The Sorcerer's Apprentice Season 8: Magic Journeys


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the battle of Pepperland
God, it even has a pyramid!

Earlie the Pearlie

Well-Known Member
I literally just searched “Disneyland Brazil.” I can’t link it right now because I’m in mobile, but it wasn’t too hard to find.

Architectural Guinea Pig

Well-Known Member
In the Parks


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Well, I'm leaving on my Scary Farm trip early Tuesday so I'm gonna just have to push to get as much done as I can in the two days I have. I really wanted to work on this more throughout the week but real life family issues are kind of hitting me from multiple different points. It's good to know I at least have an extra day. I'm most likely just going to do a forum post for my presentation. Why bother trying to change what I'm familiar with ;) I wanted to do slides and probably could if I had the full time. Before I start presenting my pavilion, I'd like to make a few notes about my game this season.

I'm not going to lie, in spite of my rather low key "small but significant contributions" mantra, I went into this season with one goal and one goal only...I really, REALLY wanted the win. I got close in season six, but once I went head to head against Hulk in the finals designing a park that was tailor made for his skill set I knew runner up was the best I was going to get and was proud when I got there. With that in mind, my drive to win is absolutely what's caused me to have my moments of intensity and self deprecation throughout the season. We'd probably have to crunch the actual numbers, but I'm pretty sure as far as win/lose ratio with teams I'm in dead last out of the finalists. I think generally speaking being too tied up in how the other teams MIGHT top what I was currently working on was definitely my Achille's Heel this season.

You've all been awesome navigating these moments, but I'd still one more time would like to personally apologize for it. I've had some pretty intense real life stuff happening in the background as well which made the sheer escapism that is this game take on way bigger stakes in my mind than they probably should have. I'm proud of the game I've played this season. I think I've mostly stuck to my "small but significant contributions" mantra while poking my head out for more grand scale projects when the time came for it. Splatoon is both one of the Imagineering things I'm most proud of in my career and also very much THE most difficult thing I've ever written. The balance of how much deep cut lore to include without it being overwhelming to people not familiar with the franchise was honestly a personal hell I dealt with the entire time I was doing that write up, to the point where I was borderline panicking when Space was writing his reviews over the possibility of a lot of it going over his head.

A part of me was definitely thrown off when I realized there'd be so many people in the finals, and it was that moment that my aspirations for realistically winning kind of went out the window. You're all incredibly talented and CERTAINLY leaps and bounds better than me from a presentation and art level. Not trying to put myself down, but I think I'm at the age where my drawing skills are about as good as they're going to get and it's been a long running joke how much of a tech boomer I am when it comes to working my way through any kind of non-forum post presentation style. So with all that in mind especially with the time I'll be missing out on with my trip I just wanted to say I'm going to be proud of the game I played no matter where I end up placing.

There's been times with my personal life stuff this week where I've been REALLY tempted to just throw in the towel early and go into full vacation prep mode for the week, but I don't want to cut my game short. While I certainly don't think I'm going to be the winner, I'm absolutely curious just how far I can place within this incredibly talented pool of finalists and just not submitting anything would pretty much put a waste to all the blood sweat and literal tears I've already put into this season. I really like the ideas I have for my pavilion but much like pretty much everything I've taken a leadership role on part of me thinks it's too niche, so that's definitely going to be a challenge when it comes to writing the damn thing. I can already tell you I'm having virtually the exact same "how much lore do I actually put into this for someone who might be a total newcomer" problem I had with Splatoon on my Gorillaz E Ticket. (Gorillaz! My Chemical Romance Parade! Daft Punk Lazer show! Tell me you were a teenager in the 2000s without telling me you were a teenager in the 2000s :p )
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Well-Known Member
Happy to report I'm actually wrapping my head around using Slides! My current plan is to have most of the written stuff done by the time I leave on my trip and use the rest of the time to plus up the visual components and formatting on my phone. This is definitely helping in the self motivation department! :)

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