping. So if it doesnt shut off right away then we know to go look to see if something is out of the norm.


New Member
Re: Re: Re: The stupidest thing in all of WDW

Originally posted by DisneyExpert

But why? All it does is set off an "alarm" that only rings for like 3 seconds, no Cast Members come in to check it out, they serve absolutely no purpose. If tourists can stand the buzzing, they can still take pictures of Mickey's house and/or break stuff.


I guess it scares people off.:)

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by hmppan
well if someone jumps the scene then the sensor doesnt shut off like it does when you stick your arm into the room. If you go into the room then the sensor just keeps on beeping. So if it doesnt shut off right away then we know to go look to see if something is out of the norm.

Ah. Well, one must admit that they could have been hidden just a tad bit better. They are so obvious, just sitting in the corners of the room, and they have no "Cartoon" feel to them at all. They're the kind of thing that I look at and think "Bad Show". And do they really have to be noisy? Couldn't they be configured so that if someone breaks the beam, it triggers a silent alarm that maybe buzzes some kind of beeper device on the CM. If the buzzing goes on for too long, they could go check it out without disturbing a guest's visit with that awful ringing. I really hate going thru Mickey's house and everytime someone sticks their arm in a room, that stupid things sets off (Which is generally like every 6 seconds) :rolleyes: JUst my two sense.


Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
im not saying they are themed great or not anoying b/c they are but you have to remember that toontown is not considered "permeant" so .....but beam is a good idea and alot of CMs have suggested it and other things but its very hard to get anything done in toontown compared to anywhere else in MK


New Member
I think instead, it would be a good idea to have a high powered laser beam, that would sever anyone's arm, if they reached over the rail.

Man, in California, you can sit in mickey's chair, watch his TV, and do anything you want. Pretty sad that Minnie's house is actually cooler than Mickey's down here. I don't like to compare the two parks much, because there are totally different circumstances surrounding each of them. But, what I wouldn't do for a real Toontown at WDW. The fair thing is feeble at best.:brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by kane
I think the castle should go.Put like a teepee or an igloo there.
Ooo... Great Idea Kane! They could change the name from the Magic Kingdom to the Magic Arctic if they put an igloo there, and their motto would be "Freeze your buns off in Florida!"
Yeah! Right on! Hehe....


Well-Known Member
for me its the.....well its not really stupid stupid...but I hate it when there is some type of blockage in the middle of the know so many peoplewant to go through there and its a quick way to fantasy and fronteir land! its can be a pain sumtimes.......but I guess u learn to live with it!


Well-Known Member
nothing is really stupin in MY opinion, because its a sin in my Disney religion, but some things are a little weird. Pocahontas is HILARIOUS. I cant help laughing.... And the girl at the end of Spaceship Earth, and too many people at Splash Mountain....

Ok Ive said too much :zipit:



New Member
...Several years ago, some teens were signing their names on the wall in the bedroom of Minnie's house...I asked them very nicely, ahem, to stop and they complied willingly...

...stupid things?...........all those health freaks that love buying that $2 bottled water and then mixing it with ice made from tap water.

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