Hey, remember me? I want to thank all the MAGICal folks who have sent notes and/or asked others about my prolonged absence from this forum. It does mean a lot that folks care since we do live in a cold, sometimes impossibly to fathom (Pakistan school attack) cruel world.
As many of you know, my uncle passed away quite unexpectedly in September and the fall has just been a series of disasters culminating in a life threatening illness involving one of my parents. It has been touch and go at times and while this place has been a great stress reliever often in the past, I'm just so lacking in energy and can't ... or won't devote it going back and forth over things that while I'm passionate about really don't amount to a great deal in the bigger picture.
That's largely why you haven't seen me here. I can't even say I've done much lurking. ... It's sorta like loving food until you get sick and then the thought of eating anything makes you worse.
I guess what I am saying is that I am not going to be a regular member of this community anymore. I wish it were due to other circumstances, but it is what it is.
I am debating starting one last thread before I go off into the ether because in the midst of all the madness I recently spent a week on the Disney Fantasy (can't praise it enough) and another week at WDW and UNI with my favorite gal (Angie M.), a very high level German official

I do have some news (nothing huge, but interesting nonetheless) and observations I'd like to get out and I won't be working at all until 2015 so ... we'll see if I can muster the interest. Guess I have some or I wouldn't be here typing this now.
Some quick thoughts though:
WDW was at least moderately busy when I was there at most parks (mostly MK and EPCOT at CP time). UNI was NOT. The UNI fanbois can crow about the quality of the product and they are right. But at both UNI/IOA EVERY attraction had waits listed at 20 minutes or less and were all essentially walk-ons ... yes, that included all the Potter attractions in each park. That was not the case at WDW. Fact.
Fat lazy people in ECVs who prevent handicapped children from getting on buses in 45 degree weather make me ill. I spent an entire bus ride from WL to MK trying to shame these worthless dregs because one of my big personality flaws is I care about what's right.
I want to live in St. John if I have to remain in the USA.
The fried chicken at the HDDR must be coated in pixie dust because it is amazing.
Meg retiring next summer. Georgie K spotted in Burbank and Paris in the last week. Yes, I am worried.
Illuminations really does have new lasers.
Enjoy the Ozzy and Sharon Lightacular while you can.
Apologies to my friends in O-Town who I didn't contact. I have limited time with Angie and meeting up this time just wasn't in the cards with a few exceptions.
Anyway, going to think about a real thread and see if I am up for it ... but please enjoy discussing politics here in light of the Sony decision.
Besides, Disney is already looking into options in Cuba and remember this post in five years. Really!